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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Most important:

    With an LMG on a bipod you usually fire short bursts of 3-5 rounds, while with a HMG on tripod you fire much longer bursts of 20-50 rounds. the tripod enables the gunner to fire much longer bursts with much higher accuracy.

    The numbers are from my training with MG3, which is similar to the MG42 albeit with a slower ROF.

  2. I really wanted to insult Seanachai, just because I can.

    But after reading his latest post on the GF in Slappy's thread I simply can't.

    I'll therefore insult my mint plant instead.

    While I'm at it I could insult Mace, too. Mint plants and Aussies are almost on the same evolution level anyway. Although my mint plant at least has personality. And personality goes a long way.

    Good news: Dalem has not surrendered yet. I might have the pleasure of blowing up a couple of his Panzers first. Go me!

  3. Originally posted by Dschugaschwili:

    Nine mortars in one place? And your opponent didn't guess where they were located and drop some arty there after the first fire mission?


    Since we played on a large map with lots of hills, providing dozens of possible locations that was pretty much out of the question.
  4. A HQ (platoon, company or bataillon) can spot for mortars when the mortars are within command range of the HQ. That means your mortars can stay behind ridge, out of LOS of enemy units whily the HQ spots for them, meaning you can target your mortars everywhere your HQ has LOS to, without exposing them.

    In a recent TCP/IP game I had a mortar park of 9x60mm mortars, with a HQ spotting for them.

    9x60mm mortars, every team with 50-60 HE rounds... smile.gif

  5. Ugh...does that mean I can actually challenge you to FEAR THE WRATH of my romanian paratroopers as they secure...secure...some... PATCH OF WOODS!?

    Edit: I'm drunk and currently listenig to Fame. Send me a setup or I'll do something horrible to my spearmint plant.

    [ May 18, 2004, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  6. Oh Boy.

    I'm mightily pissed off.

    With the world, my professor, the likes of whom should have been extinct by superior life-forms like, green slime, AEONS ago; the nitwits posting on the GF board who wouldn't make it to the semi-finals in the "how the world works" competition in a kindergarten for the mentally challenged, because their logic and analytical skills are comparable to the shrimp salad I had for dinner.

    I'm so pissed off that stepping into this Cesspool and looking at this sorry arrangement of society's throw-offs actually makes me feel better. Almost.



    PS: I'm still thinking about a proper insult for Lars. But looking at his posts it seems like life forestalled me there...

  7. Originally posted by jrrich0000:

    Also, a ME does NOT mean that the two forces do not know there is an enemy approaching, not if the commander and higher headquarters are doing their jobs. An ME takes place where forces know enemy is in the vicinity but have not localized them, and there is an objective to be seized. Otherwise, proper tactics would be to halt and form a Hasty Defence and send out patrols/scouts.

    I agree with that, that's how I seee the tactical situation presented in a meeting engagement.

    But then, since I pretty much only play scenarios, the problems of picking certain rules for a balanced, fair fight are way beyond me anyway...

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