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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Originally posted by Günzel for Kanzler:

    The location note, thats where I live.

    Its sort of a banana republic, occupied by enemy forces since 59 years. That does not mean troops alone, but rater secret service-facilities, half- and topsecret enslavement laws/contracts negotiated with "german" politicians, Mossad with an own agency and totally free to operate without informing german intelligence police or whatever,

    Echelon, and the like. Theres way more to that, but to people who dont dig into that this strongly contradicts their beliefs about todays germany being a free country.

    Ok, that just confirms by suspicion, thanks.
  2. After playing CM since the beta demo I really can't support your claims. HE, especially 105mm and bigger is absolutely deadly against infantry.

    Keep in mind what Joachim has pointed out: the little soldier figures in CM are only a grafical representation of a squad that in reality is dispersed and not lumped together. And CM models this.

    I'd be interested in the results of your tests since I sincerely doubt they will show the 'ineffectiveness' of large HE rounds.

    BTW what does the "besetztes deutsches Reich" as location in your profile mean ?

  3. Originally posted by Europa:

    With the unit delays in CM speed and manouver is overrated. It can be used I admit but one needs to be lucky in the extreme, or have and idiot opponent. That sounded harsh... Sorry... How do you do it then? The speed and manouver thing I mean?

    Guess you never used Hellcats to zip around Stugs then. When fighting against german armour I ALWAYS try to use speed and maneuver in conjunction with artillery providing smokescreens to get into favourable positions.

    If your opponent relies on Stugs or tanks with slow gun traverse, speed and maneuvre is indeed your best friend.

  4. Why do you fell you got burned? You bought two great games that are both well worth their price and will keep you playing for a long time.

    It's not that you got ripped off for some low-quality product. Sure, you would have saved a few bucks if you had bought this Anthology collection but through your purchase you made sure the BFC guys have the ressources to continue to provide us with outstanding games.

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