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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Therefore ... The SSN known as Parebellum (spelt but not bolded) is now and shall be considered a Serf of the CessPool.

    I somehow feel like I stumbled into a Bangkok brothel to check the gasometer and left with a dozen veneral diseases.

    An official serf of the mutha beautiful thread... Do I have to feel proud now or should I call for my lawyer?


    OK. Now I have to challenge someone. Not a kniggit, if I understood correctly.

    How about that heterosexual commie pinko lesbian from that god-forsaken little country which WE always stumble upon on our way to invade France, whose biggest mountain is a garbage dump and whose citizens each day pray for a BIG flood to relieve them of their suffering of being Belgians?

    That would be you, Sturmi.

    And since Michael Emrys quoted me somewhere on the first page I'll challenge him as well. Wait, he actually quoted me twice. That means he either

    a.) appreciates my subtle humour

    b.) is a wanker

    Since I don't know him I'd vote for b.

    Michael, Sturmy I hereby challenge you to to a fierce battle involving sharp sticks, things that go *boom* and funny cars with tracks. If you're interested, send me a setup. Sturmi, DON'T send me any pics of you in fancy underwear.

    Michael, please don't send me pics of Sturmy in fancy underwear either.

    If you decline I shall kill my neighbour's hamster and continue to insult my rubber plant.

    I need to take a shower now.

    [ May 06, 2004, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  2. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    I've always wanted to spend an evening with you, Parabellum, sipping a fine wine, exchanging slow smiles, and, just before the dessert was served, while looking deeply into your eyes, tell you that...

    I've stopped reading your post here. Then I put on something more comfortable, dimming the lights.

    Do you presume to come in here and tell me that you are, somehow, more afraid of the General Forum than you are of the Peng Challenge Thread?

    Actually I just came here to call you a wanker.

    Sadly, this was much more of a coherent statement than the gist of what I've recently read from some people.

    But, in a response to your obvious, if obscurely European, cry for aid, I've begun the first in a series of: Peng Challenge Thread Sponsored threads whose tone is 'Hey, remember when posting didn't involve demanding that everyone look at your penis before you shuffled off to fit it with special fighting gear that would allow you to dick it out with anyone who might happen to disagree with you?'

    That sounds like a fine idea. You're still a wanker though.

    Parabellum, you daft bugger. Did you post simply to remind us that there was a time in history when people could simply say: 'Hey, that Parabellum bastard. I want to give him a right kicking!'

    If so, how refreshing.

    I really just wanted to call you a wanker.

    On the other hand, I've never thought a time would come where the senseless banter of the Peng thread would compare to the discussions in the GF like a lecture on greek philosophy to someone smearing poo onto the walls of his padded cell. Not that smearing poo onto the walls of one's padded cell is a bad thing in itself...

    I'm so depressed I think I should cut my wrists. Thinking of it again I think I should cut your wrists.

    EDIT: somehow, the thought of Seanachai sitting in his padded cell, poo smeared onto the walls, his wrists cut, cheers me up a bit.

    [ May 06, 2004, 05:07 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  3. Originally posted by McAuliffe:

    I always advocated, that the actions on the eastern front were not suitable to be simulated in a company-level and tactical game and that the terrain was most of the time too boring to pose any challenge. Best tactics were reduced to a head on and hope for the best.

    I think you definately should brush up your knowledge of tactical fighting on the eastern front. ;)
  4. Infantry squads with 50+kills are nothing unusual, especially if they are veteran troops with lots of automatic weapons defending against less trained enemies.

    I've had tanks with 100+infantry kills, single 105mm howitzers with 80-100 kills and, most notably, a two-man tank-hunter team with 35 kills.

    And a heavy arty FO with less than 100 kills is a waste of points anyway... ;)

  5. The best way of surviving arty bombardement is to not get caught in it.

    To achieve this:

    1.) Move your infantry so that your enemy can't see them. What he can't see he can't hit. Use smoke for covering large distances over open ground.

    2.) Stay away from obvious approaches to a VL. A stretch of woods leading to a VL will probably have a TRP set right on top of if your opponent is at least somewhat clever.

    3.) Lure the enemy to expend his arty on a faint attack then strike with your main force. A smoke barrage is a good way to mislead the enemy. This works well on the defense, too. Make the enemy target your weak forward positions with his arty and keep your MLR intact.

    4.) On the defense: STAY AWAY FROM VLs! You don't want to have a company wiped out by a pre-planned 155mm barrage.

    4.) 75, 76 and 81mm calibre suppresses, not kills infantry. 120mm mortars are EXTREMELY dangerous, due to their fast reaction time, high ROF and good blast radius. If you get caught by them severy losses are guaranteed.

    5.) Your best insurance against heavy arty is to KEEP MOVING.

  6. It's been that way since CMBO.

    Since the AI can't use assault boats you can't select single player and let the AI play the side with the assault boats.. No glitch, no bug, a simple engine limitation.

    BTW it's even mentioned in the manual.

    [ March 30, 2004, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  7. BFC have stated repeatedly in the past that their interest in the Pacific war is low. I'd personally like to see a western front game, 1940-45, which is then expanded to the eastern front/africa as it has been with CM.

    Much better grafics, dynamic lighting (including night battles with spotlights and battle field illumination), better arty modelling, restricting Borg spotting, vehicle formations (including a "follow" order for road marches), better infantry modelling, deformable landscape including trees that can be smashed by arty fire, mannable bunkers and fortifications, map-editing in 3d-view, pictures in briefings and a hundred other things...


    Just some thoughts.

    [ March 30, 2004, 12:07 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  8. Hmm, I think Treeburst has a point here.

    In a quick test I had 4 soviet infantry squads surround a Pz IVG and toss Molotovs at it. I replayed the test and counted dozens of hits until the tank finally succumbed. Without Molotovs, by only using grenades the tank was dead after only a fraction of the hits needed by the Molotovs previously.

    SO, where's my turn?

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