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Everything posted by Holien

  1. What an eventful day. It is midnight here and I can go to bed with a wry smile. Great game JK. We both could have done better and we both did well in certain areas. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. But honestly mate we have both won in this game as we had a good laugh and enjoyed the sport of moaning about our misfortunes to one another and whoever bothered to read this. If you remember the film Zulu I leave you with the image at the end when the Zulus beaten but still proud salute the defenders by singing a tribal song and leave the field to the victors. I am sure your men will be singing as they leave the field in search of the nearest medical post. Cheers I salute you. (I have finished my bottle of JD so it will have to be grouse, quite appropriate really). H
  2. Could I implore a contact number or two from anyone going on the marrow? I will be wizzing down the M40 to Beaconsfield and hence by BR to the allotted spot. If some one could send me their mobile number in case I am delayed then I can locate you. My home e-mail is Holien@BTinternet.com I am in all tonight and will e-mail back that I have received such a number. I will check this thread before I leave on the marrow for any updates. Bear in mind that London hosts the Rugby on Saturday and it will be a tad crowded around Twickenham in the buildup to the 3pm Kick Off. Catch you chaps on Saturday. H
  3. George the turn is on the way to you... The second battle of XX has started and no winner has been found just yet. JK I have sent the turn to you and will say nothing. Down the wire all the way. I await your awakenings in Sunny California. Here in dim England the log fires are burning as we snuggle up to watch the next installment of BoB and sit down and eat our dinners. PC is fired up and waiting any responses. H
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Olduvai: Glad I checked this. Holien, I erroneously sent our latest turn to El Schahin on 11/14. Resent to you this morning, sorry!<hr></blockquote> Great News!!! I hope all is OK. H
  5. Nice to hear some comments from the other victims. I feel we may have enough to launch a class suit against WB. 1.5 hours and counting before I see what awaits me.. H P.s. I hope JK is finally getting some sleep!!
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: Just for the record, is a mirror game is when you and your opponent play the same scenario from different sides, but at the same time? And what is the difference between blind and double blind and what exactly do they mean? I assume double blind means both players only know they're own units and deploy zones and not their opponents?<hr></blockquote> Yep to Mirror. Blind is when your opponent knows the setup but you don't or vice versa. Double Blind is when both of you have no idea about the setup or when things will happen. These games are the only way to go for sheer terror. WB is a master of these as you think you will be wiped and then in the nick of time (or not) you get some more men. H
  7. Hey WB I really do hope we can give you a small smidgen of pleasure from our antics on this BB. After all you have given so much pleasure (painful at times) to us. JK has sent the last turn and it sits in my mailbox waiting for me to get home. He has given me no idea on how it went and all I can do is sweat at the thought of what awaits me. He has however continued his moaning and made me giggle. I have sent the latest turn to Tom and my little "Souris" are yanking the tail of his large "Chats". Several tails have been detached and some of my "Souris" munched. My "Aigles" have swooped several times and managed to snatch a few things in their talons, I just hope my "Souris" can stay out of their sight. I think we have about 6 turns to go before we rest and assess the situation. It has been a bit of a stalemate and these next few turns could see me lose it or win it as I am working the angles. George has not responded in awhile and I know he has some big issues to deal with so I wait quietly for him to continue our game. This has 15 or so turns to go and he has been given several boots and I am desperately stuffing books down my trousers to protect my backside. Those trees are a moving to the thunder of his reinforcements. Ahh well back to work more tonight when I get home.. H
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: Is that based on your studies of WWII or just your own speculation?<hr></blockquote> Of course my own wild speculation which is founded on years of talking bollocks in an authoritative manner. I see you did not argue with my second point you murderous gun waving yob. Good job you are in Sweden and not coming to London on Saturday. I kinda like my groin as does my beloved. H
  9. Hmmm I think those pictures should do it. Insanity that is.... Will be there on Saturday wearing a green fleece and looking 6ft 3" Tall with a full head of hair and manly looks. Anyway I will make myself known.. Cheers H
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by aka PanzerLeader: I recently read a book about the SS Freiwilligen Legion "Flandern" and I clearly remember an episode where the Russians were preparing a massive attack and a company commander, desperate to get info (because he had experience of Russian maskirovka measures), asked a patrol to go out and get some Russian prisoners. The 5 man patrol approached the Russian lines at night (and thick fog too I believe), sneaked close to an isolated guard and KOed him with a rifle's butt. Then they dragged the body back to German lines. The patrol lost 1 man and another was wounded in the process.<hr></blockquote> I don't doubt all of these types of missions but did they get anything useful? I doubt it. Will it be modelled in future releases? Nope. I will bet money on that. H
  11. Move it or Lose It!!! You can play this multiple times and it will not play the same. I suggest playing it blind as it is serious fun blind. South of Sword is also good and provides some interesting challenges. H
  12. Warning Warning do not be fooled by the protestations of JK. He has the boot... Occhhhh!!!! I will be lucky to sneak a draw on this one. While he has lost a fair few men he has made up for it on vehicles which I have used poorly and now he has ammo and I have none. My fists are not strong enough and soon the flags will fall. Anyway the turn has been sent back and we have 3 to do and I am truly sweating. Who knows how this will end. WB has balanced this well, or we have both played well and badly at times. So I am sure JK will take back all his complaints if he wins this!! Anyway work calls... H
  13. Bugger the Australians woke up... Ahh well at least it has been contained. As for men not using the damn weapons my Missues has heard me shout many a time fire damn you fire. JK got off lightly the other night as I did the run close and pray routine on one of his little buggers. Not a single poop. Eventually the man with it died and I had to scurry back with a depleted squad. How I resolve this type of thing in my mind is that the chap with it is not in the right position or right frame of mind to use it. Bear in mind those men are spread out and might not all have view to the target, or even want a view of the target. So in my recent example my men ran into the house. The chap with the toy ran into the basement and hid until the sarge got him out and then they died just as they were getting ready to use it. I must say however I have had some great success with Vets, Elite and Crack in the most difficult of situations. Anyway just paint the picture in your mind of the situation portrayed and you can resolve anything this game does. H
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kingfish: You wuss. I bet you had the misses kill that mole for you. Too afraid to walk out in the backyard, are we?<hr></blockquote> ROFL Look some men are born fighters and some are born luvers.... I fall into the second category.... So sod off and go and eat a fish or sumfink..... H
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: No way! We are flabby and soft. They were... they were...(splutter)... they were tougher somehow. They ate MARMITE for chrissakes.<hr></blockquote> Look don't go the Marmite route as the damn Aussies will bring out the vegimite. It is a good job they are asleep at the moment and will likely miss this thread. So folks please move on nothing to eat here!!! H
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: Stick a revolver into his groin, load him onto the lead tank and say 'tell us where the AT guns are, we start driving forwards in 5 minutes' and you're going first.<hr></blockquote> Ahhh the man who knows what sort of prisoner he has and is sure he knows the answer. LOL What you did not know before driving away was the man knew how to cook and that was pretty much all he knew. Well done.... H
  17. I agree with all of the above points and would ask that you remember the troops in WWII are not as trained profesionals troops you see today. Today professional armies have years and years of training. WWII those trained men had mostly (not all) been taken in combat and were spread thinly. Someone with more facts in their head will give the time in basic before being shipped to the front for the one the job training. It would be like having yourself there after a brief period of training. I shut my eyes when using a blank firing pistol in a simulated combat situation where I can not possibly die. If I could be killed I am not sure how I would hold it together. Soldiers in WWII were like me and you, look around your work place and ask if your workmates would be any good fighting for their lives? What CM and all the games model (or try to model) is nothing to the sheer terror of the situation we ask our pixels to fight through and demand to know why they fail. H
  18. Ok Ok I am practising my singing now, but the lads in the office don't think it is in "D Major". I do hope there will be no silly initiation rituals. I had enough of the ones I had to do to join the Coventry chapter of the Hells Angels. As for "sweaty buttocks" we won't go there will we children. :eek: H
  19. Right, Will that be outside or inside? What entrance if there is more than one? What will you be holding so that I may identify you. That or post a link here, to the site you had showing your mugs at Bovington some time ago. H P.s. Any recommendations on parking nearby?
  20. ROFL.... JK Rocketman is truly talented. Have you ever wondered why his best work is early in the morning? He is reputed to be a West Coast man and his nocturnal habits could be linked to his twitterings. Of course there are two sides to any story and mine will come out in due course. Needless to say there are things I would have done differently if I had been JK, would they have worked, who knows? All we can do is wait until all the games for that scenario are played and see if all those playing the side JK played suffered the same fate. Of course some of his musings are tongue in cheek (I would hope they were) and his real views may lie closer to the median. I await his AAR to see how he really thought about the game and see if he takes ownership for his actions. Anyway I see in my Mail Box a turn from JK and Tom and I look forward to playing them on my return home tonight. For Tom and George if you happen by this watering hole of innuendo my beloved is away in Paris from Friday to early Sunday. This means I can keep American time on Friday night and maybe Saturday depending on how much I drink at the London CM meet. If you want to get some quick turns in, tell me a time and I shall do my best to be around to oblige. I have 2 and a bit weeks of play left before a lay off until the beginning of January. Fishman you are so funny you could be a Brit as well. Our game was a blast and I have been sooo lucky in playing some nice friendly chaps, even CDIC. KR if you are in Sydney I will be there for 10 or so days and will be visiting many bars, fancy a drink? H P.s. Just seen KR is in Adelaide which explains his British interest as it is the most British of all Aussie Cities. I will be there over the weekend of 21st Dec sampling the wines and catching up with an old work colleague and his family and then upto Sydney for the 24th. [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>
  21. Latest.... JK is using his final troops to charge my hapless defenders. I just hope they have enough strength in their fists! No turns from George or Tom in a day or so. If you did not get my last e-mail please say and I will resend. JK the video is on way to you and these last four turns will be crucial. As with all WB games they rarely end before the allotted time. H
  22. Morning Update. JK Rocket man is moaning big time and I think I will make him an honorary Brit. This will only come into effect if I can get him drinking some decent beer. JK will now feel a stew being brewed at buildings near you as my three witches go to work cooking his forces. I just hope that he has no more surprises as I have the boot and want it to stay on my foot for the rest of the game. I just want to publicly honour one unit that managed to kill (recorded) 18 plus of his men before they managed to sneak out the back door leaving 3 of their own. Good going chaps, the grenades down the stairwell worked wonders!!! JK is an absolute gent and I look forward to the AAR, which should be soon as we have I think 7 turns to go, and he is turning them out daily. Tom is sat back waiting for me to deal with him. I have sent in some flyboys who are for once not shooting at me, and not doing much to him. The game is still in the balance and could go either way. George has been sent his turn and I am now in for a severe beating and just hope my lads can take it and hold onto what they have. There are about 15 turn’s left in that game and I might get it finished before the 6th Dec with a fair wind. My AAR with CDIC is planned for this weekend as my beloved is in Paris and I have the pad all to myself, wondering how much she is spending. Well back to work and I look forward to the next turns. H
  23. I know people are busy with the new game but any news on this bug would be great to hear. Bump. H
  24. Just to add fuel to the fire I can say that they do not always work. I have had a German Flame 1/2 track squirt several jets of liquid at several stone buildings and the jets failed to ignite the building. It was later taken out (same turn) by a Piat in the building I was trying to ignite and was I pissed. So I do not think that they supress all the time. As for the men dying with ease I agree they seem to be less resilent to gunfire and I put that down to them not being killed but dropping the tanks and running like mad when they come under fire. CM shows them as dead but that might not be the case, it is just that they have given up the fight. I know if I had a man pack flammer given to me the first sign of serious gun fire in my direction would cause me to drop the pack and run like hell, before being engulfed by hell. You can use them in the offensive role and in a recent game I used one to great effect to take a key position in two turns. I still lost a man (of the two man crew) in the attack but the effect and diversion (all gunfire from the enemy went towards the flammer crew) ensured my men at the back door came in unobserved. H
  25. Jim get back to the gaols where you belong mate... "Put another barbie on the shrimp..." As for JK he is not a normal American and I would like to meet him as there are so few of them. JK As for your Red Dwarf question I think it was because they could not get the same actor for the following series, hence the switch. I have just got back and laughed my socks off at JK's post. A fair rendition of my moanings and our game!!! BTW your unfair X is XXckd and your turn awaits you. (Evil snigger...) CDIC glad you are having some fun with JK Rocket man. Us Brits need to gang up on these damn chaps. Sorry for the tardiness but I spent the weekend in a Jacobean mansion in Cumbria being shot at, and finally dying in a hail of gunfire in a bathroom. (Murder Mystery) I am now ready to return to reality and send rounds flying. Cheers H P.s Sent Out George's turn, YIKES!!!! And Hussah for the boys in blue in regards to the turn sent to Tom [ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>
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