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Everything posted by Holien

  1. My duplicate prisoners disappeared in the latest rounds of Ham and Jam. This is a bit annoying as I was count on them for victory. We have tried to restart TCP/IP but to no avail. Back to trying to finish it via PBEM. This is so annoying. If Mad boyoo is watching I can send save files if required. I guess this issue is on back burn. H [ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]
  2. All one can hope for is that the luck of the battle averages out. I had a Stuart take out an un-Id'd tank over 500 meters away. some time later I discovered my Stu had taken a Hetzer front on. Needless to say my opponent was pissed off. As for bouncing shells it happens and all I can say you were extremely unlucky!! I would guess that there was ever so slight an angle which meant bounce. But then I was not there. You could always post a screen shot? In other games I would think cheat, this game is secure and all you can do is put it down to luck. Invariably if you had done something different you might have gotten a better result. I know when I lose key bits of kit is usually because I failed to minimise the chance of bad sh*t happening. H
  3. Stood Up!!! Ahh never mind mate I am sure there was a good reason for it? Hmmm, maybe they saw you and decided to leg it? H P.s. I have no hope on Saturday if they see me... (mind you my G/F is a blonde so that might help....
  4. It might be better before the game as the kick off is at 3pm and that way I could leave her with my wallet in some shopping area and slip off for a pint. Then me and her indoors can find a bar where we can watch the game. As we don't do the London thing very often if you could tell me a good place (without setting me up for a kicking by some London Geezers) to watch the game I would be grateful. It might be possible to do it after but I would have G/F in tow and she would start asking silly HR questions as that is her trade. They go along the lines of "if you could be a tank what tank would it be?" These she would then use to assess your personality and ensure that you are capable of playing the game. She is fairly broad minded, but I am not sure how she would deal with a German Boy. So I would vote for Pre Game and close to somewhere where we can watch the match and my G/F can find and join us for the game. As it is in no-way a democracy I will go with the will of the leader. (chants we are not worthy and scrapes and bows on the floor!!!) H
  5. Hmmm I guess to conform to the group I had better stop using "Mr Smiley" Mind you it will give the dogs something to yap at and take the heat of Peter... I have a cunning plan. I have talked to the G/F and mentioned Shopping and London in the same breath. As she is a Northampton Lass she was so shocked she did not ask why I wanted to take her down to London on Saturday. Now don't let me down lads, I am making a great sacrifice to be down in that neck of the woods. I would risk great personal harm if I now tried to back out of this arrangement. Hmmm I perhaps should not have said that... Bugger... Anyway It would be good to have a one off meet up to put faces to the obnoxious comments on here. Bugger sorry lads that slipped in.... H
  6. I think Tommi has hit it on the head here. I play paint ball and I know even the best player’s waste ammo on possible targets, slips of fingers and firing in the dark (even during the day). Could it be that tank crews suffer the same psychology and let off rounds without real targets to fire at? Nighttime is good for this and I am sure that even during the day there could be wastage through these sorts of incidents. "Was that a tank in that bush moving forward?" I know we on the forum are conditioned to playing a game where everything is clear cut and obvious. IRL I know from Paintball and other activities that things are never really clear and mistakes are made frequently. H
  7. Hi, In regards to AAR's that seems fair and I am happy to go with that. I am still working on my 1st AAR and will soon have to do my second, it does take creative time to write something and a little reward will help keep me focused on it. Well now back to how to lose and yet win. Wild Bill has a lot to answer for while I got some extra sucker my opponent got more and I am being swamped... "Time to die with honour"... May I learn so much more for my next defense!! H
  8. Hmmm I think I am going to regret this... Bugger... This weekend would be good if we can find a bar with a large TV and my G/F can come and watch the game while we talk small games. LOL She will enjoy that... Not. I have just checked kick off which is miday mark so I can make it down in the evening or afternoon depending on how I sell it to my beloved. :eek: H [ 10-01-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]
  9. This game has far better opponents than CC2 There were some real pratts playing that game. So far I have only had two bails from PBEM and from one (a young kid) I was told his PC had died after I had sent him a few e-mails asking if he was OK. The other chap has not responded and I am more worried that he is not OK than playing the game. I would just like a response from him saying that he is fine and has no time. That would be nice. However I will never know... It is annoying but it is only a game and if you play a tourney you are ensured returns!!! Well if I send the right file. H P.s. In the post to you Von Lucke
  10. Come on guys do a Friday or a Saturday so us provincal lads can get in on the act. Banbury / Oxford is not far away and I would make the run on a night where I don't have to go to work the next day. Even if I had to drink Pop all night, that or pull a few strings with some of my Hounslow / Maidenhead friends. Anyway have a good night. H
  11. It might be groggy but it is quite interesting to us with limited knowledge. I love spying on the giants of CM... H P.s. Keep at it lads you are doing something worthwhile!!!
  12. I sincerely hope to be able to win it!! I am just playing the second battle at the moment against a Human. (Well I think he is human. ) I will be able to tell you more in three months time. So please don't post any spoliers and ruin our fun... On a more serious point I think the problem might have been not advancing as far as the airfield which is in the briefing? I know on the other Op I have finished (Herliasm Cut off) the aim was destroying more than the defender. This Op (Sealion) can only be won by advancing far enough in the time given. So no matter how much you destroy you are not going to win as an attacker unless you move down that map. A thing easier said than done. As for my Opponent I am sure he will chip in soon on his opinion, he has warned me that my easy ride from the 1st battle is over and I will have a tough time of it. H
  13. Kingfish is very gracious and I only got the result by the skin of my cyber teeth. He is a worthy opponent and one to be feared. Wild Bill is truely evil and should be admonished for putting us through such an experience. The last turn was one of fear and exhultation leaving my little old paws shaking with adrealine. It went down to the last turn and it was in the last 20 seconds when then hammer came down and victory was decided. As for the votes I want to know as little as possible about the games and I am happy for the results not to be formerly posted. Gossip can of course happen as Kingfish has just spilled the beans, but that is fine in my book as I will not try and calculate the scores from this chit chat. So blind as a bat for me please. WB The video is snaking it's way to you. WB As for my previous pleadings in my other game, well I guess they might have been answered. I could kiss you. But It is a good job there is an ocean between us. (P.s I hope my opponent is not reading this as I don't think he has seen my sweet babies sneak onto the map, Yet!!!) I will now get the setup done for my third outing (I should not have said kiss earlier) and get the AAR done on Sunday once I have stopped shaking from this 1st game. Cheers H P.s. Thank god for Ben and Jerries Full Vermonty! Yummie. [ 09-29-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]
  14. Hi, Nice to be able to post in here again after that damn Finn... I am happy to be kept in the dark until all the results are in for each scenario. Until you know all the results for that scenario you can't calculate the true points anyway. I don't want any info about the other games other than general chit chat. In my corresponence with other players I make no mention of what scenarios I am playing even though I moan (I am a pommy after all)about the lack of reinforcements!!! (Please WWB be good to me I am getting swamped!!!) :eek: As for the scoring system, whatever you use people who are lucky to play someone who is not on form will get ahead. The current suggestion on scoring will help make the scores closer so I am happy with the suggested scoring as it seems fairer than the original way that was proposed. Right now down to the local pub for my Friday afternoon ritual 2 pints of warm Real Ale. I wonder what they have on tap today. Regards H [ 09-28-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]
  15. Just to keep feeding this one in the hope of resolution I have just had my first instance of mutation. I am playing a scenario Ham and Jam and the German Bunker has given me two sets of prisoners from the same Bunker. So now I have 12 prisoners (two groups of six) and can not play the game TCP IP as we were doing when the Ping of Death appeared. I just hope I get extra points for those captured crews. Save file available if required and a more detailed description of our PC's upon request. H
  16. Well with that delightful thought of you eating at your mother in laws I will go to bed satisfied that while I might get toasted you are getting your just deserts!!! Good night and Bon Appetite. I will view the destruction on the marrow... H [ 09-26-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]
  17. If BTS can respond here on this as it would be good to know. Kingfish finish work and get home and do that turn so we can see who controls what!!! (I am off to bed soon and what my nightly fix!!) I am amazed by Peter's research and if true it would blow my views on flags and ownership. H [ 09-26-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]
  18. God this has taken me awhile to get my mind round what the difference will mean. :eek: I think it will be a good thing as it will reward people who lose well. So if I lost a game (bound to happen) and got 20 points to the other players 40 I would have just got 20 points in the old system. But the new system means I would get effectively 100 points (aka 11pts new system)if I was the best loser of that group. Yes this makes sense as I get rewarded for losing well compared to the rest of the group. It still does not mean that I will get into the finals for losing but will give me a fighting chance if I happen to draw the wrong end of the sticky stick in each scenario. Yes lets do it. H P.s So will AAR's be worth 10% aka 1.1 points?
  19. Hi, I hear the pain and I share it. However, you have to remember these guys are not just doing it for money. They code because they have a passion which is bloody lucky for us. It is not an easy job to convert and if it was they would. It requires a rewrite and I am sure a whole bunch of other things which all take time and development effort. While I would like the magic wand to be waved and have the Western Front in my hands today with all the sexy changes they are making it ain't going to happen quickly and I will be paying my Shillings and Pence for the Eastern Front because even if I don't play it much I want a chance that they will update the Western Front with all the new Bells and Whistles introduced for the East. So I am prepared for a long wait and will support them by buying their games... Waiting quietly... H
  20. Wild Bill you want words of encouragement!!! Evil!!! :mad: Sneaky!!! :eek: Devious!!! Cunning!!! Scary!!! :confused: Seat of pants!!! Roller coaster!!! :eek: Hmmmm I am running out of words of encouragement. I am just finishing (being finished) a game with Kingfisher ( a great opponent with way too many guns!!!!) and in the first third of my defense against Von Luckeeeeeee Smokeee man. Both games have been fun so far if not frustrating. The maps as always are well designed and they seem balanced, but I reserve judgement until I can see the whole picture. I look forward to the next games which I will start this week if I can find someone available. Kingfisher has been great in getting the turns back and we should see the results for that game in this week. As for the AAR that will follow after the weekend. I will E-mail Mr Bill a copy at the same time if that is ok with TreeBurst? P.s. If you (Wild Bill) have time for some Voyeurism I could also e-mail you a video to have a snigger at. (A BTS video before anyone gets the wrong idea, blimey some people!!!) [ 09-25-2001: Message edited by: Holien ] [ 09-25-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]
  21. From a UK based Customer the game made it to the UK with the prints etc.. My Credit card was correctly debited and I have saved heaps of pounds because I have not bought any games software since. So don't buy it if you want your son to become a CM addict. Otherwise buy it and you can rest assured that your Credit card details are as safe with BTS as with any company. Be those ones that use the Internet or those that have store fronts. Regards H
  22. A bug... It has apperently been toned down but still happens. Some people swear by wasting there smoke rounds at first chance so it does not happen. In a recent game (still being played) my M10 used smoke on Inf rather than it's HE load. I guess you can explain it away as the crew deciding that they should not be fighting Inf and wanting a tank as a target. This and a few other game traits have to be accepted as they will not be fixed. Sympathy is all I can offer. H
  23. A small point to add on Destroy Ops... If you are the attacker you are expected to do a certain points ratio to achieve certain levels of victory. This means that if you are the defender and can lose a lot less to the attackers more then you are on the way to victory. I recently won my first OP as a defender because I managed to minimise my force loss and maximised my opponents loss. I was lucky to be able to do this. Also remember that it is not just one battle and on some you might be better to avoid fighting if at all possible in the hope of getting more reserves in the next game. But all of this is in the manual and I would strongly recommend you re-read that section. It took me a while to get my head around it. H P.s. At times the designer will build in weakness for certain battles and you have to remember that you might not be expected to win at that stage and the game is actually about preserving forces.
  24. :eek: My heart is burning and I hope those responsible can be found and brought to justice. I am gutted and truely torn by what I have seen and what I can imagine. As many of you are US citizens I can give you nothing but my words of sorrow at what has happened today. The world will be worse for what has been done today. H
  25. Fine with me joing a UK team. Just using a stalking horse to see if there are any other Valley boys (or girls) out there. But if that will help speed up the start that would fine. However, my priority at the moment is providing a serious challenge to anyone who wants a crate of SA wine. Anyway Yep change it over if you wish. Regards H
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