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Everything posted by Holien

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler: Important message to my opponents in Rumblings! The house is being tented and fumigated early Tuesday morning, but I'll probably leave here sometime Monday. Once I do, I will have no ability to continue our battles until I get the all clear from the termite company. I'm certain I won't be here at all Tuesday, and may not be able to come back Wednesday night either. That depends on when the insecticide concentrations reach acceptable levels. So, I'll be back either Wednesday night or Thursday. Until then, I'll have neither E-mail nor PBEM capability. Thought I'd let you all know. CDIC, had the forces I was given been even remotely proportionate in quantity, quality, and capability to your endless, lavishly equipped, looking down my throat and massively supported by armor and artillery force, you wouldn't be able to make such self-congratulatory posts to Stix. I have been doing everything with nothing most of the game and while militarily handicapped from the start. Holien, I did send you another turn. Your squeals of military woe don't seem to be borne out by your extensive, overlapping defenses or their volume of fire. Regards, John Kettler<hr></blockquote> Hmm and I thought moles were bad. I have two of the buggers working my lawn over. I hope it goes well and you don't have to wear the mask too long. As for my moles I have gone for the high tech solution of planting wine bottles (minus the wine) and hoping the wind blowing over the tops scares Mr mole away. Failing that bonfire night is fast approaching and the stores have started to sell fireworks. ( Evil Grin) Rocket man I got the turn and don't seem to have scratched your considerable forces. And your protestations about your lack of XXX and inability to deal with XXX make me giggle, you will be annoyed when you actually find out I have XXX as well. If you had as little and poor quality as I have then you would know my defences are a pretty but useless facade. I can't wait to see the AAR between you and the Scots man in Shanghai as it bears no resemblance to any games I have played so far. As for my game with CDIC I had a tad of luck and I might get a draw if I am really lucky. I had a good few turns with him on Sunday and we are a third of the way through the proceedings. I will be starting the final game this week once I take a stab at what I should be doing and how to do it. Hmmm now I think about it I bloody hope this is not the one JK rocketing was muttering about. Bugger if it is... H
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler: CDIC is running rampant, firing lots of...and ...while doing...and worse. Tom and I are vying at squad vaporization. I've never seen squads die so fast in single combat. Brutal! John Kettler<hr></blockquote> Now let me guess at the squad vapourisation game... Hmmmmm Would it be a tad XXX and a little XXX on the XXX side. I would have to say that is the worse (most dreadful and fearful) game I have played of WB's. How soldiers in WWII did it without modern day equipment is beyond me. Bloody brave men. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler: Holien is shooting at me in spite of my best suppressive efforts, and Kingfish and I are both screaming bloody murder about our untenable military positions while killing each other at a truly impressive rate.A regular charnel house! Turns are really pouring in, and Holien is doing his best to crank turns before his epic holiday begins. Regards, <hr></blockquote> Send me a turn... Send me a turn I need more.... H P.s. As for Mr Stixx (appropriate name in some games...) which city do you reside in?
  3. Just an update... Wild Bill you are truly sick and should be booked into a place where you can not inflict such pain on the unsuspecting public. I thought I had seen it all.... This one that I should not have named is crazy and I am making a right pigs ear of it... I need more practice.... I need more live men... I need more tanks... I need candles, damn you I need candles... H P.s. This is British humour and should be taken with a dash of salt. Those Aussies will understand the whinging Pom as you are a cross between a Yank and a Brit and hence have a small dose of British humour in you... (Places Helmet on head and starts digging a deep hole to hide in, while singing "Always look on the bright side of life, da da, da da da da" ....) [ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>
  4. The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. (Well that is only to be expected when one considers the source of the reports... ) I apologise if I have truly upset anyone. As for names. Well that is really not much of an indicator and I did not use the TRUE name. If I had then the devil would have surely been unleashed. Rocket man has yet to see what I have against him in one of my Favourite areas of interest. And I can assure you that if he has rockets I will be very surprised. On the other hand the scenario seems to have been designed by WB to put Mr Kettle Pot on the receiving end of his favourite weapon. KingFish that is so unfair actually saying what goes on in that scenario. Dooohhh. Now the fish is out of the Kettle I was amazed that WB had designed such a game. Using XX as Horses was fantastic and gave the game a whole new dimension. H
  5. Hmmm let me guess again.... You put your troops in houses.... LOL I guess Robin was robbing those houses for the poor... Now which house should I go for... Catch ya later tonight 5 hours to go... H
  6. Thxs for the info as this has just explained something to me that I did not know... Cheers H
  7. Hmmm Let me guess you did not split your squads??? H
  8. Ahhh a Christmas present for us all. Thxs for the latest file for me and the Rocket Man. I will be planning my moves with him later tonight. The Silent Nacht game is bloody and I had thought I had seen the worst of WB's evil designs but that has to be the most Horrible so far. I just hope the others are kinder to me. H
  9. Thxs TB... Folks please don't write any AAR's they take a lot of time and your time is precious. So just leave the AAR's to those who have nothing better to do. (Hmmm I wonder if the will fall for that. Snigger Snigger (Mutley laugh)I certainly need thiose points as from what I gather I am the only one to lose XX as XX according to XX) As for the end date great I should be able to finish by that date... Of course for the battles if they have been finished accross all 3 sections, will that be OK to release the info on that scenario then? Is any scenario close to being finished across all thre sections? H
  10. Hi, I agree that it should only be released if the work burden is acceptable as you have enough on your plate anyway. I think that it might be better to await the whole groups (section I II and III) before releasing the results of a scenario. I know that if you just release it to one group then information leak and potential spoilers might upset the balance. So I would strongly suggest that a scenario result is only released once all have finished playing it. So I would say NO to just section III getting the info as it might leak out. That is of course if I have understood what is being suggested. On a personal note can my last two opponents start my final two games any time soon? My time is running out and I really want to do my best to play all the games. TB can you confirm the end date for playing games in the first round? Regards H
  11. Is it me or is there a difference between those road wheels (don't yell I don't know proper name) from the 1st to second picture. While I am no grog which is the correct picture for the wheels? H Ohh before I forget, nice mod... [ 10-17-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]
  12. Just finished the Third Battle last night with Peter. That scenario was wicked and he was caught out with some crazy happenings as was I at the beginning. I am just starting two more (Stixx and George willing) and from looking at the maps and reading the briefs I am scared. Based upon the last three games these will not be easy and I will have to work hard to win them. So don't read the AAR's unless you have no intention of playing the games DBL BLD. Preferably with a close friend who will sooth your ego when bad stuff happens (as it surely will). I would try and give a favorite of the three but they have all been good fun and offered true challenges to both players. So I can't choose one above all the others. Who knows maybe they will be out for Christmas? Certainly some should be out by then because once all the games of a particular scenario has been played then the results for that scenario can be published and the game released for general play. H
  13. Hi, I am at work but if Mike reads this can you fire the e-mail of the set-up my or Georges Way. I have 5 turns left of my game with Peter and can start another on top of Georges. Anyone else in group 2 want to dance? I will do an individual petition tonight to the remaining players in group 2. Cheers George I look forward to the battle. So far I have had a roller coaster of ups and downs. I wonder where our battle will take us? H
  14. Kingfish, I read from the comments that they would continue as if you were playing Stix. I.e. they would have to deal with what was left by Stix. By the sounds of it that is not too bad a deal for the new players, if Stix is to be believed. Sure some would say that they (new players) got through not by their own merits but it is better to have it continued (by a different hand) than killed IMO. I don't think there can be any other way as it would mean you having to replay and if you were winning that would be unfair. But if we have 3 1/2 months to play these games then it should hopefully be possible to finish them in that time. I know that from the 9th Dec to the 5th Jan I am doing a world wide walk about (flights permiting) and do not expect to be able to play. Hence I need to get the other games going now. So if any other players in section 2 read this are you ready to start? E-mail me and Mike Please ASAP. BTW I have read your ARR "KF" and it is very entertaining and sums up our conflict well. I am going to update mine slightly and re-send it later this week.(On a more personal note "KF" I hope it is just a fluke those two chaps in FL.) So anyone else want to kick of our games. I have 7 weeks to play before I am cut off. I can manage some TCP/IP games if you can and will even stay up late to meet up with our cousins abroad. H
  15. Stixx, Sorry to hear that. I presume that I should continue doing my set-up in the case that we can play it? Or should I hold off until you can ensure time? Either way my third game is 9 turns from the end so if anyone else in group two wants to kick off a new game e-mail me and I will respond to mike with your e-mail. Holien@BTinternet.com Cheers H [ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]
  16. Just a foot note to the second chap. I had a great e-mail from him. He had had and accident and is now back on line. Funny as I only posted this a few days ago. I am glad he is OK and I guess you have to remember that people have real life happenings and you can never really judge someone unless u have all the facts. H
  17. Congrats to Von Lucke who has done the deed and is the "Daddy"... (A British thing for the Yanks reading this, don't ask). I am now looking for someone else to kick me... Ohh beat me beat me... I love that pain... I have thrown down the gauntlet to Stix and await his reply. I can handle one more, maybe two more games. As from the 9th Dec I am travelling the world via SF, NZ, Aussi and Singapore for a month so I guess I need to get as many games complete before that date so I don't hold the tourney up. I have asked my G/F if I can take a portable but she was somewhat reluctant... Hmmm I don't know why... H
  18. Ok NP German Boy... I will check with her in doors, if she forces me to goto London because of my previous promise then we can meet up and watch the Football, if you are into it? I think I maybe able to get out of it by offering her my DIY services at home... H
  19. Any news on Saturday or any other night for a meet up? I need to set my lady's expectation. H
  20. Yeah!! Kingfisher speaks the truth.. I will never do it again honest!!! BTW Kingfish could you e-mail me your password. H P.s. Does that Wine taste good? Can I have a small sip? I warn you about Von Lucke he seems to have a good chance at taking tha wine off you!!
  21. Wild Bill you are a marked man... I have just got the start of my second Defense game and my words on the e-mail to my opponent go along the lines of "This is insane".... As for my first defense game that has 6 turns left and I am on the way out. A clever assualt by my opponent and some bad decisions on my behalf. (I would blame you but I know when I goof, so in all honesty I can't!!!) I can only hope that there are worse players than me out there doing the same defense. (doubtful about anyone being worse...) The AAR is nearly done and after waffling on here I shall eat and finish the master work. To people who want to play these when they are released please do so with care, in a darkened room and with a friend close at hand. Failing that a stiff .... (behave yourselves) drink.... Cheers H
  22. Fair point Maastrictian... I do not see why range makes a difference to Jasons argument. BTW I don't disagree with Jasons point, I just think there is an element of wasted ammo on on targets and it should be factored in. Not dismissed. Back to the thread... H P.s This continual denouncement of Finns is not healthy. They have enough to put up with let alone being ragged at every opportunity on this board.
  23. JasonC wrote: "As for the typical uber finn distraction, there are several problems with it." This is a bit harsh when all people are doing is offering some very plausible explanations for where Ammo has gone and what allowances should be made with your model. I don't know the history of the "Uber Finn" remarks and calling it a "distraction" is IMO belittling someone who has gone to the trouble of offering information which is useful. I think C3K made a good point and I would be interested in how that may affect your model of shell usage. I find your posts really useful Jason and if you realised how casual remarks like those above cause flames when all you had to do was just discuss it. I mean no offence or attack with this just my opinion. Cheers H
  24. For the exiting idea to work the German Player would have to be told in the briefing what the scoring was. The problem with exiting is that you do not know what you get fro exiting and what you get for flags and damage done to the enemy. This makes it a tough job for the German player to decide on when to bug out. It certainly is a great Idea and I am surprised if it has not been done. But then again people think in certain ways and I guess you would never have thought to create a scenario like this? I have never designed a scenario so it would be intresting to hear Wild Bill's views. I will cut and paste the idea and send him a copy. As for the main points of the thread I agree with the Tank Rollers. The arty can be done via the existing set up, I am not sure it is worth the coding time to do it via pre-planned targets?? Regards H
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