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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I agree but the last time this was brough up I believe the official answer was something along these lines. It wasn't done that often in real life. Troops would get hauled out to the battle and dismount. They wouldn't fight from trucks or whatever so Steve and the guys decided it just wasn't real important in the game since it wasn't done that often. More important things overide lesser important things when designing a game. Anyway, I believe that was the reason. I do however think it would be pretty neat but then again I would like to see everything possible in the game.
  2. Am I playing the same game as you guys? I mean I am dumbfounded that you think that the M4 is better. WoW! Ok that does it I'm going to do some testing. Maybe I'm just a cry baby but it sure seems like what I said is true. Thanks for the fed back however.
  3. Quote: ____________________________________________ Guys, I would have to test this to be sure, but I think even now crews will abandon an AT gun is an enemy tank gets a little too close. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, that's not good enough, I want to be able to run them down like the dog's they are. Just kidding, well actually I'm not but I sure would like to run over gun placements or troops. Man, it would be neat. Just think what it would be like running over a jeep or some guys in a foxhole. Oh well. They don't let us have any fun.
  4. I was or should say have been buying a lot of M4's in my games since I enjoy playing the early periods of the game. In these games I normally go up against the Panzer IVJ. Well, I've noticed that they are so much a better tank then the M4 I thought I would take a closer look at them so I did some comparing and it seems that someting is wrong. They both cost about the same $118.00 and the figures actually show the M4 to be better armored, a little heavier and has a faster turrert but the Panzer has more penetration close up as well as well as far off. Now, here's the rub. Unless I get a flank shot or come up on the Panzer's rear the M4 doesn't have a chance of taking one on. So what's the problem you say, well if the Panzer is so much better why does it cost the same. I mean that's not correct. It should for cost quite a bit more for being the tank it is. And don't tell me that it's not that much better because it is really is. Also if the M4 has a faster turrert you would think that it would get the first shot off most of the time but it doesn't. I just can't figure out why they don't cost more. Anybody know? Just a pet peeve. :confused:
  5. Sorry I posted the above to the wrong topic. Damn I knew I shouldn't have started drinking this early in the day.
  6. I could have sworn you asked about pink panthers? But to answer your question, no motorcycles or horses in CM2. There's a thread going on right now about it. Sorry my poor memory can't remember the topic but it should still be on the 1st page of the forum.
  7. Boy there certainly is two sides to everything isn't there? I am very surprised to see how many people think this would be cheating or not fair. I believe it would be fun even. I haven't tried it yet however and so maybe I'm thinking wrong but seems like it would really add to the game making it be more challeging even, but looks like I'm the only one so, what do I know.
  8. I can't remember the exact figures but someone posted the number of men killed in action some months ago and it plainly shows that the Russian's got their butts beat. So, I for one don't think much of the Russian's army abilities in WWII. Now, I certainly am looking forward to playing CM2 but nobody can say that the Russian army was that good and have me believe it. Had it not been for Germany taking on two fronts I believe they would have won over the Russian's. Now I don't have any facts to that statement but I have read some about WWII and that's what I got out of it anyway.
  9. Thanks MrPeng for that answer. So it is possible? Well, maybe I gave up too early on them. I'll try again as I really would like to be able to use them in a game. If I can get it to work it will open up a whole new way to play. The other thing I might be doing wrong is when setting up my games I always go for medium or high hills and with me always choosing the American's the German's have their long range tanks always use these hills to kill anything I move up to a high elevation. Maybe I'll try using only small hills and see if that helps.
  10. Boy, good question. I would think that they were effective in that if you hit a plane it would certainly go down but you would have to have alot of them to insure hitting anything. I really can't see that big of gun being needed against planes seeing how fragile planes are but I guess for distance they would matter. But again it seems odd even if that were their purpose. I really hope somebody knows and answers.
  11. Well I have to say I disagree. Sorry but I do. I would think that in real life commanders reviewed the terrain, their forces as well as the enemy's he was going to be facing before he went into battle. At least in as much as he could. Now, said that I can see the point that you should ask your opponent or at least tell him that that is what you are going to do. I personally think that it would add to the game if both did it. I mean to me half the fun is planning. And if that prolongs your enjoyment then that's what you should do. If you opponent doesn't have time to do it -well, he's not a very good commander is he. OK, now have at me guys for thinking different. But let me say this first. If in the future I play one of you and we set it up that it would be unfair or cheating then I wouldn't. I just want to express the other side of this idea.
  12. I don't know about real life but you sure can't do it in the game. At first, months and months ago I thought it would be really neat to hook up some guns and tow them wherever I needed them. Well, I need them in the thick of things or at least somewhere where I think the enemy will be coming to. But you don't have the time to arrange them. Some damn enemy unit always pops your towing vehcile before you can even set the gun up so guns are only good if you set them up before the game starts. Which is sad. I know darn well that in real life they were able to move and set guns up so am disappointed that you can't in the game. They should arrange it so that you have some sort of magic protection or something ( I don't really mean magic but you get the idea ) to allow you to set the guns up during battle. It would really add to the game.
  13. Yeah got you. That makes sense. Now, by the way I will be playing against the AI. I don't have time for opponents at this time I just get a game in when I can and therefor the AI. But I still think it's a good idea even playing against the computer and will do it tonight. I'll let you know. Again, sounds like a good idea and I'm actually quite excited about it. Later.
  14. I personally wouldn't care for them but hey that's my opinion. Not to downplay your idea but let me explain why I wouldn't care to see them. Just like the horse idea how much would it really add to the game? What I mean is I for one play the game to shoot and kill the enemy, well I should say to win the game not just kill but to me that's the same thing. I therefore buy only equipment/ units to carry this out. So I wouldn't want to spend any money on something that worthless just like I wouldn't ever (again ) buy the machine gun mounted jeep. They aren't worth it. I want equipment/units that will enable me to win. I hate people that shoot down my ideas so was reluctant to make this post but after reading a remark by Steve the other day I feel compelled to do so. Oh, the remark by Steve was that he felt that debating a topic was good. It's actually welcomed as it improves the game to argue a point or idea. Now he did also say that one should do it nicely and not have to be rude. I now have a different opinion on responding to a post when I don't agree with it so hope this doesn't make you mad or feel bad it's just my opinion. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.
  15. Hey thanks for the idea CMPlayer. It actually sounds rather interesting and I am going to try it tonight. The one thing that may goof it up is that a forest or cliff or something that a unit can't move across or thur will stop the said unit. I don;t know about you but a lot of times I can't determine from a distance if a particular unit can climb a particular hill/mountain until they actually start to climb it. I guess you could then re-route the victor for it. Anyway, I will try it and let you know if what happens if you like? You do the same if you try it or have you already?
  16. I don't believe that a slower shell would penetrate better then a faster one even if your example seems correct - as far as it goes. The faster shell would have more energy and I believe would have a better chance of causing damage even on sloped armeor. Example; The Panther's 75mm was so much more effective than say the Sherman's 75mm's due to it's greater velocity therefore greater penetration. I would be anxious to see what one of the more knowledgeable guys would have to say on this subject so hopefully someone will jumb in.
  17. Outstanding point Captain Foobar. I myself will have to try to remember that. I get so wrapped up in killing things I lose track of my real mission. In real life you sure would go around it if possible and not waste men's lives. Well, that damn sqad leader of mine would have but he was nuts anyway.
  18. I'm sure it won't work like that. You will still place orders for the Russia's just like you will the German's. It's just with the Russian's every single aspect of their war machine sucked. Well, I guess some of the tanks were pretty tough and so were their troops just not as good as the well trained and hardened German's. I really looking forward to playing since then I'll be able to play using the German's for a change and have all those neat tanks. Did you hear there won't be horses? What ever will they eat?
  19. The same one panzer leader has except I don't have the mesh side protection. The side protection is solid on the one I use but same color by same artist. It's a beauty.
  20. No line jumbing? Well, then what happened to WWI? Was it ever even a thought by you guys? Just wondering?
  21. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Big Time Software: I know with tanks the turret will turn automatically, thus leaving the hull facing up to the player. Currently this is not possible to do in CMBO. Steve _____________________________________________ Sounds like I just got one of my big wishes. Man, this will be really great! Now if I could just get my other one, but you probably don't know her.
  22. I don't suppose you could show us a picture of one could you? I would be interested in seeing just what it looks like. If enough people like it we could all hound Andrew until he did one.
  23. Put men on the moon? - yeah right, very funny.
  24. Very nice looking mod Andrew. Can hardly wait to use them or I should say kill me some Germans dressed up like that.
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