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Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. Why would a tank stop moving because a guy hit the mg with an axe? Yeah, that makes sense.
  2. I think the 20mm vehicles are most useful when combined with the 75mm vehicles with the HE rounds. The 20mm suppresses the enemy infantry to give the 75mm vehicle a non-retreating (and usually) pinned target to shoot at.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral: I ordered a new CD at $53, wow!!!! How long does it take. Standard mail is only 4 or 5 days. What is this four or five week crap im getting. If I pay 53 bucks, I want the game delivered on a gold platter with a stripper and some chinese food, with no mustard. I cant stand mustard. Also, 8 bucks for shipping, I want the game pronto, because a game does not cost 8 bucks to ship. Whats going on here. If the game takes six weeks to ship I want my money back.<hr></blockquote> Don't worry, your money is going to a good cause. It's being used to build more prisons so people like Maximus are safetly behind bars.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155: I think the mirrored game is the way to go if you want to be sure you're on equal footing. In that case the scenarios don't have to be balanced at all, really. A scenario balanced using the point system can very easily be unbalanced, as others have noted. Extensive playtesting is the only way to know you're close with regard to balance. Treeburst155 out.<hr></blockquote> Just for the record, is a mirror game is when you and your opponent play the same scenario from different sides, but at the same time? And what is the difference between blind and double blind and what exactly do they mean? I assume double blind means both players only know they're own units and deploy zones and not their opponents?
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155: He makes two very important points here. If you're on the hunt for balanced scenarios, either the design of them or to play them, you should keep these two points in mind. Treeburst155 ot.<hr></blockquote> So noted. Obviously though, when I am playing a person for the first time, I don't know his skill level and he doesn't know mine. So when looking for a map, it's only right to look for a map that is either A) fairly balanced or one that can be played as a mirror game. If me and my opponent don't want to play two games, then we're gonna look for one that is as even as possible and assume that we are of the same skill level.
  6. There's a gillion of these scenarios out there. What's a good one that's fair for both sides or an unbalanced one that's good for a mirror game? And where can I find it? Oh yeah, I've been playing QB's since I first got this game so if you can recommend a good canned scenario WITH BRIDGES or REPLACEMENTS, you will get a gold star. [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]</p>
  7. There's a gillion of these scenarios out there. What's a good one that's fair for both sides or an unbalanced one that's good for a mirror game? And where can I find it?
  8. Some good ideas here. I'd like to know if BTS can implement bridges in CMBB QBs. I'm guessing it was a programming thang before as to why they weren't in there. Anybody know?
  9. I've noticed that although we have a lot of mods out there for German vehicles, the same tri-color and camo looks are usually used for each tank. One of the only original mods I saw was Gordon Molek's King Tiger mod which absolutely kicks ass. That design and color really make it stand out from the others. Was that look only limited to that one tank?
  10. Does anybody know if the mods for the German units in CM will be able to be applied for CMBB? That would save the modders some work.
  11. Since we're on this topic, what will be the differences (expecially unit-wise) between CM the middle to late western front and CM3 the early western front? Will this mean no Ubertanks?
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JesterClanM: High school sux guys. I would have bought the game over the summer, but stupid me, i waited. Then, my grades kinda didnt help. BUT THEY ARE COMIN BACK. Im doin much better, and by x-mas (which is close to the semester's end), i get the game!<hr></blockquote> Just so you know...that geometry you're studying...you'll never use that in real life.
  13. In my limited number of ladder games, I've only taken this tank once. To it's credit, I killed a 234 with it because my opponent didn't respect it's blast. Still, I think at 184 points the tank is overpriced. You only get 25 rounds, 1 mg, and the tank is damn slow. My question is, has anybody used this tank to success in their games? Can it be used effectively against tanks or is it only useful against infantry? What kinds of vehicles can the blast of the AVRE take out on an area shot? And finally, would any self-respecting ladder player shell out 184 clams to use this unit in a ladder game?
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JesterClanM: Creators of CM I have the demo and this game kicks so much. I love this type of game! You got one more customer for the Mac (thank you SOO much for making this for mac, i dont get **** on this thing) right here as soon as Christmas comes around. THANKS!!!<hr></blockquote> You're gonna wait till Xmas to buy this game? Why?
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Mark is a British term. The Germans never used it - Brit historians are famous for applying their own terminology to anything foreign. The German designation was Panzerkampfwagen IV, sometimes shortened to Panzer IV and abbreviated PzKpfw IV. The PzKpfw I, II, III etc. were completely different from each other, and not what one would call a "mark" in any event. Submodels in German, which probably could be called "marks' in the British sense, were referred to as "ausf" whatever, ie PzKpfw IV ausf A PzKpfw IV ausf B PzKpfw IV ausf F1 PzPkfw IV ausf F2 etc. <hr></blockquote> I wonder why Atomic, makers of the Close Combat series would label a German tank with a British term? Of course, this is the company which thought the Daimler had a 6 lb. gun and yet no mg so this is actually on par with their warped way of thinking. What idiot did the historical research for this game?
  16. I remember seeing this in Close Combat 2. They had the Mark III, and the Mark IV. Is this the same thing as the Panzer IV? What does Mark mean/what is it used to denote?
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: This is now the easiest way to KILL an HMC Send in some infantry close to it and it will try to shoot them with a BIG HE round and blow its self up EVERY time. sort annoying actually. -tom w<hr></blockquote> Hard to believe that could be replicated time and time again by your opponent. Even if it does work, certainly you'd have at least one infantry squad or mg team nearby to prevent a "gamey" move like that.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf: attacking as the allies, don't have 37mm or 40mm armour (Daimler AC, Greyhound, Stuart). They ruin bunker and pillbox realism and they emphasize the turret undermodeling of the Panzer IV<hr></blockquote> What about the Panzer IV turret is undermodeled? Too slow or not enough armor?
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sergei: You can't be serious! That's my gf's birthday... err... now about prioritizing... Well, BTS won't kill me if I don't play with them<hr></blockquote> Tell you what...you go ahead and play the demo and I'll take her out to celebrate. I'll have her back by the end of the week.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Amidst_Void: I don't remember quite well, but, is the next theatre the African Front? If so, is this when the engine rewrite will take place? That would be nice playing CMBB during Christmas (or whenever it comes out) and afterwards hitting the forum to see posted ideas for the upcoming rewrite. I really hope the next games the rewrite.<hr></blockquote> That's right. The third game in the series will most likely use the new engine. By the way, the third game also includes the Meditteranean theater as well as North Africa. Thank god for that or I would've probably passed on it.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral: Sarah knows mommy is just being silly, because daddy is being a hero and saving the world from the Nazi guys, who do bad things. <hr></blockquote> Do you by any chance write for PC Gamer?
  22. This has been bothering me for a long time now. I don't understand why when an arty barrage hits nearby that the mortar is rendered useless. I've had plenty of times where not one of the team members was hurt and yet the gun (if that's what it's called) is no longer of use. Is this realistic? I thought those things were pretty sturdy and were able to able to withstand a little combat.
  23. That smoke bug should've been fixed in one of the gazillion patches BTS put out. I'm dumbstruck as to why it wasn't since I find it to be happening in about 80% of my games. Very annoying. The other big bug that needs to be fixed is the "shooting gallery" bug where men will walk back and forth as they're shot at, constantly changing directions until they're dead. What really bothers me is that a squad can be spitting distance away from cover when shot at and then turn around and run back to where they came from instead of just continuing forward and then taking cover. The one little thing that needs to be fixed is when you have targeted arty on a previous turn and come the next turn, you want to re-direct the fire. Currently, you have to click on a spot if you want to see the time difference it will take to re-direct. The problem is, if you don't like that spot, you're screwed. You can't go back to your old spot unless you load the turn back up. Let's see this fixed for CMBB.
  24. This happened to one of my HMC's when my opponent fired some heavy arty at me. There was a hit nearby the M8 that buttoned them up but a tree burst the next few seconds went through the top or something to destroy it. Was that because the turret has an open top or could the shrapnel have penetrated through the top armor?
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by themaltese: Yeah! Intellivision was cool! I've still got a ton of cartridges including my all time favorite -- Sea Battle. Armor Battle and B-17 (with the voice module) were pretty cool too. But alas... my CMBO disc won't fit in this baby. It won't fit in my old Amiga 500 either Also, I tried to use the CMBO disc as a sleep aid on my stereo system -- that didn't work either! ug..ug..ug...uWAAAaaaaaaah! uWAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaah!<hr></blockquote> Oh yeah, who could forget B-17 which introduced the Intellivision voice module. If only we could use that for CM. Then when your 150mm rockets land all over the map including on top of your own forces, you can hear those immortal words, "That's the wrong target!"
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