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Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pak40: I find it interesting that you you call the actions of a smart AI (a feature that we all complain is missing in most other games), a "bug". The AI is taking things into it's own hands, for once. In other games such as Close Combat and various RTS games these units would be stuck or pace back and forth under the same circumstances. But in Combat Mission, the units are generally smart enough to plot a coarse around an obstacle or reverse out of a dangerous situation. No bugs here, just smart AI.<hr></blockquote> Well, in a current game I had 2 half tracks parked under trees, hiding from the 1st turn. My opponent's planes were circling overhead a few turns later but never spotted them until last turn when they both on their own reversed out of the trees only to get strafed when they moved into open view. Does this sound like smart AI to you?
  2. In a couple of my games, I've noticed that vehicles will plot movement orders for themselves without my having my consent. The new orders are made by the AI both when I had no orders given to the vehicles for that turn and also when they were in the middle of orders. The movement orders are always a bunch of movements (10-20) of small movements bunched up together when you look at the movement path. Has anyone come across this yet?
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Combat Opinion Staff: Thanks for the feedback! Wreck, I didn't test the appearence in Mozilla. Do you know if Mozilla is friendly to Cascading Style Sheets? ...I'm not sure why the comments didn't work for you. They aren't in the database. I'll look into it. Michael Dorosh, Yeah BTS could find that horse transport poll useful. So far only one guy thinks horses would be worth the while to put into CM2. interesting More HQ Polls are on the way! Swamp<hr></blockquote> CSS doesn't work in Mozilla or Netscape. I get the same problems with Netscape 6. All the text is scrambled on the main page.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bullethead: You could try increasing the resolution of your desktop. I use 1200x1600 and never have to scroll sideways <hr></blockquote> Fair enough, if you buy us all 21" monitors to be able to view text on that resolution.
  5. Urban Shocker, Is your name from the New York Yankees pitcher who played with them in the 20's?
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf: Overall, it is one of these vehicles that people buy to hide it "until the armour is gone", which is a questionable strategy. <hr></blockquote> You're right. Someone should really make a list of tanks which must be brought out early in the game to prevent this gamey behavior.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Tanks a Lot: Thanks Colonel, I chose not to use any green so it wouldn't conflict with any of the different types of grass out there.<hr></blockquote> Not sure I understand you. I was inquiring about the green grassy, rocky edge on the tiles. Shouldn't the edges be water only so they blend in with the other water tiles from the sides? Did you mean to do this? As it is now, you have green streaks in the middle of rivers which seems to look a little odd. I don't remember seeing this in other mods.
  8. Other than exposing the 20mm guns that shoot up at them, do they tell the other player a tank is behind a building if the plane spots it on a run?
  9. Question: Is the ford mod supposed to have a green edge to it on the sides along with a rocky edge? Shouldn't it blend into the water tiles? Other than that, great work!
  10. Der Commmisar, Be patient. Surely there are many things about CM that you haven't experienced yet.
  11. I'm at least partly responsible for the change in how infantry reacts to being in a damaged building. In the past, they would chain themselves to the walls as a Sherman tank slowly pummeled it to death until the entire structure came crashing down upon their heads. The result: one seriously mangled infantry squad. I (and some others) lobbied for the infantry to react to the damage to the buildings and run out to seek cover when they felt they were in danger. Even though we went up against some serious grog resistance, we eventually won out and I think mostly everyone now thinks it's for the better. I'm presently looking for my next great cause... :cool:
  12. That is beautiful, especially the ford. Can I get a copy please? Email: treasure262@visto.com
  13. I didn't know friendly mines would activate on friendly units. It doesn't say this in the manual so it came as a shock when I just blew my own infantry unit to smithereens. I just assumed they'd be able to pass right over it. Does this hold true for vehicles too?
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by D'arcy Montague: Well maybe it doesn't mean any thing, But it is bloody useful for those German support platoons. You can use an attached Panzershreck, mortar or gun to create an ambush marker at greater distances than the platoon CO is capable of doing. This means that you can cover 'that open ground' 250m yonder, and catch the enemy infantry out in the open. The spandau's can be hiding and therefore won't fire at the first piss ant scout that comes along and give away they're position. Ofcourse this tactic is perfectly valid with the allies, but it is particuarly suited to the germans because, as you will no doubt be aware, the MG42 has such evil, reach.<hr></blockquote> I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say here...
  15. Thanks for the help--some stuff there I didn't know. Yes, I'm aware only HQ's can target and not squads. I meant to type teams, as in AT teams, and I had noticed that they only seemed to be targetting the last marker I put down while the others had no lines between them and the unit. BTS, why was it coded in there to let AT teams create more than one marker if it doesn't mean anything? That really, really, really, screwed me up on my last turn. Oh, you have no idea...
  16. How many of those targets do you get per squad? Can they target more than one at a time? I noticed that it always targets the last marker you place so it worries me to place more than one. Anyone got an answer?
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Scipio: What I would like to see changed: if infantry in forest receives fire and maybe lost already several men to an unspotted (or even spotted?) enemy, they first complete their movement order! And I mean 'Move', not 'Run'! The first thing everyone will do would be to get close to mother earth and try to spott the enemy. This has also been described by Erwin Rommel in his book 'Infantrie greift an' ('Infantry attacks'). Just imagine this in reality: 'Oh look, Franz is dead. Maybe it has something to do with this loud rifle fire from somewhere 20m away? Well, who cares?'<hr></blockquote> Lol, I'm playing a game now where I rushed a clump of woods and way back hidden in a foxhold is a half squad of enemy infantry. The squad that moved towards the foxhole didn't see the enemy until they were completing a move order, 20m away from them! But instead of turning and shooting and dealing with the situation before completing the order, they are simply ignoring the enemy and walking away...getting shot in the back. Meanwhile the HQ is down but I guess they don't seem to mind. How about any squad who comes under fire, deals with that priority first and THEN completes the move order...
  18. Well, the most important thing to remember as Allies is that most of their armor should be used for infantry support, not killing German tanks. Take the vanilla Sherman vs. the PzIV tank--both staple tanks on each side. Each costs about the same. The third mg on the Sherman only comes with a few rounds so basically, each has 2 mg's. The armor is about the same for each too. The difference lies in tank speed, turret speed, armor, AT capability, and AP capability. The Sherman will give you the advantage in turret speed, tank speed, and Anti-Personnel capability with more HE shells and a slightly better blast rating. The Panzer IV will give you better AT capability with its more powerful gun. Seemingly, the Sherman looks to be more worth the money and it probably is if you use it right. This means using the tank as infantry support instead of challenging it to a duel with a Panzer IV. The gun of the Sherman will penetrate the armor of the Panzer IV less often than the Panzer IV's gun will penetrate the Sherman's. In fact, the Panzer IV will almost always penetrate the Sherman if you look at the numbers alone. Now, knowing that most of the Allied tanks use the same 75mm gun and basically the same armor, you can see why Allies must more often than not use their tanks for killing infantry than hunting for German tanks. Make use of the mass amounts of HE shells you get, the higher blast rating, the fast turret to lock onto nearby opposing infantry quickly, and the speed to move in and out while attacking this infantry. If you're the Germans, your weakness is your flanks since you don't have the turret speed the Allies do. Keep your flanks closed so you don't get hit from behind where you're weakest. Other than that, seek out weak Allied armor with your bigger tanks at long ranges. And no matter what side you are, always try to get hull down and hidden behind trees when you can.
  19. For me, I've had great luck with both Hetzers and PzIV 70's. I especially like the 70's cause when you get those babies hull down, they are death to the Allies. For Allies, I like the HMC. It's a small target and it packs a good whallop against infantry. I also enjoy using the Wasp a lot too because I like to set things on fire. Thirdly, like a lot of other people, I like the Hellcat a hell of a lot. P.S.--I'm surprised no one has named the King Tiger as their favorite yet. I haven't got a chance to use it myself yet (how sad is that?) but I've gone up against one before and it was a real bitch to deal with. [ 11-22-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]</p>
  20. I've noticed that you can only ambush out to 300m with a gun. What if you don't want your gun shooting at long ranges of over 500m? How do you keep it from firing until the target is within 500m or so? If I put them under command of an HQ, will this help with their waiting for a better shot?
  21. While we're on the subject of crews (be it vehicle or gun)...do these guys carry grenades with them?
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patriootti: Let me solve your argument! (I'm Finn by the way!) You have argued about PSW with 20mm and HT with 20mm but... WHAT ABOUT LYNX???????? Its cheap fast good armor when compared to those 2 it has 60he rounds!! so i think the winner is.... LYNX!!!<hr></blockquote> The Lynx is a nice tank. Hell, I'd buy more of them myself if it weren't for the fact that they take up valuable armor points. Now I don't know about you but a lot of us play Combined Arms forces because it gives a more realistic force mix--otherwise everyone would be buying 50 HMCs and a crapload of Ubertanks. The thing about playing Combined Arms is that you can get your 20mm vehicles elsewhere and spend your precious armor points on other stuff you need...like Ubertanks.
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