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Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. How big are those terrain tiles anyway? 30m x 30m?
  2. I've noticed that if you issue your vehicle move orders, they take forever to make a turn, especially if the turn is more than 90 degrees. Why is this? Sometimes, they're not even rotating the hull. They just sit there for 15 seconds before rotating or moving as if they're radioing in to double check the orders or something.
  3. Okay thanks. I assumed that since on-board mortars could use the HQ, that spotters could too.
  4. Okay, maybe I'm just not doing this right...or maybe there is a problem here. Let's say you have an off-board arty spotter that is under command from a HQ unit and you want to use the HQ unit to target your area fire because it has LOS while the spotter is hidden and doesn't. If the spotter was on-board, you would know what you could target using the HQ unit because the area fire line would only "stick" when you were targetting something your HQ unit could actually see. But, if you are firing with a spotter, the area fire line will "stick" whether or not your HQ can actually see the target or not. In other words, when targeting with the spotter, you will always have an area fire line and never know whether you are firing to an area your HQ can see or whether your spotter is guessing and area firing something the HQ cannot see. Either way the area fire line "sticks." The problem with targeting something, say a bunch of woods, with the spotter and not seeing what you're targeting through the HQ, the fire mission won't be nearly as accurate as if your HQ was doing the spotting and could see the area fire your spotter was targeting. Capiche? Does everybody understand what I'm talking about here? So is there a way to find out if you are indeed using the HQ unit to spot or if your spotter is just guessing where to place the arty?
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral: They were picked out and targeted like a naked, homosexual democrat stem cell research scientist who preforms abortions and believes in taxes at a repbulican NRA convention. <hr></blockquote> I thought you were supposed to be 12. Since when do 12 year olds have an interest in politics and stem cell research? Sheesh, remind me never to buy a used car from you.
  6. I think each battle size is fun in its own way. For instance, big battles of 2000 or more are neat cause you can start to coordinate attacks with more degree of difficulty which means it's more of a challenge. It can also mean success on the battlefield for well-coordinated plans using many pieces of armor. The smaller battles of 1250 or less are cool because each armor piece becomes so important and the challenge lies much more in getting as much production out of the unit as possible before it gets killed. Extra effort seems to be put in to not exposing it to dangerous situations. In a 3000 pt battle, you might risk the piece to take an objective or gain a major advantage somehow. In the small battles, the risk becomes much, much higher and the payoff needs to be much higher to take those risks.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Zitadelle: Here is a link for your hi-resolution M3A1 halftrack. The download file has both a summer and winter version. This is Magua's work. M3A1 Halftrack Hi-res Hope this helps.<hr></blockquote> sweet, thanks
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by kburns24: Try this site... http://www.combat-missions.net Look under Mods and look for Hi-Res M3A1 Scout car by Gordon Molek. He has the best Hi-res M3A1 out there.<hr></blockquote> Yeah, got that one and it rocks. Also got a decent M3 Halftrack. What I'm looking for is the M3A1 Halftrack. I can't find any mods out there for it. Surely, one has been done, hasn't it?
  9. I think the question is self explanatory...hi-res please.
  10. Has anybody here played someone who was a really bad sport, someone who not only cut out of the game, but either argued with you or said bad things about your mother? Let's share some of our favorites...
  11. Okay, two things: 1) You did too many shrooms in college. 2) You both need to get a life.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester: I think it is awsome that I can chat with a...12 year old on this forum... -K.B.<hr></blockquote> Don't get too attached to Combat General. We're just babysitting him till his parents pick him up.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Doodlebug: Once upon a time in a scenario far,far away there lived a Sdkfz7/2. One day while out driving he met some strangers. He reversed up and down just in front of his new friends and killed two Daimlers, one Humber, three MMG Carriers, one White Scout Car, a Jeep and occupants, a Sexton and mauled two squads of infantry all inside two minutes. For he was a magical half track impervious to AP, HE and small arms. When he'd finished introducing himself he drove away and lived happily ever after. Not one of my finest hours.<hr></blockquote> Lol, funny one. Well, I hate doing these "experiments" but I set up some tests with 7/2's going against Shermans and TD's. 1 7/2 against 2 Allied tanks in each fight. The 7/2's were destroyed but not before the 7/2 got a few shots on the tanks. Of course they were all richochets except for one gun hit. This wasn't the best test but it gave me an idea of how lethal the truck would be against lighter vehicles. I still wouldn't put it up against a Sherman or TD though.
  14. I have yet to use one of these in a game due to pretty much everyone not wanting them in battles because of the myth surrounding them. I did a search and saw that Steve posted how they can take out TD's with ease. Now, looking at the numbers, I don't see how one of its AP rounds will pierce a TD from the front. Am I to assume it will kill it's target with a gun hit while stealthy avoiding incoming AP rounds? Or does the 7/2 only kill from the side or rear? What will happen on average if I put one up toe to toe against a Sherman or TD?
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: There are no printed maps included <hr></blockquote> Hmm..maybe there should be...
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: Col D, I always try to make sure each of my guys has some sort of gun, even if it's only a pistol. <hr></blockquote> The slingshots weren't working, eh? To be honest, I think the CAL ladder is a little too strict when it comes to guns. I'd like to see 2 guns for every 1000 pts after the first 1000. Of course, this still leaves the problem of knowing just how many guns the other guy has on defense. Usually the defender will take the max because they are so deadly to vehicles so the other guy kills one and starts counting. It would be nice to eliminate this but I'm not sure I'd how to start.
  17. At T-House, it's 3 guns per first 1000 pts. With 1 gun per every 1000 pts after. So, for a 2000 pt game, a defender could buy 4 guns. At Rugged Defense, (and correct me if I'm wrong) you can have as many guns as you wish. Is this correct? This is what it says for Recon Rule. Is it different for Short-75, Panther-76? What are your opinions on number of guns for fair play?
  18. What are we talking about here? I've never heard of such a thing.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pak40: It's POSSIBLY a bug only if it happens every time. By this I mean we should test to see if halftracks back out of tree cover by themselves because planes are flying overhead. We can easily create a similar situation: a small map with some light trees and open space - pick halftracks for the US and planes for the germans (or vice-versa). Run the scenario a few times and see if the halftracks move on their own every time. Then make the same scenario (only without the planes) - run this scenario several times and see if the halftracks move every time. We should be able to draw some conclusions from this test. You think that it's a bug. I think that it's the program's fuzzy logic coding. The fuzzy logic adds a bit of randomness into the game to account for luck, environment, bad decisions being made by soldiers, etc... This feature gives the game an unpredictability that is all to realistic, especially on battlfields. The bottom line is that you're just PO'd because you lost two halftracks when they disobeyed your orders. The reality is that this happens all the time in battle - either bad decisions are made or orders are disobeyed or both. I'd be disappointed in CM's AI if those halftracks stayed in those trees every time you replayed the scenario. It would mean that the fuzzy logic isn't working and the AI is predictable as any Doom clone game.<hr></blockquote> Actually, I'm not P.O'd. I'm just bored and wanted to post about something. You're probably right about the fuzzy logic. I had totally forgotten about the random factor in this game. I keep thinking it only applies to armor penetration and stuff like that.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pak40: let me get this straight. You parked two halftracks in scattered trees the entire game? I'm assuming at some point in the game you actually used these halftracks, either moved them or they fired upon some enemy soldiers(otherwise, what's the point in getting the halftracks). If they did fire upon some enemy then that means that they were vulnerable to possible enemy units which may have cause them to move. Also, artillery would easily cause them to move, even a 50mm mortar. As for the AI being 'smart' (or lack of) for bringing the halftacks out in the open, it was just bad luck. Your halftracks in the trees had limited visibility and a plausible explanation is that the crews thought the enemy planes had left the area. But when they get out in the open they are surprised to see the planes return. This is a totally realistic mistake that could have and did happen in WWII.<hr></blockquote> This was a canned scenario in which I'm on the defense. (Mick, you're not reading this are you?) I had two halftracks in scattered trees and they were hiding from turn 1. Then, on turn 10, they both reversed out of the trees into open ground ironically just before his planes flew by. They were both immediately killed. There was no arty in the area at the time to make the halftracks move. They simply did it on thier own. I had no intention of moving them until later in the game because of the way the defense is structured. If my halftrack is adjusting its route for a better one, that is fine. This movement was started on its own and I wanted to know if anybody else had experienced this for themselves and it looks like one or two have. The question still remains as to if this is a bug or if the vehicles were doing this on their own. The planes have been circling for about 3 turns now so if they moved because they thought they were in danger, why did they wait so long to do so? It's my opinion that this is a bug, not a feature.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral: Can someone walk me through the whole process as if I were an idiot. <hr></blockquote> What do you mean "as if"?
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ligur: Two days ago, I playing a defence battle. I was defending a village from incoming SS armor and mechanized infantry units. At about round 10, all my supporting vehicles (like Jeeps) that were in the back of the village, parked outside heavy buildings and definetly out of sight, started moving around. W3rd. They were not under threat. The enemy had shot some very random arty volleys during the round, but none fell inside 250m of my support vehicles. They all plotted 4 to 5 step, short moves, moving distances from 15 to 30 meters. In the same battle a certain Engineer platoon tried to run to random positions several times. Never could figure out why. Also one M8 Greyhound wanted to change its location by 100 meters at turn 11 using "fast" move, still can't figure out why. Odd. Of course my armor, that was in contact with a heavy armored assault force, kept moving on reverse AND to the forward most of the time. Sometimes the TacAI wants to move a tank CLOSER to the enemy if you are "bunched up", there is smoke, the terrain is cramped (woods, buildings) etc. and will end up in a position not preferable. At least twice in the very same battle described above a Sherman decided to move a few meters forward, expose its flank from behind a building and get picked off from the side by a previously hidden AT team or armor unit. Well, I guess they try their best... =P<hr></blockquote> Yeah, this is very similar to what happened with me. I swear upon my CM instruction manual that I did not move those halftracks! They moved by themselves! Now the question is...is this a feature or a bug? And if it's a feature, why the hell would they move out of scattered trees into a clearing to get shot up by planes overhead? BTS, please answer as this is something us players need to know.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Captain Wacky: Go get Lassie, maybe he fell down a well [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Captain Wacky ]<hr></blockquote> Lassie blew his butt off the other week when we used him as a mine dog. He was a smart one alright--found the tank on the first try.
  24. I have a game going with this guy but I haven't heard from him in weeks. Anybody playing him now and know where he is?
  25. We finally get rid of Maximus and then this guy appears to take his place. Just goes to show you how the universe balances itself out...
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