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Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. The Sherman M4 has a positive ID on it. It is though, firing down from a slight hill. My Hetzer is hull down in a ridge slightly below it about 300m away. As for the armor quality, I thought those numbers showed the result of the armor quality not being 100%. If not, why are there meaningless numbers in the tables then? What would be the purpose of that? The only thing that I can think of is that the shot was fired at what visually looks like the frontal side. Of course, we don't get the messgage, "Frontal-side" hit (at least I don't think we don't) so maybe that has something to do with it. Are frontal-side shots taken into account with a armor penetration in the middle of the two used, or is there no grey area there--only frontal 60mm and side 30mm?
  2. My opponent who is on the attack in July '44 (that means no Tungsten) has just taken out my Hetzer with an AP round from a frontal upper hull hit. Let's break this down, shall we... A Hetzer has 60mm of armor on the upper hull with a 60 degree angle. My opponent's M4 Sherman's penetration numbers for AP rounds hitting armor at a 60mm slope is 38 at 500 meters and 40 at 0 meters. Now...how the hell can this round which can only penetrate 40mm of armor take out my Hetzer which has 60mm of armor? This is so far removed from reality that it couldn't possibly happen. And if you think it can, you better have a good explanation.
  3. Thanks for the link. I'm too lazy to check around for anything today.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947: Well I can see Steve & the guys all smiling now that this big to do about CMMO is going on. Now they can go about their work knowing that we are all busy downloading mods and trying to understand and get everything going with this fantastic gift that Gordon & all the guys working with him are giving us. It's better then Christmas! or as good. So, yeah their grinning. This should get CM2 off our minds for awhile I bet. It at least sure helps. Gordon & guys again thanks a 100 times! I'm happy! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't forget to thank the girls. After all, Maximus was involved in this too.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: BTW, has someone noted if the total ammo goes out at lower speed if one of the guns goes out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's a good question. I don't think I've ever noticed that happen with a tank with a bow or coaxial gun because it always seems you have enough to last till the end of the game. But on those tanks which only have a remote flexible, those run out early and yet I can't remember if they stop firing the mg altogether or if it's just like the infantry where they fire only sporadically from that point on. Does somebody know the answer to this?
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ellros: Yes, it's the total for all mg's in the hull/turret. AA mg's in Allied tanks or remote mg's in Axis have their own supply.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for the info. By the way, when you say AA mg's in Allied tanks, I assume you are referring to the remote 50 cal flexible...?
  7. I noticed that on some tanks there is no mg total for a certain gun. For instance, on the King Tiger it says bow and coaxial mg. There is a (234) next to the coaxial but nothing next to the bow gun. Is this number a total number of rounds for both guns or is it just for the coaxial gun? If it's just for the coaxial, then how much is in the bow?
  8. Playing this game has caused me to realize just how anal...I mean meticulous I really am. For starters, I only play PBEM because it allows me the time I need to examine every crack and crevice of the battlefield. I played one TCP game and was so rushed that I vowed never to do it again. When I get my setup file, the first thing I do is go into view 4 and see if I got any good hills in my zone. If I don't and my opponent has wall-to-wall mountains in his back lines with tree coverage to boot, I get nervous and start to sweat. After looking for hills, I check my platoon leaders and pray for double command bonuses. I figure that if they don't have good morale or good combat bonuses, I can overcome my bad luck with good tactics but the command I can't do anything about since you can't buy platoon or company leaders a la carte in the CM store. After viewing their strengths and weaknesses, I check out my other units starting with my infantry support tanks which have limited amounts of HEAT rounds or tanks which get Tungsten and see how much the CM gods gave me this time. Usually it's about 1 or 2 for each in which case I let out a groan. After checking my units I get down to level 1 and look over the map for...oh around an hour. I'm not exaggerating here either. I will look that thing over for a bunch of things: where I have cover as I march towards the flags, where I can stage a trap if my opponent decides to flank me, where I can get my tank destroyers to high ground AND behind foilage of some kind, where I can make runs to the back of his lines and do it with the utmost safety, etc, etc. All in all, it will take me about 2-3 hours to do a setup which is about the same time I take for choosing my units in the CM store. As for what tatics I use or what units I buy, I am withholding that information because it is too valuable to my opponents. I do though try to mix things up and as a new player, I'm still trying new units and new strategies to see what works best. During games, my pet peeve is when someone mails me a turn where I'm watching film and they reveal what happened by some oblique comment which they think won't give anything away but always does. For this reason, I only make comments when I know the other guy has already seen the turn so I don't ruin the surprise. I admit though, I am one of those who when they receive a film turn, will drop whatever I'm doing at that moment to watch the thing because I can't stand to be put into suspense. If I know that I moved up my Hetzer to try to take out his 76, I can't wait till later on that night to see what happened. Every infantry man lost in this game is a blow. If it's a halftrack or AC my pain is doubled. If I lose a tank, I will be depressed for the remainder of the day. I try to tell myself it's just a game but then that little voice inside me says, "No, it's a ladder game" and so I go back to sulking. Yes, I only play ladder or at least have so far because I like the extra challenge. It's like playing poker with money instead of chips. It seems as if there's more to lose which makes the game more fun for me. One day I'd like to try a campaign just for fun or maybe a battle where I can buy a 14" naval battery of arty to unload on my opponent and see the carnage but until then, I'll stick with my PBEM ladder games and my anal way of playing them...
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cybeq: I must be missing somthing. Are we talking about M36 Jackson Vs. M10 Wolverine? Or do some people think the M10 is the Hellcat? Just to clarify: M18 Hellcat, M10 Wolverine, M36 Jackson.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I didn't know the M10 was called the Wolverine until I saw it in the British section. I'm assuming this is the same tank as the M10 in the American section and BTS was just too lazy to label it properly...
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tread Head: Any and or all advice will be nice, thanks<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Okay, listen to what you're mother told you and stay away from the Peng thread. Trust me, it's for your own good.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuerte: The game needs to be in Play state, and the password must be defined for it. It's true that it could try to do all the automatic stuff always if you click Play, but currently it only starts CMBO, unless the above two things are OK. If your game is not in Play state, then you probably didn't use the Additional Working Folder feature.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lemme get this straight...the program only starts CM for you and sends the file back to your opponent when you're done? Not bagging on the program but I heard this does more than One Click and yet I don't see how. One Click does all of this and gets you into the game with...One Click. No need for entering in passwords or clicking through screens. I guess I'll go back to the old one. I'm lazy and it seems to be a good marriage. I will never stray again...
  12. I've been waiting for someone to mention the Jackson in my Underrated/Overrated thread but it hasn't happened yet. I've never seen any of my opponents take one of these so I've been wondering if they are a rip off at the CM store. When I looked at the numbers though, I found that it wouldn't be a bad idea to have one of these on your side. Let's compare the Jackson to the M10 which everyone always takes as their tank destroyer because it's 20 points cheaper than the cheapest Jackson. The advantages: The Jackson is slightly faster, has a much faster turret, a bigger blast area, and better armor penetration. The penetration numbers for the M10 at a 500m range are: 0 degrees: 112mm, 30 degrees: 89mm, & 60 degrees: 51mm. For the Jackson: 0 degrees: 139mm, 30 degrees: 107mm, & 60 degrees: 61mm The problem with the Jackson is, it doesn't have Tungsten while the M10 does. So after September, the M10 might be a better buy. But before the Allies have the use of Tungsten, a Jackson might be a good purchase if you have to go up against a Hetzer or other German equivalent. That 90mm gun could save your life one day. In addition to the better armor penetration, those HE shells will do a much better job at wiping out the enemy than the M10's. The blast rating for the Jackson is 56 while the M10 is only 33. Each tank gets approximentely the same amount of HE. Lastly, the Jackson has a much, much faster turrett. If you plan to move your tank around and especially if you want to flank your opponent, you want a Jackson because of it's fast turret. The very slow turret on the M10 will not provide you with the speed you need to strike first. Curiously, the B1 version of the Jackson offers a bow mg with slightly better armor than its predecessor. This upgrade will cost you an additional 22 clams. I'm interested in knowing if anyone has had good success with these tanks and in what roles. Also, do you purchase the standard M36 or the M36B1 with the better armor and additional bow mg?
  13. I'm using the one called "PBEM"--not "One Click To Combat." When I'm at the pick screen, I choose the game I want to play. The program loads up CM but only takes me to the opening screen, just as if I had started it myself. Even when I hit multiplayer and then "load email", it doesn't choose the file for me. It doesn't do anything at all. With One Click To Combat, all I had to do was choose the game I wanted to play and "boom", I was in the game. Isn't this supposed to work the same way? In fact the only reason I downloaded this was because I heard it was better. For me though, it won't work at all.
  14. I installed it and entered in all the info for each file. When I highlight a game though and hit enter, CM begins but nothing else happens. It just waits there for me to pick the game I want. So, why doesn't it choose the file for me and enter in the pass? What's going on?
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87H: Overrated: Tiger I Tank. No sloped Armor makes this thing an easy target for the armor anemic Allies. For all the hype the big cat seems to not live upto it. Its little cat brother is more effective and deadly. Gen<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It seems so many people are frustrated with the lack of frontal armor on this thing since it looks so big and tough and was known for this. I think you gotta get down and dirty with this tank. You need to throw it into the fray--that is, the fray of enemy infantry--not tanks. This thing should be treated as a souped-up support weapon, not a tank destroyer. And what a great support weapon it is! It has enough frontal armor to bounce off enemy zook and piat shots which the StugIIIG (everyone's favorite choice of cheap anti-infantry armor) doesn't have. It also has 2 mg's with plenty of ammo while one of the StugIIIG's mg's is a remote flexible with only 24 rounds of ammo--after that, you're down to 1 mg. The Tiger also has a turret which the StugIIIG doesn't have. The other main advantage to the Tiger is the 88 gun it houses. You're given a lot more HE too than the Stug. Now do you mind paying 100 more clams for this thing knowing how to use it properly? When protected from the Allied tank destroyers, this thing can be deadly to enemy infantry and if needed, go toe to toe with 76's, Hellcat's, and M10's and stand a 50/50 chance of winning.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lane: To Panzer76, " Hey I read the forum". Thank's for the info.about the demo. I have European Air War on my hard drive. and fly it some. but I am hooked on CBM. Lane<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I got EAW about a year ago and I have yet to fly my 1st mission. Why? Because I bought it at the same time as CM and once I got hooked with this game, I can't focus on learning anything else. Bummer too because I hear EAW is still a great game to play.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by redeker: Here's the list of potentially gamey tactics put forth by TreeBurst for the Rumblings of War tourney: POTENTIALLY Gamey Tactics 1) Setting fire to "squares" or buildings unoccupied by enemy troops, ESPECIALLY to deny a VL or covered access to one. 2) Advancing large formations along the map edge. 3) Scouting with AT teams, crews of knocked out vehicles or guns, MG teams, and anybody who is "low" on ammo. 4) Recon with light (cheap) vehicles well into enemy territory. 5) Exposing AT teams SOLEY for the purpose of drawing enemy fire. 6) Ordering vehicle and gun crews to participate in an attack or hunt down enemy teams or spotters. 7) Rushing infantry straight at a known enemy position (especially through cover) with no supporting/suppressive fire.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 2,4,5, and 6 are ridiculous--just ridiculous. Let's begin with #2. How can advancing large amounts of infantry along the map's edge be gamey? Is the edge of the map not part of the playing board? And how much is a large amount? These are such open-ended rules which are interpreted differently by each person. But this point is moot with me because I consider every point on the map a realistic and viable option for the enemy to move to. #4--Recon will go as far as you let them, in this game and in real life. The more intelligence they can gather, the more they will take. If you don't want a jeep or scout car going into your flanks, don't leave large gaps in your line. If you do, you run the risk of letting someone through. #5--Those AT teams cost just as much as an infantry squad. If you exposed your infantry squad to the enemy they'd be fired upon, so why is it any worse with an AT squad? #6--What's wrong with hunting down an enemy spotter with gun or vehicle crews? I once subscribed to the belief that you shouldn't use crews for anything but laying low in the flanks but hell, you lose points when those guys are killed so why is it so bad to send them up to spot? Nobody knows the exact points you lose for these teams so why has it been established that this is gamey? You could be losing a good amount of points for getting your 4 man vehicle crew killed or worse, held as prisoner. I don't send these guys into my enemy's flanks for that very reason. I don't want to lose points when they are killed seconds after being seen. I played one guy who was appalled at me when my truck got bogged down in my own territory and I ordered the bailed crew to go to the nearest house (also in my territory) and do some spotting. I guess he thought I should've just sent them home...
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87H: I dont consider anything Gamey. I consider the term Gamey reserved for people who got thier ass beat and cant fathom the idea that somebody else used a tactic they could not stop. I have seen alot and from each butt whooping I take it is a learning experience. Gen<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Essentially, you are right and I respect you for saying this. Far too much I hear all these stupid rules one has to follow. The real strategist will find a way around the obstacles his enemy places in front of him. When faced with something that seems unfair, he will figure out a way to defeat his enemy's plan.
  19. I'd love to hear what people's opinions are and maybe we can even get into some arguments over a couple. I'm gonna start this off: Most Overrated: Allied Flamethrower Only 6 shots? Why only 6 when the Germans get 9 for the same price? While we're on the subject, I think ALL Flamethrower teams are overrated. For double the price, as the Germans I can buy the Flame Halftrack which has about 5 times as much ammo. These Flamethrower units should in my opinion cost about 25 pts and each team should have 9 pulls on the trigger. BTS should have fixed this in a patch. As it is now, not many people use them which takes away an important level of strategy to the game. Most Underrated: I don't see a clear cut favorite yet in my games but for now I'll go with the Allied HMG. For 22 pts, you get 125 rounds of ammo which should let you open fire for almost the entire game. A damn fine investment of your hard-earned CM cash.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio: Check this link: Recoiless Rifle It's sometimes called an American invitation - but that isn't true. The first US RR (57mm) is based on German 75mmm and 105mm Leichtgeschütze (I hope the name will be corrected in CMBB), captured in North Africa. [ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for the link. Hard to believe those things weigh 115 lbs--only looks to be about half that heavy. [ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  21. What the hell is a recoilless rifle anyways? What is the difference between this and a gun?
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Danzig: Heh...I'm one of those refugees. I really like WW2OL and the gameplay. I was one of the few that could actually get it to run on my system(athlon 1.33ghz geforce3) even though it was only at 40fps. However, the game lacks the one major thing that keeps it from being Tank Quake, or Quank as we call it. The limited resource system and the rank system have yet to be put in place. And until it does, taking tank from point A to point B to blow up enemy tank, then wash, rinse, repeat- can get very boring and mundane. I can credit the game with one great thing, though. It introduced me to Combat Mission through some posts on their forums! Now I had to return the favor and recently made a post on their boards called, "Combat Mission, or why I haven't played WW2OL for a week!" Go check it out and spread the gospel that is Combat Mission!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Praise the lord, I say, praise the lord!
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