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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. Well done and excellent work Marcus - it will surely grace my BMP folder! It seems naval officers in the German fleet have lots of time to kill Regards, Charl Theron --------------- They relied on a device known as the ‘Hanoi fact’ – something was regarded as true until such time as the war ended and the got home and could look it up. A brut Champagne, for instance, contained 2% sugar or less until the spring of 1973, when the men returned home and discovered it was actually 1.5%. -- Geoffrey Norman "A Tale of Hope and Wine"
  2. An interesting study Treeburst and Nabla! Rewarding consistent good play (even if scoring is only a few points above the median compared to the scores from combatants on the same scenario) is the essence here and is well rewarded by the "Nabla system." Outlier results as postulated by Fionn, especially when there is a strong imbalance in the scenario and a player has succeeded against the odds of scenario imbalance should also not be completely negated IMHO. Program/test away! Regards, Charl Theron ----------------- "Sparkling Muscatel. One of the finest wines of Idaho!" -- waiter in The Muppet Movie (1979)
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzeranklopfgeraet: Will the ruleset for the MarkIV's also be available separately? If so, could you send it my way like you did with the Panthers? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ditto for me Clubfoot. I have most of these non-CMMOS MarkIV's already on my HD and will appreciate just the rulset being zipped off to at WineCape@global.co.za . Much obliged in advance! Charl Theron
  4. Gordon & Clubfoot, Are you gentleman going to "publish" what modder has taken/used what RuleSet #'s (so far) with their CMMOS-enabled mods, at least as far as it can be traced/published by you. RuleSet #850 (that is being used for the excellent Panthers mods from various artists) springs to mind, and I'll hate to loose them (without warning) after installing a new CMMOS-enabled mod. I'm still marvelling at this piece of brilliant software! Excellent design and execution. If you guys need a donation, you know where to find me. Sincerely, Charl Theron ------------- I guess you could say I'm the ultimate fan of wine, rather than a connoisseur. I'm an amateur, but I have started to become really gung-ho on the subject of wine tasting. I love the adventure of taste. -- Itzhak Perlman, Israeli concert violinist
  5. Much obliged Clubfoot. Awaiting your e-mail with the ruleset. Kind regards, Charl Theron ----------------- Oh, we could give it a try. I'll bring the wine, you bring your scarred psyche. -- Chase in "Batman Forever" (1995)
  6. Clubfoot, even a better idea... I have already d/l'ed 2 sets of Fernando's non-compliant CMMOS Panther G (+ late) zip files, specifically the Ambush/Tri-color versions. Is it possible to get the CMMOS compliant filenaming convention of Fernando's Ambush/Tri-color Panther G (+ late) from you guys? Then I can rename the files on my own accord. I will obviously also need the Fernando ruleset files no doubt. Just downloaded your 33.11MB link and after 2 hours with a few bytes left it bombed out. Getright download manager could not resume the few bytes that was left -- so close yet so far! :mad: Appreciate any help here. Regards.
  7. It's been done gentlemen, head over to http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=021562 for the 6th life of this black cat...
  8. Mmm, should be effectively Invitational Tourney [part LCMXIX!]. I see Shandorf's skill on the CMBO battlefield is as sharp as his wit on the bulletin board. Kettler, fire those rockets sir! Regards, Charl Theron Between May 22, 1985 and May 4, 1988, the French writer Jean-Paul Kauffmann was held chained and often blindfolded in a Beirut basement by Shiite Muslim fundamentalist groups. A lover of Bordeaux wine, Mr. Kauffmann recited daily the list of the 61 greatest chateaux drawn up in 1855. He strove to conjure up the aroma of a Chateau Margaux or a Leoville-Poyferre. Occasionally a small miracle would occur, and the scent of black currants and plum would permeate the dusty heat of Lebanon. -- Roger Cohen, "Ways of Doing Time" (1997)
  9. It's getting better and better! Regards, Charl Theron ------------------------- Good wine ruins the purse; bad wine ruins the stomach. -- Spanish saying
  10. Clubfoot, This is what I was waiting for, Fernando's Panthers for CMMOS! I must add I've d/l also the German Uniform set + ruleset of Maximus and it is one of the easiest ways to implement additions that I've seen. Congrats on all the hardwork that you gentlemen have done. One kind request regarding Fernando's Panther set (Lehr + Mono + Tricolor + Ambush): Can you divide the d/l file or split the file so that I can d/l it in smaller chunks? Say only the Ambush or Tricolour scheme of Fernando? Please. Being from South Africa, our brandwith here on the African continent is really pathetic. (Still locked in slow landlines with slow connections.) Sincerely, Charl Theron ------------------ Between May 22, 1985 and May 4, 1988, the French writer Jean-Paul Kauffmann was held chained and often blindfolded in a Beirut basement by Shiite Muslim fundamentalist groups. A lover of Bordeaux wine, Mr. Kauffmann recited daily the list of the 61 greatest chateaux drawn up in 1855. He strove to conjure up the aroma of a Chateau Margaux or a Leoville-Poyferre. Occasionally a small miracle would occur, and the scent of black currants and plum would permeate the dusty heat of Lebanon. -- Roger Cohen "Ways of Doing Time" -- NY Times, May 4, 1997.
  11. A related question specific to AT-gun assets: (a) Does the zap sign (combat bonus) of HQ's really improve the accuracy or To-Hit% of AT-guns? ( What will be the best HQ bonuses be for AT-guns? I assume the heart sign (morale bonus) is obviously a bonus that will keep the firing crew from being panicked/pinned if fired upon. Is the stealth HQ bonus really that effective, given the fact that once a 75mm/88mm gun opens up, it is hard to conceal them from the enemy while firing due to their size and silhouette. Or better put, if I hide a AT-gun in tall pines with a +2 Stealth HQ bonus, will the stealth factor be of greater effect than if the AT-gun were to be within less cover ONCE THE AT-GUN HAS OPEN UP and FIRING away? Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------- Come, come, good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used; exclaim no more against it. -- William Shakespear "Othello" Act II
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: I think I will go ahead and keep everyone in the dark concerning the outcome of players' games. This relieves me of quite a load of work and adds to the suspense for you guys. If there is mass revolt caused by my withholding of game outcomes I will of course give in; but until then you guys don't get to know anything except the scoring system when that is finally decided on. Have Fun!! Treeburst155 out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Could I kindly request that you then send me the game scores via e-mail as they come in Treeburst? Less admin work for you seems prudent at this stage. Kind regards, Charl Theron ----------------- "My dear girl, there are some things that just aren't done, such as drinking Dom Perignon '53 above the temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit. That's just as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs!" -- James Bond in "Goldfinger" (1964)
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: I could just report the scores of completed games on this thread without revealing sides or scenarios, just names. Players would almost be completely in the dark as to how they stand. This is fine with me, and saves me lots of work (the web page); but people may not want to be that much in the dark for the duration of the tournament. I kinda like the idea though. Wild Bill and the testers, WineCape, and I will know what is going on and get to enjoy the race. Keep in mind that without specific information about a completed game (players, sides,and score) you will have no way to compare your performance with others during the tournament. There can be no page showing the ranking of players since that can't be determined until all games are completed. I could post win/loss statistics but they would be of dubious value with this scoring system. So speak up, guys. How much info do you want to know when it comes to completed games? Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hello Treeburst and fellow participants, Been following this thread and I agree that the so called "Nabla system" (well done sir!) is really a nifty idea - it should be implemented unless participants feel that there is some overriding concern with the mechanics of this scoring system. Humbly speaking for myself, I would like to know at least the participants scoring details (how irrelevant that might seem to be while RoW is going on), the scenario the players played etc. Participants will at least get then a general idea who is nailing whom on the battle field! Anyways, this is your tournament, RoW combatants. Let Treeburst know your views regarding this issue. He is already doing a fine job IMO. Best wishes, Charl Theron ------------------ The Irish believe that fairies are extremely fond of good wine. The proof of the assertion is that in the olden days royalty would leave a keg of wine out for them at night. Sure enough, it was always gone in the morning. -- Irish Folklore
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Peter, Yeah, go ahead and exchange passwords if you want. The Kingfish/Svensson game has been recorded along with 10 extra points to Peter for the excellent AAR. I will post the results to the "Standings" page as soon as I get a few more in. Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> After receiving/reading Peter's excellent AAR report with his battle with kingfish, I second the fact that he should receive 10/10 for his AAR report! Well written and clear with a breakdown heading of every turn as well as action phase. Congrats to Kingfish for winning the game! I see that the loser (Peter) has enjoyed the battle, which shows that once again Wild Bill and his crew turned up some top battles/maps. Best of luck to the other participants, Charl Theron ----------------- In victory, you deserve champagne; in defeat, you need it. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  15. KiwiJoe, Send me your postal address details so that I can despatch your 6-bottle wine prize you so deservedly won in the WineCape Tourney! Congratulations again. Regards, Charl Theron ------------ Anyone who tries to make you believe that he knows all about wines is obviously a fake. -- Leon Adams, "The Common sense Book of Wine", 1962.
  16. Hello all, I'm back after a week of brainstorming! Treeburst, did you send any AAR's of the RoW to me, or are there no games completed yet? Regards and good battles to the participants, Charl Theron --------------- I feast on wine and bread, and feasts they are. -- Michelangelo, Italian artist (1475 - 1564)
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by redeker: Winecape, I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I've e-mailed you a scenario I made called "Taking the Chateau". I designed it for single person play vs. the AI, but it should be playable for PBEM with a new OOB. And the best in my "cellar" (pantry) is some 8-year old Mondavi Cab... sigh I'll be trusting you to make some good recommendations if I somehow manage to win the RoW tourney. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hello Redeker, Thank you. I don't seem to have received your scenario btw - care to mail it again. Mail address in my profile. (I Was away from home for a full week and my wife mentioned that she deleted some gibberish:rolleyes regards, Charl Theron ------------------- The best use of bad wine is to drive away poor relations. -- French proverb
  18. Hello gentleman, Back after a strenous full week of fitness/theory tests from FIFA's High Level referees course for the CAF panel. Passed it, but boy, did they nail us! Up at crack of dawn. Warm-up(!) consist of 5-8km runs every morning. They seem to think we all have to be bloody Kenian long distance Olympic athletes... Anyways, Treeburst, please mail me developments. Did you send any AAR's to me? Regards to all, Charl Theron ------------ "I can certainly see that you know your wine. Most of the guests who stay here wouldn't know the difference between Bordeaux and Claret." -- John Cleese in "Fawlty Towers"
  19. Any other Chateau(X!) scenarios out there apart from the ones mentioned above? The ones mention were interesting and well designed to play PBEM battles on, btw. Regards, Charl Theron ---------------- There is no doubt that as a remedy Beaune is infinitely more pleasant than bicarbonate of soda, gentian-tonic or even Vichy water. -- Maurice des Ombiaux in "Le Gotha des vins de France" (1925)
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Important Announcement!! Everett Thiele has had to withdraw from the tournament due to an unexpected large increase in his workload. This means one of the three standby players will be put into his slot. I'm not sure exactly how WineCape wanted to choose among the three. I will get with him on that. Juha Ahoniemi, Since you only saw one movie in your game with Everett we will just start the game over again with the guy who takes Everett's slot. Jason Barnes, Terry McLaughlin, Tom Travisano, One of you guys will be picked to take Everett's place. Let me know ASAP if you are no longer able to play. EDIT: According to an earlier WineCape post the replacement player will be chosen at random out of a hat. Treeburst155 out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As Caesar said, crossing the Rubicon towards Rome: "Alea jacta est." The dice has been thrown; the following player is taken up Mr Everett Thiele's place in section III: THOMAS TRAVISANO ttravisano@stny.rr.com Congratulations Thomas. You are battling with Juha Ahoniemi ( juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi ) in your first round, please contact Treeburst to confirm your willingness to participate as well as for battle details pertaining to your square-up with Jahu. To the other 2 standby players: Tough luck gentleman, at least the odds have increased from 33% -- 50% next time a player withdraws! Again, I thank Wild Bill and his war crew for their work done here. Thanks gentleman! Sincerely, Charl Theron ------------- Nothing more excellent or valuable than wine has ever been granted by the gods to man. -- Plato, Greek philosopher (427 - 347 B.C.) BTW: South Africa produces one of her most famous red wines, the Meerlust Rubicon (a Bordeaux Blend, currently 1997 vintage). This will be one of the possible recommendations to the winner of RoW, no doubt after you have played/seen these scenarios!
  21. Alea jacta est! Good combat to all - have fun! Regards, Charl Theron --------------- Wine is the one beverage that is fittingly used to accompany the workman's meal, to observe a memorable occasion, to inspire the poet, to minister to the sick, to welcome, to enhance cooking, to make a banquet perfect, to toast beggar or king. No other beverage has had such universal recommendation throughout the ages. -- Gary Player, South African professional golfer
  22. For the sake of completeness as well as a complete wish lists reference, please take SOME time (Warning: it is quite long!) in reading this comprehensive thread of CM2 and ~ wish lists as well as BTS' official reply. Steve and Charles have noted all suggestion there -- very gracious of them! Regards, Charl Theron ------------- Nothing more excellent or valuable than wine has ever been granted by the gods to man. -- Plato, Greek philosopher (427 - 347 B.C.)
  23. Thanks Berli. BTW Pawbroon, I was privilege enough to drink (no - taste!) a 1779 bottle of Vin De Constance with the owner of Klein Constantia recently. It was STILL DRINKABLE after all these years, a true testimony to the ageability of the Muscat de Frontignan grape, this specific rootstock clone being imported by Dutch Governor Jan van Riebeeck in 1656. Regards, Charl Theron --------------- Wine is the one beverage that is fittingly used to accompany the workman's meal, to observe a memorable occasion, to inspire the poet, to minister to the sick, to welcome, to enhance cooking, to make a banquet perfect, to toast beggar or king. No other beverage has had such universal recommendation throughout the ages. -- Gary Player, South African professional golfer
  24. Could I humbly suggest you write like Hemingway, sweet, short and to the point Regards, Charl ------------- We thought of wine as something healthy and normal as food and also a great giver of happiness and well-being and delight. Drinking wine was not a snobbism nor a sign of sophistication nor a cult; it was as natural as eating and to me as necessary. -- Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)
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