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Everything posted by Barrold

  1. As if another thank-you from a rabid Zombat Missionary means anything, but thanks to all for the continuing support, the interaction with your customers, and the fun atmosphere that the site provides. This is a personal problem but whenever I read Steve's posts, I have the mental picture of Charles. Naturally this is not an issue with Madmatt because he looks so much like practically every bouncer I have ever seen working at a bar. Hoopla, the patch is dl'd! BDH
  2. Go here to get some rulesets Combat Mission This version is ultra easy to use so all you need to do is click configure, add ruleset, and browse to the location of the zip file. Simple as that. BDH
  3. I think that would be better with some sort of cheese. BDH
  4. I love ATRs in such circumstances. I find the plinking sound to be very comforting. BDH
  5. There is something about having the option to change the look of a particular scenario or for whatever reason that just adds that little lemon juice on the shrimp cocktail of goodness. The new program is simply fantastic. It is easy to add rulesets and mods. The many options of slogans, insignia, and the recognition stripes are really swell. I would encourage those modders to work with Gordon to convert their wonderful efforts to the system as it really is a great way to ensure your work will be lasting and that it will be used. Otherwise, it seems that something new gets posted everyday and the older mods get supplanted. My biggest recommendation is for panzermartin to get those amazing winter mods into CMMOS. Those were choke-on-drool good. BDH
  6. Thanks to all who worked on this pack. I downloaded it earlier and put off playing any of the new scenarios as I had a report to write. Come to find out that the report was not due until next week so I rushed around for nothing. I was so pissed I almost had to flip out completely and cut off some heads. BDH
  7. So it should be ready in about 2 and a half hours? Jeez I have to finish a report on Carrier Hotels and Server Farms by class tomorrow night. Better make some coffee. BDH
  8. Mostly the threat of overwhelming retaliation without much material gain. Perhaps being gassed in WWI had some effect as well. BDH
  9. Agua, the inviolability of the integrity of a Christmas gift can be taken very seriously. The stealth option is not only viable hypothetically, but I can tell you that it works in real life. I knew I was getting a game a couple years ago, but naturally I did not want to wait and put up with my wife's taunts. When she was at work I performed the secret operation and played to my heart's content while she was gone. Most wifes are not going to look closely but the work around to that would be to look at the manual but put it back and rely on the pdf file until Christmas. That way she does see that she did order the right game and there is no chance of a ruined holiday due to your obvious disappointment at not getting what you wanted. Otherwise the plan is golden. BDH
  10. Dittos This scenario pack is second only to the upcoming patch in download desireability. Thanks to all involved for the efforts. BDH
  11. Holy Crap that is pretty. Absolutely stupendous work to combine dirt and whitewash to spectacular effect. Keep it up! BDH
  12. Gotta love that site. Mondo-kudos to COG for his efforts, uncompensated dedication, and the elegant efficiency of the pages. BDH
  13. I liked that scenario. When I played it, I was on the low side of the learning curve and managed to lose most of my offensive HE capacity in the first couple of turns. Sharpshooters is a topic that has been played out here and reviewing some of these discussions might provide some background for you. The basics are that the ammo isn't represented bullet for bullet and that the targets selected is not exactly straight forward. They seem to want to have a certain distance and cover before targeting. I guess you have to play around a bit more with them. They can take out tank commanders and leaders which can certainly have connected effects on other troops morale. They definitely are not worthless even if they are not Rambo-esque slaying machines. BDH
  14. I have mentioned this before and I was under the impression that the anomaly was going to corrected in the first patch. Hope this is right even though it doesn't affect gameplay. It sure would suck to be the guy hanging outside when bullets and shrapnel starts to fly. BDH
  15. Anyone remember the saved CMBO turn that a player posted to show the woe that had befallen him due to airpower? The guy had practically his entire force eliminated on the first turn from a bomb. Mark it up as one in the 'Sucks to be you dude' column. BDH
  16. Welcome to the forum edraynes and I hope you enjoy the games as much as we do. BDH
  17. I suppose my completely unattached to official knowledge wild-ass speculation is a good as any. It just doesn't seem right to make all the improvements to the game engine for the purpose of shrinking the theatre scope of the next game. A true classic evolution of the series could be to make use of all of the research completed for the first two games and add the elements of the early portion of the war that are not already covered. East Front, West Front, and Med in one amazing package. BDH
  18. Maybe the CM world has stringent beyond Kyoto Treaty emissions protocols enacted. BDH
  19. I think you have a point PK, which is no doubt influenced by the nature of your background. As far as a continuing Anti-Peng thread, I am neutral. Regarding your sig though, I have some info for you. The quote was made by General John Sedgewick at the Battle of Spotsylvania in 1864. Apparently he said the entire statement at least twice before being struck in the face by a minie' ball so his injury did not occur in mid-sentence. I had erroneously thought it was General Mansfield who said it before being killed at Antietam before doing some research on it. BDH
  20. Those are great mods. You did a fantastic job on these and I thank you for making them available to everyone. BDH
  21. Am I disliked enough to be part of Peng? I can try harder. I'll abuse Beman if he's bought the game yet. BDH
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