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Everything posted by Barrold

  1. Hi Gerry. Welcome to the forum. As Steve has already mentioned, the number of fascinating features included in this product make it the "Promised Land" of tactical WWII games. The reviews and the awards these guys have garnered are well deserved. I have to chuckle at the comment about not having enough control as certain malcontents have complained about the micromanagement in CMBB as opposed to CMBO. Within the constraints necessarily imposed by the limitations of the current game engine, the player must be intimately involved in deciding the outcome of the battle. While the demo is limited, even those two scenarios contain elements of the explorations in tactics provided in the full game. "Yelnia Stare" can certainly provide insights into handling conscript troops (herding cats), desperate defenses, coping with insufficient anti-tank resources, and the role leadership plays in maintaining the integrity of units. If the demo appeals in small ways, the full game will deliver in many large ways. For someone interested in the era and genre, CMBB is guaranteed to be the single best purchase possible. BDH
  2. Thanks for all the excellent work by all those involved with this monumental project. This is going to be a must have. BDH
  3. Information at CMHQ sez different though. BDH
  4. Congrats BFC on the coverage and thanks to Jeanne for nice story. BDH
  5. This was the scenario that first made me think, "Do I like doing this that much?" after running through the set-up and the first turn. I began to wonder if I had committed an act of apostasy. How much of a heretic had I just become. I know my complete desire for a game instead of typing the first draft of an essay for school so my heart is true. I know I am greatly anticipating the next patch and CMMOS compatible mods with all due reverence. I am faithful that advancements in computers will someday make the number crunching practicable. It was very traumatic. BDH
  6. Although I am not an expert, I would have to agree that these pictures do have a unique quality to them. Specifically, they do not look like mass-produced professional prints as was speculated earlier. I would not be surprised if these turn out to be early nazi era although this is more of a hunch than anything. Very interesting. BDH
  7. Good thinking. I am interested in seeing the photos and hearing the rest of the story. BDH
  8. To ensure these pictures get securely into the hands of 'The Experts', perhaps a suggestion. First, gather eight or so fellow fans for protection during the journey... BDH
  9. They were omitted due to an unfortunate limitation in the game engine that prevents multiple turrets. BDH
  10. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Can't let this %&*#@& lapse to page two. BDH
  11. Sure wish I was going to be there. I was looking forward to chomping some alligator too. There is just something about eating something that would eat you given the opportunity. LD, too bad about your girlfriend moving away. Good luck finding another wargaming chick. BDH
  12. As Rune mentioned earlier, I have had to bow out as graciously as possible due to the interference of Real Life. I suck...I know. Fortunately, I have been assured that this is not going to be the last meeting of the minds so perhaps another time will more convenient. I'll be there in spirit though. Have a good time and make a thorough report here. BDH
  13. I don't necessarily think there was need to be so apologetic, but if you are still feeling bad about your comments, you can certainly come to Chicago on the 25th and buy the assembled mob some beers. January in Chicago is probably going to seem very familiar. BDH
  14. Hitler could not use "Because It was there" as a reason for what he did either, which isn't so cool. BDH
  15. Hoopla! I'm in. I might still be a bit out of it on Friday, but the wife just happens to need another weekend in the big city and wants to drive over. Now if the weather holds up, there should be nothing to hold us back. We can have a nice breakfast on Sunday and be back home in plenty of time to watch the Super Bowl. Hopefully I won't have a test on that Monday. BDH
  16. I will run this barrage balloon up and see if how much flak it takes by SWMBO. Naturally I would bring my laptop, but all things considered, I would not recommend depending on it to be there. I have a very fun medical procedure the day before and lots of schoolwork to do so I am iffy. Looks like a great place though and it has some definite draw power. I would like to see everyone again and have some fun. We'll see. BDH
  17. I nominate him as a well versed master of his unit. BDH
  18. I can only echo the previous sentiments and provide another tip of the hat to the excellent response to these issues. To be honest, I was hesitant to order this initially due to tuition being due, Christmas, and the cash vacuum that remodeling the basement has become (it is going to be the best place to play CMBB in West Michigan though ). The typos provided a convenient additional excuse, but this selfless act of unique dedication to your customers and fans has earned you another sale when the 2nd edition is available. BFC should be used as an example of great customer service for other companies. BDH
  19. So under the "Any Port in a Storm" theory, I guess he certainly could have been your boyfriend. You Norwegians are a swinging lot. I don't think you can compare your rent with copying software. If the payment to your landlord were based on occupancy of 1 person and then you moved others in for whatever reason then this would be equal to having a copy of the game on your friend's computer. BDH
  20. They couldn't make it on such short notice... It being a quick battle dontchaknow ha cha cha BDH
  21. It is almost like voiding a tradition if I don't make the drive. On the one hand, I could probably use the strategic method of proposing a nice weekend in Chicago to my wife. On the other hand, vast resources are being sunk into finishing my basement into the mondo relaxo room. I should be available for TCP/IP beatings regardless of location so this is a definite maybe. BDH
  22. How about a big yellow 'Ka-blooey' with a nice Batman font for the text. BDH
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