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Everything posted by Aloid

  1. On second tought... let's not go to Camelot... tis such a silly place... Aloid
  2. You can find it at Amazon and Belle & Blade, now at: www.warshows.com Many consider it to be the best war movie ever made. It's on DVD now as well. < edit!! I added an 's' to warshow, now it's correct > Aloid [ July 01, 2002, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  3. You can find it at Amazon and Belle & Blade, now at: www.warshows.com Many consider it to be the best war movie ever made. It's on DVD now as well. < edit!! I added an 's' to warshow, now it's correct > Aloid [ July 01, 2002, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  4. ... which means he cannot be attached to a HQ unit and effectively controlled. Still no game in sight! Down periscope, all ahead full.</font>
  5. Still Sunday here... but the site say it's Monday... so where is that number to call? How much is overnight shipping? What time should I get up in the moring... or maybe I should stay up... hmmm... BB's up, I'm up, and I'm sure CVM doesn't sleep (he's 14 after all) Aloid
  6. Perhaps CVM has watched the movie "The Winter War" a few too many times? Actually, it's great to see a 14 year old who's devoted to this hobby, which is really, after all, what this is. CVM, (and all) enjoy! Aloid (one of these days, CVM, you'll know what I mean) I'm not 14, and I don't care... heh!
  7. Perhaps CVM has watched the movie "The Winter War" a few too many times? Actually, it's great to see a 14 year old who's devoted to this hobby, which is really, after all, what this is. CVM, (and all) enjoy! Aloid (one of these days, CVM, you'll know what I mean) I'm not 14, and I don't care... heh!
  8. ...hands on the clock... ...parachute flaping... ...ground grabs sky... ...airborne cometh a timesink... ...SC's arrival... Aloid hmmm, better leave this stuff to Immer
  9. The Soviets had the Tech to build the T-34 in 1940, hence their tech was that high. By 22 Jun 1941, 967 T-34s were available in the west.</font>
  10. What, behind the rabbit? .... it isss da rabit... :eek: Aloid
  11. Hubert had a point about this some time back (seems like years, heh!). Something about not having a port to discourage just this type of thing? (too tired to search) Aloid By the way, BB, go to sleep! [ June 29, 2002, 03:00 AM: Message edited by: Aloid ]
  12. I would tend to think the answer is yes in the early years, and no later. Early on, the Allies got their head handed to them on more than one occasion. It took better escorts to help fix that, and a waering down of German defenses. That said, USGrant has a good question. In game terms, will we see this kind of evolution in effectiveness? Time will tell... perhaps next week, after I have the damn game airdropped on my house!!! Aloid
  13. And the transporation infrastructure, as well as causing the German war effort to expend a great deal of effort dispersing it's manufacturing infrastructure. Finally, by the end of the war, the Germany Air Arm had very Green pilots, because they had been warn down to the bone by Allied Air activity... There's more, but I have to leave work and go home... my margarita is waiting for me! Aloid
  14. I have to think that research in "heavy bombers" or what ever it's called, would underscore Husky's point. Early in the war, the brits are using what... Wellingtons? No Norden bombsight, or true heavy bomber. (Could be wrong on early Brit bombers though) Waiting, waiting, waiting... :confused: Aloid
  15. Wow! Lars, that's my kind of post! The big question will be what kind of beer. If I start as the Axis, then some kind of Bock would be nice... goes well with a spring offensive... Allied... couldn't think of French beer, and the Americans had bad beer in those days (still do to some degree), so it will have to be a Belgian Ale of some sort. Trapist would be best... but have to drink it quick, before Jerry comes by to spoil the party... :mad: Can't wait Hubert... but will have to... Aloid
  16. Hubert is already quite wealthy. He's being kind enough to practically "give" this game to us. Are you saying that we should all buy two copies? Aloid
  17. The beer the beer, don't forget the beer!!! When I invade another country, and capture it, I want the tube running out the back of my computer to switch to the best local beer from that country. (not the local stuff it currently has) And, I don't want to have to change my internet connection to do it... Bandwidth = beerwidth! Enjoy! Aloid
  18. That would be "Emperor of the Fading Suns", but with AI that worked! That would have been "the game", but it was brain dead. I digress (sp?) ... is the game out yet!!!???!!! Aloid
  19. Well, it's been in a few games that are quite old by now. XCom comes to mind first. It was simple, but used to great effect. It's most certainly do-able, but is it worth all the effort in the end? Hubert could spend that time squeezing the game scale down to divisional level, or perhaps squad level... heh! It would look cool though! Aloid
  20. Hmmm... both Hubert and Super Ted are posting and not working... must be a good sign that we're about to have a newborn! Aloid
  21. Aesop, First, I am a beta tester and I do not appreciate the tone of your comment. Second, Hubert and I have discussed this (and many other issues of which you are undoubtedly unaware). I am sure the other beta testers have done the same. Third, if you had taken the time to search, you would have found this. Next time you cross the street, consider looking both ways.</font>
  22. Warming up those dollars! Kick-starting the Panzers, and greasing the bolt on the .50's (hmm that sounds kinky) :eek: Waiting for the all clear! Aloid
  23. Cruel but usual punishment... I'm in excruciating need of a full game fix... Hubert, be my sugar daddy! Aloid
  24. Three turns, using the same basic strategy as Otto... BTW, I killed them gewd... Aloid
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