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The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. Hmm, good advice Lorak. I have very little space to manuever, but I will try that multi-directional assault. Answers to previous questions.. Yes, the buildings are in both cases vital to victory. In Example #1, they house not only a VL, but also a deadly gun and an enemy strongpoint which I feel needs to be eliminated unless I am to be flanked in the back if I ignore it (or try to, anyway). In Example #2, this building(s) are his front line, so to speak. Shattering this would break his back bone and divide him in half (from what my scouts tell me, anyway) Thanks for the help everyone! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back" [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 10-04-2000).]
  2. Ryan. Appreciate the help, really I do, but as I previously mentioned this is an INFANTRY VS. INFANTRY battle. No AFV's, no tanks, not even HT's!
  3. Thanks for the advice Pillar. Unfortunately, this isn't always possible. Example #1: My enemy is defending on a map with several large hills. He has around 5 infantry/flak guns (not sure which, haven't ID'ed them yet) which are really torturing my infantry. One of them is located way to my left flank, in the woods next to a heavy building. About 50 metres in front of the building is open ground all of which the gun (and the multiple machine gunners in the building itself protected by what I believe to be a Vet SS squad) covers with it's LOS. Needless to say, I REALLY want this position to not only roll up my enemie's flank, but to also get rid of the gun which is reaching all the way across the battlefield. In the last few turns, I have managed to get enough men to a woods on the extrreme left flank, drive out the SS squad and severely weaken them, and now positioned my men to the left of the house in question, the gun on the other side of the house. And here's that annoying little situation. My opponenet is hiding his stupid depleted squad in the back of the house where I can't reach it. My only choice: rush the house and hope for the best. Argh! I HATE losing men to annoying reasons ! Example 2: Another opponent and I are fighting an Infantry battle in a town. Buildings (heavy ones at that) all over the place. I managed to force my enemy back and weaken him with concentrated fire and numbers. Now as I rushed the 2 houses which used to be his "front line", half of my assault is killed off by that little son of a @#$%& !!! In either case, I had no way to "flank" the enemy positions. Open ground (or enemy forces) guarded the flank. It's a very annoying situation, that's for sure! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  4. HI guys, I come to you with a problem which has been bothering me quite a bit lately. In several of my PBEM's where I am engaging in an infantry VS infantry battle, I am constantly faced with this annoying little problem most of the defenders do. They have their men in a building, and once my scouts find them out I concentrate lots and lots of firepower on the enemy. So far so good. Eventually, over the course of a few turns, the enemy is severely weakened and is forced into retreat. But, the enemy leaves a weakened squad or two behind in the buliding, to the rear of it, so I can't see them from the attacking side. Well, I can see them due to scouts and things of the sort, but the men I order to assault the building (which might very well be a key stepping stone to victory in a village battle) get butchered. Well, if I commit enough men to the building, they still take it but at high casualties. I don't LIKE high casualties, you see, especially in an infantry battle which de-evolves to a battle of attrition some time to the end, where every soldier counts. I was wondering if you guys had ways of dealing with this. I tried several things, like running across the space to the house, and telling my men to walk or even sneak the last few metres into the house so they would be ready. No difference, really. They still move forwards while returning little to no fire and get mopped down. Anyway, help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance fellers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: The Commissar wrote: > Arguing that it cannot work because other people are not "suited" for realising it is not a valid argument. How dare you disagree with me! DIE!! > It's insane. Oh no! My cover has been blown! [retreats into the shadows] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Uhh...ok. In the words of "Dr. Evil" from the film Austin Powers, "Riiiight..." [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 10-03-2000).]
  6. LOL, what do you expect from a bunch of poor sobs in a metal coffin? Fight something they'd most probobly miss a shot on, and get blown to fiery bits or back off? Usually, only the Veterans + do not back off from thse sort of "suicidal" orders. Lower rank troops have their own meaning of suicidal which includes marching, sleeping without pillows, and pulling the trigger of a gun. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  7. Hehehe, good ol' Russian names. Can't live with em, can't...well, you can always change them I guess, so you CAN live without them! And I think "Major Crap" would pretty much fit the basic skill level of your tipical Soviet field commander, don't you? The Commissar, Proud to have a name that people laugh at *sniff* ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: Agreed. This would be great to see in a future patch. It bothers me when I tell my men to sneak and it looks like they're out on a Sunday Stroll through the park. Doesn't seem like it should be too hard to model either. BTS, is this viable? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not until we all have 10Ghz computers with GeForce 20056 Video cards, Deadmarsh. At least according to Steve and Charles. Oh yeah, and it doesn't actually "do anything for the game" - that is for the dried out grog who don't care much about how the game looks one way or the other - so any cool graphical representations are very low on their "to do" list . ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  9. Wouldn't it be great if CM sold as much as Starcraft and/or Half Life? That way Steve and Charles would resort to smoking fat cigars in 10 trillion dollar mantions, trading business ideas with Bill Gates, and maybe even emergeing once in a while to wave slightly with one hand at us, the little people, who would feel thankful at somply being in their god-like presence? Oh wait a minute, that would mean no CM2, right? Never mind then... ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  10. Hmm, not so Tiger. In my recent game in which me and a buddy are playing a Infantry VS Infantry force battle, he has several Pak 20mm Flak Guns (im not sure if that's the exact name) which are dominating several very nice hills on his side of the map which he is defending. Well, needless to say those guns are more then a nuisance. Infantry which would try to cross over their line of fire are hamburger. So I placed several 105 mm spotters and one 85mm spotter to take them out. It took my 81mm spotter more then 150 rounds and about 4 turns to take out one of the guns which was IN THE OPEN. The 105mm wasted about 5o rounds and about 2 turns to take out another gun, also in the open. Not sure how this would work if the gun was in the woods, rough, or any other such terrain. Anyway, guns weren't meant to stay alive long if they stayed in the same place. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  11. I can definately offer a good Russian name if anyone is taking notes...Madmatt? "Khrapovitski" Sgt. Khrapovitski nah Lt. Khrapovitski maybe... Major Gen. Khrapovitski Bingo! [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 10-03-2000).]
  12. Look at that, yet ANOTHER person disagreeing with David! *ahem* Not visually impressive? Ok, so maybe it's a tiny bit rough round the edges. But look what the modders done to this game! It's a masterpiece now! I can easily compare it to any other strategy war game, and conclude it looks a heck of a lot better. And on your 40k comment... Who says they cannot make up "realistic" combat variables? Did you ever look at a rule book for 40k or the Fantasy Warhammer series? It's PACKED with info. Those guys have excellent imaginations, and I do not doubt for even a second that they could do this stuff and more. Besides, furnish the engine a bit with some "3d sparkles" to make it a bit more attractive, and every kid on the block would want a copy. At least I would if I was every kid on the block . Look, CM has magnificent potential. Arguing that it cannot work because other people are not "suited" for realising it is not a valid argument. It's insane. Arguing that it cannot work because BTS wants to keep this masterpiece for themselves is a whole other story. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  13. That must be terrible for a tanker. Sinking into mud while in a steel coffin, waiting for the air to dissapear and the tank to fill with mud and water. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  14. ROFLMAO! ok...*breathe* the Sherman ROFL! *breathe*...imagine the millions of simpleton American children who would actually BELIEVE this crap because "that toy is COOOL!" Ugh. Damned American marketing bloodsuckers. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  15. I wish there would be motored Assault botes in future CM games (not CM2 obviously). The ones we have now are row boats, I'd like more of a carrier or a motorboat. Machine gun isn't necessary, but would be nice. They'd be destructible of course... The main reason I want these is because I recently made a scenario where serveral platoons of men had to cross a maze of islands populated with the enemy on boats. I didn't know these damn things were so slow! When I thought "Assault" boat, I thought a motroboat, and a fast one at that! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  16. Kinda of like "LAN party" members do, right Kinch? Problem is, you'd need to find a place which would allow us to plug in some 15+ machines, which might I add suck up quite a bit of electricity. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  17. Hmm...how are we going to play CM at our meetings (assuming this is what you meant by your last post, sniper)? We can meet up and generally talk about how great the weather is, how we like our Tigers (regular, well done, or extra crispy), and generall blabber about nothing in particular.
  18. Yee-haw! First Staten Islander right here! Take the train to see my buddies in Brooklyn and to go to Manhatten for a few good shops every week end. Count me in! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  19. Whoah, cool! I live in Staten Island, so I can actually GET to this meeting unlike the one the boys had in London. So many wonderful places to meet each other at... How bout Central Park, where we can partake in the joys of being harrased by bums, druggies, and pimps? Or, better yet, the (in)famous NYC subways, where the rats are as big as King Tigers! Decisions, decisions... ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back" [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 10-02-2000).] [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 10-02-2000).]
  20. Hmm...if the neightbor has several Nazi weapons, empty artillery shells, helmets, or other things of this caliber, then I think it is perfectly OK. Now, if the neightbor has the Nazi flag hung over the fire place and a framed portrait of Adolf Hitler over the dinner table, THEN you got a problem. Otherwise, they are just collectors. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  21. Here's a question I was wondering about - if the Gun on your tank is damaged, is the co-axial damaged too? Do you need to unbutton your tank to fire the co-axial? Thanks in advance! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  22. Seriously Slappy? I always though if you shot at a gas tank full of flammable liquid with a gun, it would explode...then again, I've never really shot at gas tanks of flammable liquid so who am I to tell *shrug* Thanks for the answer though! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  23. Thanks for the answer, Maximus! Here's another one (also from CC coincidently): When flamethrowers get killed in CC, they sometimes blow up due to their fuel tanks getting hit by the bullet. I have never seen this happen in CM, and I thought the blowing up bit "seemed" pretty realisitc. After all, those tanks are huge and are not bullet proof, and machine gun bullets have a high enough velocity to pass straight through a man's body and pierce that piece of tin... I remember an unpleasant incident in CC where an entire squad was taken out because a mortar rough landed close enough to a flame thrower to hut one of it's fuel tanks. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  24. I hate infantry flamers, but I LOVE Wasps...so quick, inexpensive, and yet so deadly when used right. I've got a question - In CC2 I remember one of the best ways to kill a tank was to flame it. Now, since CM is a bit more realistic then CC2, I just wanted to find out if this is still the case. What is the heaviest armor that succumbs to flamethrower fire? Thanks in advance. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
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