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The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. Thats an interesting statement. I knew that religion was looked down upon by the communists, but not by the people, who from personal experience (mainly account of varuious family members and some reading) were still very religious. I'd like to know where you read about most people younger then 30 being atheists. Dont get me wrong, Im not necessarily disagreeing with you, Im just interested in the subject and a different opinion. I think I know what youre talking about here, or at least what in my opinion the reason was. Russian people were used to extreme hardships from centuries of living as serfs, treated worse then slaves in some countries, and yet still going on in the belief of "this is fate, its the way it ought to be". Thats what I really meant by the religious convictions, as I see fate and religion somewhat intertwined. Again, in my opinion. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  2. Mannheim, Yes, my comment was mostly a joke However, since I am part of the education system in question, I have some personal experiences which left me stunned. For example: A few weeks back, in the beginning of the term, we got our American History textbooks, and the teach told us to "look through it, see if anything catches your eyes, and tell me about it". So we all call out a thing or two, he says a few words, bla-bla-bla. I come upon a chapter on the Eastern front in the WW2 section, and point out their article on Stalingrad. My teacher's responce (I s@it you not here, folks): "Well, we probably won't spend much time on Stalingrad, seeing as how Americans werent heavily involved in that particular battle." People just couldn't understand why I was laughing like an idiot the remainder of the period. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  3. Then youre missing out on a good 2/3rds+ of the war. Yay! I can just see it, coming complete with bad Russian accents, just like Red Alert 2! I can do the voice acting! "Aghh-firmative, comahad!" *raises hand* Behold, the product of American history classes! My friend, the Russians had more variety of equipment then any of the other Allies, and their AFV's and troops were second in variety only to Germany itself! Listing their tanks alone will take a while, not to mention other AFV's, troop types (ski troops, SMG squads, partisans...) and various other weapon platforms (Katchushas). Variety is definately something the Soviets are not lacking in. Oh, and if wave attacks with massed conscripts bother you, dont fight in the early war years. Later on, troops imporved in quality and tactics. Again, very incorrect. I know it may be hard to believe, both Soviets came out *gasp* better off then the Germans once in a while, too! Especially when you go to the later years of the war, as previously mentioned. As Germanboy said, do a bit of reading or even searching on the web or even this very messege board! You will attain much enlightment. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  4. Not precisely true. You see m'boy, Chechnia is a guerrilla war. It is very difficult to fight a guerrilla war, especially in an enviorment as rough as Chechnia! Remember Vietnam? This is worse. Guerrillas here have had lots of practice and are devoted as hell to their perception of this war as a holy "Jihad". Have you ever been there, looked at pictures or even maps of the place? Its all mountains and woodland. The guerrillas dont even need to try that hard to hide from the Russians. Although they are being foolish, sending AFV's into that sort of terrain. I still dont understand why anyone would do this. Sometimes I feel I could wage a war then some of those so called "generals". Tiger, There were a lot of reasons. Those you mentioned are all good ones. Coupled with the cruelty Germans (well, actually SS) treated many Russian civilians. They burned down over 650 villages, and all killed all their occupants in Belarus alone. Word quickly spread that no matter how bad Stalin and his bolsheviks were, these guys were worse. Also, remember there were no TV and the radios were rare. Some Russian villages, hundreds of miles away from civilization, didn't know a war was going on! When men were conscripted from these villages, they had every reason to believe that everything was going jolly good and the Germans were losing. So of course they fought hard. Oh yes, and despite communism, Russians were still religious, to the point of fanaticism, and considered their country as the last great Orthodox empire. Most of this I got from various internet sources and history books. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  5. I wouldnt hold your breath for AI memory. From what I read on the discussion of memory for the AI, it was agreed that it was supremely difficult to code into any game, especially one as CM, where there can be more then one threaths. Correct me if Im wrong here, people. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  6. Im not sure about this (we need an Ostfront expert to help us out here), but wasnt this fight to death mentality more present in the later years? Ive also heard that in 1941, more prisoners were taken then in the later war. When was this "turnaround" in fighting mentality present, then? Sometime around winter, when the slowdown in German advance heartened the Soviets? Again, we need an Ostfront expert. If this IS included, it would be pretty easy to implement. Just give Soviets higher fanaticism. Oh yeah, and one more thing: wasn't a good part of this mentality due to commissar units shooting at you if you ran off? Either way you were dead, so why not take some Germans with you? If these are modeled, their presence could raise fanaticism levels higher then normal. Seems pretty simple to me. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  7. Here's a few threads dealing with the subject: The one you, Gustav, already had the chance to participate in: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/012254.html and one comparing the aspects of T-34's to Shermans, also dealing with turret speeds among other things: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/008695.html I think we need to keep pressing for this, since Im not sure what BTS had said about this before. I personally see this as an important detail. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  8. They had a discussion on this subject not long ago, although I forget how it ended. Try a search on turret traverse or T-34 or both, and see what shows up. I agree it is a good idea. Although the T-34 should not be the only one which could suffer from such a failure. Although not as common as on the T-34, I gather most German tanks also had a chance of this happening. A small chance, but could have interesting effects in combat!
  9. Again, to be fair, CM is a far way from the effects SPR produced. Even if it was, I was watching SPR munching popcorn, in a comfortable couch (I rented the video). Its a good representation, but its still not "just like being there". The keyword is "just". Which implies it is exactly the way you would feel in a combat zone. Which it isnt. Anyway, whatever. Lets not argue over something this silly. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  10. Are you insulting CM2? Are you saying it should not be purchased? Cause if you are, I know where you live, buddy! In all seriousness, I probably will, too. The subject matter is somewhat closer to me then CM1. Of course, if BTS messes it up...oh wait, im steering into the realm of science fiction with that one. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  11. I'll have to humbly disagree with the last one. To be fair, you would need someone shooting at you with various weapons of mass destruction, coupled with lots of pain, death and other unpleasantess, for it to be "just like being there". ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  12. ...date, Rosy O' Donnel. "I like 'em fat and hairy" said Mace in a close-up interview held by "People" magazine, questioning his choice of a human partner. "When I dont have a sheep at hand, I always have Rosy!" to which Ms. O' Donnel replied...
  13. deadeye, Check this thread. I was in the same situation as you are, asked a bunch of questions, and got a helluva lot of good answers! Read through it, you wont regret it. Here's the link: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/013384.html Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  14. So. What are you guys in the mood for today? Crucifiction? Pulling out his intestines and hanging him with it? Digging out his heart with a spoon? Im partial to the heart-spoon dig, but I leave it open to discussion
  15. You have to give credit for BTS where it's due! In their never ending scrutiny of every tiny detail of the war, they did not forget to model Bubba, the hillbilly driver! Seriously though, this is probably just an AI quirk. Happens sometimes, just like in real life. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  16. I agree with Maximus. Just do some nicer textures, frshen up the old ones some, and add required rule sets. Engine can pretty much remain the same. AND we can have CMII sooner! YaY!
  17. Heh-heh, you are Cannuck CC5 isnt exactly the most realistic game in the world... German tanks didnt have rhino teeth by the way, only Allies. Thus, Germans are stuck with dribing around bocage. Which reminds me of a kill I performed on a Tiger which was hiding behind bocage. I rode a Sherman straight through the bocage some 5 metres behind the Tiger. You can guess what happened next
  18. Canuck, The stone walls which are passable to tanks are generally short and can be "rolled over". Bocage is not. Remember, what you see is a representation. Bocage is a tangled, earthy, weed-covered hillock. Even if the tank manages to ride up the lose earth, stone covered hillock before the actual vegetation, it will never pass through. It's too damn thick, tangled, etc. Thats why the "rhino teeth" were developed. To cut through the vegetation, thereby allowing the tank to pass. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  19. Both tanks must see the same thing. You can establish this not only through LOS arrows, but also by going down into View 1 and making sure both tanks see the same. Never take one tank over the hill/tree line/whatnot if its partner is behind the hill/treeline/etc. Personally, I like to keep my tanks out of sight until contact - a WORTHWHILE target - is found. Keep them behind hillocks and dont move them too much. Tanks are generally fast, and unless you are playing on a gigantic map, you can call them up to action withing a turn of contact. AT guns and any other AT weapons MUST be discovered before they 'discover' your armor. Thus, keep it back until you can use it safely and effectively. Keep them close. Keep an overwatch, a recon screen of half squads (buy a cheap low quality platoon or two for this purpose) and try as best as you can at hogging any cover. When advancing over an open space which is covered by a machine gun, and there isnt a better way but straight through, run with all your men. Usually, machine guns are not surpressed from long distances (if this is at short distances, suppress the machine gun). If it is not however, run with all your men. In this way, the machine gun is confused and switches targets like an idiot. If you run a platoon or squads at a time, the machine gun is nice and concentrated. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  20. ...stick his head into the sand, Ostrich-like, and stand very very still. Unfortunately for Wisbech, Mace was passing by in the desert and having had no sheep hiney for days, was begining to go into delirium. Suddenly, Wisbech's backside, stciking up from the sand his head was burried in, began to look an awful lot like a sheep's to Mace. Mace knew what he had to do - what had to be done. Without thinking twice, he...
  21. Sure you have control! Go into unit selection. In the top right hand corner somewhere, you will see a scroll down thingie that says "units deploying on field" (something of the sort), which you can scroll down to selecting up to three (i believe) reinforcement forces. You just pick Reinforcement 1, lets say, and choe the units for it. Then you pick where it enters a map (you have a flag for it when you go to 3D mode in the map builder, move it around as you like) and you can set the time when the reinforcements appear. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  22. I'll be goddamned, thats amazing! I imagine all the FPS freaks will be all over this thing in a second. The speeds this card will be able to produce must be quite something while running a flashy game...CM will benefit in the speed department as well, no doubt. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  23. ...my mommy, but with less hair. This fellow only has a beard down to his belly - haw! That reminds me of this time in summer camp when this boy wanted to show me his "little soldier" or something. So he took me to a dark room and told me there were pennies on the floor! E-gads! I just couldn't resist bending over to...
  24. ...taking Gustav by his long, girlish hair flung him off the boat into the cold Alaskan water, where he proceeded to immediately get impotence thanks to the below zero temperature. "The commi guy says you're even now" one of the penguins skwaked. "By the way, no hard feelings or nufink, pal. The bucket of tuna he gave us was an offer we couldnt refuse. Anyhow..."
  25. ...sausages. Mmm-mmm, sausages. Wish I had some now... no really, I do! Stop looking at me like that. Stop it. STOP IT! I'll poke your eyes out you little freak! OK, that's the last straw! Honey - fetch me my...
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