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The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. I think modders are going to have a field day applying various shades of "Maskirovka" to different Sov tanks. I wonder if we could use our CM1 Axis mods for CM2? I dont see why not...
  2. Not likely. The engine will be the same as CM1 with a few new textures and slightly better graphics (I hope!). Nothing requiring a real upgrade unless youre barely running CM1 to begin with. Now CMII on the other hand...
  3. Martin, I'd have to disagree with you on that "none-Heer don't stand a chance" bit. I played a game with a full Waffen SS force and won quite handily. Despite other people's comments about them routing too easily, mine seemed to fight very well. Hey, and where's my turn anyway?
  4. Warmaker puts it very well. As a person who prefers playing with large ammounts of lower-quality troops (although even I dislike using Conscripts) the main thing I much achieve is concentration, to use my numerical advantage better against the more skillful troops. As a player with less, but more experienced troops, you must also achieve concentration and do it in such a manner that you strike, destroy, withdraw, and strike again in a different location. The quick responce time of Elite/Crack units makes this sort of combat very practical. Hit and Run tactics must be perfected if you are to win with these "Best of the Best" formations. Also, as mentioned, you cannot afford to make mistakes. If you rush your men into what you thought was an enemy weak point and it was not, you are in trouble. Use cover to your advantage as well. Conscripts and Greens dont spot troops very well, and when ambushed rout/break on the first volley. If you manage to catch a significant amount of the enemy troops in an ambush, you are likely to win the game after you rout the buggers off the map (conscripts/greens dont rally too well). Hope this all helps you. Quantity VS Quality is sometimes a tough ordeal, but with practice you can win with either one.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: Don't you love those German players who pair up Fallschirmjager troops with Panther tanks <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yub. It means they have about 3 times less manpower then me in your typical 1250-1500 point game
  6. That is just insane...yet hillarious in its own, dark way. Every three were totally destroyed in a catastrophic explosion caused by one thing or another. I think it could of worked if they fixed some flaws and fine tuned it. Of course they didnt mention how much fuel it probably ate, or how difficult it was to transport, or a million other "or's" which makes the whole thing a piece of junk.
  7. I wonder if this could be extended to other things besides rubble? Its rather boring to see a city filled with buildings looking exactly alike. Just some minor differences would do (or simply leave a bunch of slots open for modders to do their work). Ugh...more trees? I'd love to see a forest of bereza trees (the slender white tree with black spots).
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar: I'll probably be starting a BCE (Brigade Combat Exercise) for people generally interested in learning tactics and working in an environment greater than just CM engagements (thus fitting a context to each game) this summer. Historical TOE's will be used. Will need 10 players, 3 battalion commanders per side, one brigade commander per side, one reconaissance squadron commander per side. Will be using the excellent COCAT software and CMMC rules. See www.combatmission.com CMMC for more on those. - Adam<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds like something I would enjoy, Pillar. If you have any spots left open, Ill be there. Cheers!
  9. I like it. I think we need a bit of variation in certaint constantly repeating tiles. On the other hand, It could possibly look somewhat confusing when you have the same tile looking several different ways all around the map.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: We would like to upgrade the models slightly from CM1 to add a little extra detail, but we will see how time goes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wonder if you could use some of the wonderful mods around the web? Im sure with permission any of these artists would be honored to have their mods in CM2! I know I would be There's probably some difficulty in that Im not forseeing (damn legal issues!) so just a suggestion. Keep up the good work Kwazy!
  11. That looks pretty amazing! As far as I know, the slope of that armor would make it very difficult to penetrate, so why abandon the project? Was it a) Too expensive to produce? (Im guessing yes) Had some fatal flaw? (like someone said not being able to turn) c) Went against Soviet doctrine of "quantity equals quality"? d) All of the above? I'd like to see this in a CMII setting though, would be interesting how it fared against more modern Western tanks with vastly superior cannons
  12. Whoa, so you're done with all the USSR AFV's then? Cooool...
  13. Personally, I like Thromopilay's idea. This sort of realistic unit selection would be the ULTIMATE anti-niggleing tool! No more "Oh you only won 'cause of those 25 green Volks platoons!" (something which actually happened to me once *shudder*). Its better then just agreeing on stuff because that takes a good long while to get everything "historicly correct" according to one player or another. Different people have different information on what's historical (something which also happened to me a good number of times). The only thing which could be difficult is for BTS to do the research for different battle groups which changed throughout the course of the war. You know, as supplies and troops increased or decreased in quality.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Oh heck, its nothing a few Panther VG's and an SS Motorized Kompanie couldn't handle. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, from what the news tell us, the SS couldn't be any worse then the Cincinnati police force I take all that sort of crap with a grain of salt though. After all, in the US if a known druggie is shot by the police while running away its racism. Right then, Ill shut up and wait for the all-powerful padlock. [ 04-13-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Oh heck, its nothing a few Panther VG's and an SS Motorized Kompanie couldn't handle. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, from what the news tell us, the SS couldn't be any worse then the Cincinnati police force I take all that sort of crap with a grain of salt though. After all, in the US if a known druggie is shot by the police while running away its racism. Right then, Ill shut up and wait for the all-powerful padlock. [ 04-13-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  16. You said "a man" Rob. Since this thread is going to be moved to the General forum anyway, what is it with these riots anyway? Any news? I heard they put on a curfew yesterday, 20 arrests already by 10:30!
  17. You said "a man" Rob. Since this thread is going to be moved to the General forum anyway, what is it with these riots anyway? Any news? I heard they put on a curfew yesterday, 20 arrests already by 10:30!
  18. I think I'll agree with Chupacabra that most wars fought these days will be "unconventional" or simply guerrilla wars. Especially when the enemy doesnt have the economy, technology, or manpower to go toe-to-toe with some of the more powerful nations around. Much easier to hide in the bushes until the air strike passes, pop anyone on the ground in the back of the head, and scurry off to a hiden underground bunker while beatnicks and hippys hold anti-war protests that totally demoralize the more powerful country.
  19. It's not how big or small your member (number) is, it's how you use it!
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mattias: Current maximum number if turns in a scenario is 120 Commissar. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That may be the case, but to create a scenario every time you want to play a large map is quite a hassle, wouldn't you agree? Or maybe you want some suspence in it for you and your opponent? Either way, Id like more turns available in a QB type mode, the real reason Im participating in this thread. Like I suspect many here do, I like random generated maps. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mattias: Lack of ammunition will stop most attacks before that, regardless of map size. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Since when has a minor hinderance such as lack of ammunition stopped the Red Army? Seriously though, that's what reinforcements are for. The ones on "LOW" ammunition can still be used somewhat effectively in large numbers, since they do return fire and fire at the enemy on command once a turn. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mattias: The more requests for micro management features and bigger this and that, the more impressed I get by the level of consistency in CM's design. BTS has really hit the squad level (and then some) "spot" with this one. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Which, IMHO, is one of the biggest reasons for the game's success. [ 04-10-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  21. I would fall over and die laughing when a single Katchusha and 3 drunken Russians anhialate every single light gun and pick off the flamethrowers...imagine ambushing a tank collumn with these guys though? Ouch...
  22. Ill have to add that if size and number of units is increased, we should see an increase in maximum number of turns. Those 10km maps sure do sound grand, but try marching from one end to the other in 60 turns (the current max for CM). Im having trouble moving across 1/5th that distance for the past 25 turns in our game (Redcoat)! I salvitate at the thought of 10km long city battles though, so this thing deserves a *BUMP*
  23. Ive recently purchased B&W, and while I love the game and the cameras, I dont see why CM cant keep the camera controls it has. To me, both systems works fairly well, where B&W's camera allows more flexibility but requires a longer time to learn to use properly, while CM's is a bit ridgid but is very easy to control. I say leave it be. Its good as it is.
  24. Were not later models of the T-34 upgraded with more reliable turret traverse, 3 man turret, and other improvements? If you price a hunk o' junk like the early T-34 at 100, the later models (the ones that actually worked properly) would cost well over 200! Thats just crazy, if you ask me. But no one ever does, so Ill just add my 2 cents and go. Cheers!
  25. Come now, fellers, dont be so harsh on the newbies. Many of them might just have stepped out of their usual "build and rush" sort of gameplay seen in RA2, AoE, Starcrap, and other such games. Give them advice, but have a little patience. All of you giving scouting tips, keep at it. Helping out the new guys will ensure you have better opponents in the future.
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