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The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. "speakest English you dumbasest newbiest". "Ohest, andest byest thest wayest: ..."Learn to edit, you happless twit! That fabulous Commi fellow has posted a minute before your insignificant self, so I will take the liberty of copying and pasting his genious into this post, just so everyone would respond to this work of art. So Nyu-nyuk-nyuk!" quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker: Mr. Rogers poked his head into the Cess Pool. "Hi, neighbor," he said, putting out his hand. Do you mind if I... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...nibble on your ankles?" "Piss off!", said Mace, cutting off the extended arm of Mr. Rogers. Blood spurted out like the fountain at Madison Square Garden. Mr. R - "Tis but a scratch!" M - "Your arm's off!!!" Mr. R - "No it isn't." *Mace performed a spin and uppercut with his weapon, lopping off the other arm of his opponent* M - "Look you stupid bastard, you have no arms left!" Mr. R - "Yes I have! It's but a flesh wound!" M - "What are you going to do, bleed on me?" Mr R. - "Ill bite your legs off!" M - ...
  2. ..."Learn to edit, you happless twit! That fabulous Commi fellow has posted a minute before your insignificant self, so I will take the liberty of copying and pasting his genious into this post, just so everyone would respond to this work of art. So Nyu-nyuk-nyuk!" quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker: Mr. Rogers poked his head into the Cess Pool. "Hi, neighbor," he said, putting out his hand. Do you mind if I... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...nibble on your ankles?" "Piss off!", said Mace, cutting off the extended arm of Mr. Rogers. Blood spurted out like the fountain at Madison Square Garden. Mr. R - "Tis but a scratch!" M - "Your arm's off!!!" Mr. R - "No it isn't." *Mace performed a spin and uppercut with his weapon, lopping off the other arm of his opponent* M - "Look you stupid bastard, you have no arms left!" Mr. R - "Yes I have! It's but a flesh wound!" M - "What are you going to do, bleed on me?" Mr R. - "Ill bite your legs off!" M - ...
  3. ...nibble on your ankles?" "Piss off!", said Mace, cutting off the extended arm of Mr. Rogers. Blood spurted out like the fountain at Madison Square Garden. Mr. R - "Tis but a scratch!" M - "Your arm's off!!!" Mr. R - "No it isn't." *Mace performed a spin and uppercut with his weapon, lopping off the other arm of his opponent* M - "Look you stupid bastard, you have no arms left!" Mr. R - "Yes I have! It's but a flesh wound!" M - "What are you going to do, bleed on me?" Mr R. - "Ill bite your legs off!" M - ... [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 03-08-2001).]
  4. Cav Scout, Although I have no comment about Wizard of Oz, I do know for certain that "Catcher in the Rye" was banned for some time many years ago. Today, it is read in high schools. Ive read it myself, and by modern standards it is not very offensive in any way, although one can see how it would be offensive years ago. Im not sure how old you are, so you might have read it after it was allowed to be read once more. Sorry I cant provide you with the exact date when this occured. Cheers!
  5. ...Maximus start flame wars on the virtues of the SS with Babra, always resulting in a similar outcome: a big, bald, heavy beast comes rumbling into the general vicinity and tells the offenders...
  6. ...miniature monkeys, which are the fashion with Chinese men everywhere. Another fashion, much more disturbing to behold, would be...
  7. You are forgetting that a good portion of the Soviet Union was composed of other countries, where people were NOT Russian. Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Georgia, etc. It would be unfair to the people who have died just like the rest to call them all "Russian".
  8. For now we have what - 2 people who want the scenario? So a self-serving *bump* for me. I remember there being more Anyhow, Ill send out the scenario when I get home tonigh (posting from school). Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  9. Hey guys, A few weeks back, there was a thread called "Imperial Eagles: Napoleonic CM" or something of the sort. Anyway, I suggested modeling something akin to the fighting seen in the age of rifles with CM, by using simplistic rules and representations. Since a few people actually showed interest in the idea, and my computer is now functional, I created just such a scenario. The scenario comes with its own simple rules and suggestions for playing, as well as a few things to make the combat more familiar to that seen in the age of rifles. I cannot post pictures, but I can explain what the scenario consists of: Basically, a larger force of Germans consisting only of Rifle infantry in formation and a few guns must cross a river via 3 major crossing points, and capture a hill held by the enemy. The Americans must defend said position, having fewer men and fewer cannon to use. One crossing is on each flank and in the middle. Each player has somewhere between 2500-3000 points worth of pure Rifle infantry, without any automatic weapons or AFV's. "Formations" of men consist of a single compaany (3 platoons) lined up close next to each other in a line. Although cover is light, there are some interesting features like a town and an island to fight over. Charging down the middle into the American cannons will usually lead to defeat, but a bit of maneuver on the part of the Germans can lead to victory. The scenario plays in fog to simulate the low range of rifles at the time, and has troops raised to 50% fanaticism to simulate the battle drills. Basically, I think it should play well with another person. My AI opponent has a strange affection to breaking all formation and rushing my position with all his men in a big mass. I said AGE OF RIFLES, you idiot, not WW1 !! Anyway, if anyone is interested reply to this messege with your e-mail or simply e-mail me. Tommorow, when I get off school and work Ill e-mail out copies to anyone who is interested to try it out. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back" [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 03-07-2001).]
  10. Keep praying Steve feeds our ever-craving appetites for Ostfront goodies, fellers... ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  11. You know, you BTS guys can hold a contest: Release the untextured models to the public, and have people submit their own skins. The best skins make it in the game! Seeing how frekin' talented some people are around here, Im sure you can make use of it. BTW - Kwazy, dont take this the wrong way. I love your work. I was just suggesting it so you guys can save some time and work on REALLY important details. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  12. Could have been worse, Hamsters. He could have wrote it with a "u"
  13. ...which has a resemblance to Zen, but with an added sprinkle of...
  14. You know, out of all the solid arguments presented by the lot of us in this thread, I think Terence said it best. Pravda, brat, pravda. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  15. I have only one question: who made an obvious simulation like Steel Beasts into "Wargame of the Year"? And why in hell wasn't that someone introduced to CM?! Woops, guess thats 2 questions
  16. ...get gerbils let loose inside your pantalons! Except for chrisl, who is apparently too good for pantalons. So we'll just get the gerbils to chew on his exposed... [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 03-05-2001).] [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 03-05-2001).]
  17. "...nibble on his ankles until his rotten teeth fell out, that wanker! Blah blah blah, I dont even know why Im typing. Its almost 9pm, and Mother hates it when I stay out late. Off I go to fairy land." "Oh gosh, I tried to come up with something good, I really did! N-n-no! Not that! The sort of punishment is not fit for me!!", chrisl cried, upon seeing what Mace was slowly removing from his pantalons... [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 03-04-2001).]
  18. ...would throw up violently at my recycled jokes! Ugh! How - how could I have repeated the bloody kitchin-sink joke for the gazilionth time?! Damn me and my eternal foolishness! And so, in his self-disgust, chrisl...
  19. Tiger, A RAM disk you say? Care to point me in the general direction of more knowledge on the subject? Im about to get 256 megs myself, and I have Win 98.
  20. Generally better graphics, new equipment, some new rules and probably imporved interface/dynamics. Oh yeah, and city fighting. Plus what Hussar said.
  21. "Would this brilliant plan require us to climb out of our trenches and walk slowly towards the enemy, sir?" Stole it from someone's sig file a while back. Sorry, pal ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  22. Skipper, speaking as an atheist myself, despite the religious background of my parents, I agree with you on your points. However, what the schools taught and what the parents of the children taught was a different matter. Yes, punishment would be inflicted if one was feeding anti-communist ideas into the child's ear, but it was done none the less. Especially early on after the revolution, when people were even less happy with the new regime then they were later on. People were still religious, even if the practice was outlawed, churches burned, and openly religious people thrown into jails. I remember my grandmother telling my father to keep his voice down when he had discussions with me about the wrongs of communism when I was still young. I guess she was used to the KGB spying on people, imprisoning those who were potential "enemies of the state". In my eyes, religion is nothing but a tool. A very useful tool indeed, able to inspire men to perform unthinkable acts of courage and self sacrifice, and most importantly, give hope in a desperate situation. I wont get into details, but I will say that although I am not a believer, I do respect what religion has done for humans world wide. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  23. ...hahahaha-*cough* ha-ha-*cough**gag**-help me-*cough*-you-*gag*-bastard...
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