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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Hey,Grandmama Upchucker! I'm gonna slop steaming, acidic TNT on your men!!!! Up close and personal so I see every face melt like peppermint patties left in a hot car MAGGOT!!!!! "It burns! It hurts! Make the bad man stop! Help MEEEEEE...." GRRRRRRRR SUCK IT UP!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Oh yeah, *bump*.
  2. Hmm, *bump* because the cage somehow ended up below the old one... and with a more recent time. :confused:
  3. Time to lock this up - here's the new cage. Apologies to Abbott, but yer late, laddy - we can't allow our favorite Blaster to roam willy-nilly. Oh, the humanity! [ January 20, 2003, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  4. Subject says it all, MAGGOTS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Edited because it wasn't bitter or angry enough. [ January 20, 2003, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  5. Woof, that smarted! Sir, *Grinds gauntlet into the muck* I notice there are Ladies present. That being so, I would have expected Gentlemen to be present also. Since I expect no more or less than this offish behavior from you you selfish sod {oooh, I'm on a Quest, I am, look at me!!! Bugger the ceremony, such as it is, watch my antics!} I accept your slot - car challenge. I will face your Romanian/Hungarian/Italian BUT NOT FINNISH armoured cars, tankettes, trucks or carriers on the field of battle, with my Russian or Russian BUT NOT FINNISH armoured cars, tankettes, trucks or carriers. Oh, your glove. Best retrieve it before it becomes part of the Royal wardrobe.
  6. Interesting. The Cess is revolting; but it's always been that what with you lot as denizens. Joe makes some good points, and he even covered me with muck once. Then again, Berli did call for my head on a pike, and the Olde Ones bless HE WHO WOULD BE KING. Can't be all bad. The Lawyer blathers on, mind you not necessarily truly fer or agin the Coronation (he being a shark and all), but rather stating the case for the right to go forward with the ritual of crowning a King dressed in borrowed clothes brimming with wildlife. As long as we serfs can give forty percent of something to someone, it matters not. Fffppt! Malakas.
  7. Just thinking outloud, but since some of the armor in CMBB has a very slow pivot rate is it possible the 'scoot' part of the command is delayed if you don't back straight up with one of these tanks?
  8. Any game you're in is unfair by definition because your opponents want a game, a fight, a contest - none of which you provide. So all that's happening here is you're being twice as unfair as usual.</font>
  9. GOODWAFFLE!!!!!! Front and center, maggot!!! Yer falling asleep boyo! This was halfway down the second page without a growl from you.
  10. Hey - we resemble that remark!! Am I beating you up in a game at eth moment? Oh yeah - well you can await your turn at my pleasure pillock! </font>
  11. Ahh, it was here in the corner all along! Disclaimer: The following is in no way shape or form to be considered an inane smilie. It is, in fact, an image of the Holy Mallet of Antioch showing the only valid use for the vile things. SSNs note well.
  12. Use anti-aliasing if possible but it may not work properly depending on the version of your video driver. Stops the twinkling.
  13. Ah, lad, having someone who revels in soaking himself in fox pee calling you "pissboy" is eminently amusing. It is also part of the vernacular of the MBT, see posts prior. edited because this hit the next page. [ January 13, 2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  14. Time the Cesspool got a filter. Three posts in a row showing naught a bit 'o understanding. Malakas. Lt. Horticulture, since your Zen victory counts as only an 'atta-boy', you need another... ahem... victim {*snicker*} for your quest. You'll need to right properly poke someone Not-As-Denseā„¢ as Coronette Klink apparently. Mission impossible.
  15. Gamey update: Mike continues to snipe away at my clanketies, so thoughtfully brought on the map in close proximity to him by the scenario designer, a TNT covered lunatic. But no matter. Credit to my opponent for making the best of this and spanking my bared-buttocks troops. He has the better of the exchange. Noba rises from a long winter's nap and notes my men aren't where he left 'em. Had he asked nicely I would've turned my armor arse side to him and left them there for target practice. AJ continues his long winter's nap. Has this Aussie gone walkabout? Or is there truth to the rumor others saw him firing a high-powered rifle straight up in the air New Year's Eve and running to the spot he thought the bullet would land on? ebbert was so stunned by the gameyness of the setup he forgot to send anything back. PL is a useless git.
  16. Fried by Feld Marshall Von Woodstein's crack Orchard Brigade? Hate it when that happens.
  17. GGRRRRRAGGHHHHH!!!! MasterBlaster has driven my Huns back slathered in acidic TNT!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Oh, and never bring IVf2's to a KV1 fight!
  18. Der Teufel, Elvis, Der Teufel! It barely runs on the high end screamers, either.
  19. MASSAGOOALL!!!!! You worthless, TNT-soaked pile of bat drool!!!!! Are my soldaten shedding your weak attempts at melting their faces???? How would I know as it's been forever since I've seen a turn? Alright, it's just been a day, but it's :mad: :mad: :mad: GRRRRRRROOOOWWWWWLLLLLLL'n time!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: [ January 07, 2003, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  20. Rexford, Is there a reason why the two guns lose penetration in almost exactly the same number of mm? Except for the first drop (8mm actual penetration loss for the 75 and 9mm for the 88) the lost penetration numbers are the same. The percentage loss is greater for the 75 of course, but I find the raw loss similarity interesting.
  21. The reason you have less in the manual is because you purchased the European version, which is not supposed to be sold in the US. Your manual's "missing" pages are in a PDF file. Edited to say: You've done nothing wrong and I don't mean to imply that you did. It's CompUSA's supplier and possibly CompUSA who are in violation of a marketing agreement. [ January 05, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  22. Ok, I'm buying it. Sort of. It does make sense, but hy doesn't every gun have something similar?
  23. This reminds me of the little red and white bar on the back of one of the HT in CMBO. Pic is from cmoutpost, but I caught this in one of my games using the latest version of CMBB. Is this a glitch?
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