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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Abbott, email me with what's going on with PBEM helper. I had trouble with it at first, but got everything straighten out. I may be able to help.
  2. When did Lott start chasing multitudes of bright objects? Before or after he decided to step down as Senate Leader? Oh, "HI MOM!" Send English teachers.
  3. Trix are for kids. I eat Trix. What's for adults again? :confused:
  4. Yeah, yeah, I know I know. If at first you dont succeed, remove all evidence that you ever tried. </font>
  5. Bugger! I'm doomed! I checked and OGSF doesn't have a poodle. Gamey updates: Lt Hortlund continues to race around with his UberCrack buscuit tins. AJ Russian headlong at the Fool on the Hill. But the Fool aims well, for there is no place void of his units. Egbert broke my large clanky with a little gun. "God is not on the side of the large battalions, but on the side of the best shots." I can't stand it when God coaches the opposition. Panzer Leader- For Sale: One screen name and Kaniggethood. Cheap and easy. Mike and I race for my lines. Sneakin' is Noba. But his trolls will not take the preciousss... Boo is still planning something. Dinner, probably.
  6. Master-TNT-chucking-MAAAGGOT!!!! When your done playing with the real pictures you found, resend my turn ZIPPED! My lice-infected ISP thinks you're turns are pornographic material!!! I agree - they're full of disgusting images of body parts slathered in TNT lubricant!!!! So they banish them to dark and scary places never to return. :mad: :mad: :mad: Sending them zipped gets them by the goofy big brother filter.
  7. With the possible exception of Boo and Lt Hortlund, the rest of you wankers sending me turns have a lot to chew on. My ISP found out what caused your emails with game file attachments to go walk-about. You lot are purveyors of filth, the Guccione's of the Cess, the PBEM versions of dirty old men leering at young ladies. That's quite enough about your redeeming qualities. Where were we? Ah, yes - your text attachments filtered out your emails, banishing them to the File of No Return. The anti-spam program in use wisely deemed them "Adult, Severe", and refused to deliver them. Now that's an unbiased opinion confirming something long suspected; your tactics and game play are the equivalent of a poorly air-brushed centerfold! And if you happen to be winning at the moment it speaks volumes to my prowess, much to my chagrin. Bah! Resend your latest turn zipped (and all future ones for a bit) and you can avoid the clever program saving me from your amateur efforts.
  8. Sadly, the rationale and reality is that one of our Gov'ment agencies may try to claim them. "Bah! Nonsense", you say. Yeah, that's what I said until I found out some shocking stuff recently. I cannot cut a tree down on my own (newly bought and built on) property unless I get government approval. Nor can I fill the low spot that collects water - the surveyor had to report the 10' x 9' area as "wetlands" to the State. It's on my site map! I checked on the rationale - it falls under Federal juristiction as a "possible navigatable waterway, subject to Interstate Commerce Laws". For what? My kids bathtub boat??? Anyway, I don't want to hijack this thread, and I do want MGA to make sure he takes prudent steps to check on the laws regarding possession and to preserve his Gramps find.
  9. Good stuff! I would first do nothing to the pictures, short of making sure they aren't disturbed too much more. Find someone (local museum is probably best place to start)who has experience in preserving photos or anything on paper and ask for some advice. If you're not comfortable telling them what you believe you have, just tell them, "gramps photo's from the forties". Two reasons you need help - if you try to flatten them out yourself, you may end up putting wrinkles or tears in the image layer of the photos, or having portions of the image flake off the backing. The paper may not be acid free, and you will lose the pictures eventually as they rot away from the acid unless preserved somehow. OK, three reasons - I'm not sure if scanning the original photos could cause damage to them from the light (not sure how good the processing was back then, or about light sensitivity), or sticking to the glass, etc. Enjoy your find! Share when prudent and appropriate. Oh, definitely get someone to verify you (or Gramps) are the original owners. Discuss this with a lawyer friend if available. [ January 26, 2003, 11:46 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  10. Agree with -E- . I'm guessing the passenger "fits" correctly when the tank is identified properly. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't one of the "Flying Korsakov Brothers" from v1.00!
  11. ROTF!!! He invented the freestyle event, no matter how unwittingly.
  12. What would an Englishman know about a) snow winter sports c) being "rad"? :confused: </font>
  13. MasterBlaster!!!! You sorry excuse for a TNT chucker!!!! Send me a turn :mad: :mad: Unless my attack has you liquifying in your pants...
  14. Roight. All of you gits owe me a turn except Lt Hortnunchuks. Not your fault, mind you. There's some virus floating around and one effect is interfering with emails, some areas worse than others. So resend, SVP.
  15. Give us to France? They won't have us, for we smell worse than they do. And we won't have you, for you have Cleveland. Expect a setup shortly, for you have finally crossed the line with the ultimate insult. Never call a Cowboy fan a Steelers fan. Sacrilege, by god!!!!
  16. Delete the Combat Mission prefs file then restart the game.
  17. Actually, they didn't. You see, the idjits were aiming for head shots on Boo, and WE know there is nothing inside Boo's airhead worth a cracker... all they managed to do was release some more hot air... phhhhhhtttt-ttt! Still, the effect would have been essentially the same if they had aimed instead for his BUTT-OCKS ie: the REAL seat of his lerning. Sir AJ Self-Proclaimed Cesspool Gameykeeper </font>
  18. Bloody useless, Royal fawning pillocks! Meeks - you have a lot to answer for. Like "What's in it for ME???" Where's MY title, huh? They seem to be handed out a dozen to a dime right now, so WHERE'S MINE?? <BIG>I WANT ONE TOO!!!</BIG> AJ {Post New Title Here} [/QB]
  19. A camera? Anybody actually got a King? Seanachai, since you foisted this endless ceremony on the pool, how about a jolly sing-song to pour salt on the wound? Something with outlaws, cabbages, fluffies and beheadings would be nice.
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