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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. So I sits down to read <u> Sharpe's Company</u>, because I can despite being a mouth breathing, kanuckle drugging Pennsytoonian and there it is. The single most annoying misuse of a word in the english language. The quick and dirty bio of the author finishes, "Mr. Cornwell is now a full-time writer, and is working on the ninth and penultimate novel of the series." This is meant as high praise. Let's use the word properly: "You lot are the penultimate intelligent life on the planet." Except for MrSpkr. That was a right proper piling on of Boo, despite the protests of music majors everywhere.
  2. The better question is why Lars didn't learn from past episodes and think to tie a string around the wrench and secure it to the boat... You silly Minnisodoff. [ April 22, 2003, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  3. The better question is why Lars didn't learn from past episodes and think to tie a string around the wrench and secure it to the boat... You silly Minnisodoff. [ April 22, 2003, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  4. :mad: :mad: Grrrrrr. That 'Disco Darth Vader' picture is disturbing. If I was to get a setup from Prinz Eunuch it would mean he's impervious to hot, molten bitter TNT!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: And just plain strange... [ April 21, 2003, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  5. Nyuk, nyuk!!! Sure, a setup. With a twist. Make it large pointwise, load a medium map if you can. Then you and I must purchase two of the most expensive pieces of armor on the list. And four of the least expensive. Anything else goes.
  6. Messing with a copyright lawywer? Hmm, why am I left with the impression Hortlund just registered the name Leeo and you'll be getting a 'cease and desist' any day now? Edited because I wanted to say: Buahaha!!! [ April 21, 2003, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  7. Messing with a copyright lawywer? Hmm, why am I left with the impression Hortlund just registered the name Leeo and you'll be getting a 'cease and desist' any day now? Edited because I wanted to say: Buahaha!!! [ April 21, 2003, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  8. Let me help here, I'm good at fill-in-the-blanks: That wasn't too difficult.
  9. LMAO Snarker! I'm Aussie , my Dad is a pom (although not a real one , he is from the South) but I cannot understand a BLOODY word of it! You crack me up!! Once more in the Queens english if you please old boy! :confused: :confused: </font>
  10. I've been holding this for an appropriate time. All pile on Boo ! I chased Boo around the map with only pointed sticks. He just upped and ran for home waving a white flag. Looked like boxers, so I didn't get too close. He won't dare challenge me again, being from Ohio, which smells suspiciously like France.
  11. I've been holding this for an appropriate time. All pile on Boo ! I chased Boo around the map with only pointed sticks. He just upped and ran for home waving a white flag. Looked like boxers, so I didn't get too close. He won't dare challenge me again, being from Ohio, which smells suspiciously like France.
  12. :mad: :mad: :mad: SlowAle, that grabastic heap of moldy TNT was last spotted wandering the swamps searching for his vegetable relatives. :mad: :mad: Rattle his cage, boys!!! Let's get the 'splody chucking lunatic back on track!!! :mad: :mad:
  13. Sans serif. Have you perused the maps and chosen the instrument of your destruction yet? I thought not. Twit.
  14. Sans serif. Have you perused the maps and chosen the instrument of your destruction yet? I thought not. Twit.
  15. Sodball!!! Has your maggot infested ISP kept you from receiving my turn yet again? Or are you a practising disciple of MasterProcrastinator's "if I send one turn a month my brillaint opponent (yeah, the one that just misspelled "brilliant") who is whipping the snot out of me will forget the tac-sit and maybe I'll eek a draw out of my sorry predicament" dogma. Gr! Too winded for a bigger growl after that.
  16. Jesus wept. My wife played board wargames with me while we dated in college. Then we got married, got a desktop and bought games. That was in the 80's Now she complains about computer wargames, moans and groans about me and the computer and tells me I'm neglecting her and the kids. Incredulously, I turn slowly and look at her. "What kids???? Who are you, how did you get past the 15 locks and into my sound-proofed room????"
  17. Did your new girlfriend start avoiding you? Did she call you and explain she just wants to be friends? Has this happened to you more than once in the last month or so? Are you a nice guy and you're deeply hurt by this type of behavior? Feel stepped on, beaten and thrown on the step like an old doormat? Have her email address? Well, then, show her you understand. Send the The "I'm the Better Person" Ecard and feel good about yourself again. This message (and link) brought to you as a public service of "Dear Snarker".
  18. Did your new girlfriend start avoiding you? Did she call you and explain she just wants to be friends? Has this happened to you more than once in the last month or so? Are you a nice guy and you're deeply hurt by this type of behavior? Feel stepped on, beaten and thrown on the step like an old doormat? Have her email address? Well, then, show her you understand. Send the The "I'm the Better Person" Ecard and feel good about yourself again. This message (and link) brought to you as a public service of "Dear Snarker".
  19. Noba, you big girls blouse. Taking advantage of Hortlund on the rebound? I didn't think you the type. And Nidan, if I was a betting man I'd say it was that nit Fokker.
  20. Noba, you big girls blouse. Taking advantage of Hortlund on the rebound? I didn't think you the type. And Nidan, if I was a betting man I'd say it was that nit Fokker.
  21. Arrrghghghghg.....cough...cough {Walks around with hand over heart staring up to heaven doing best Redd Foxx imitation} I'm coming, Elizabeth!!!! Claims of fresh TNT in my box today. MaggotMaster, you're moldy, mildewed and generally looking like ground growth at the edge of a swamp despite the regular twig and berry scraping you claim. I therefore disregard any claims of 'fresh' from you, unless it is phrased, "Maggots!!!! I have a fresh crop of moldy growth on my formerly TNT coated body!!!"
  22. One reason for minor victory flags - often they're used to help guide the AI on attack as it tends to move for flags. In the example you gave, it seems the designer wants you to spread your forces. But, there is nothing keeping you from concentrating in one area on either the attack or defense. On attack you can "roll" one flank and then cross the map, on defense you could yield one minor flag and defend the other - you get the idea.
  23. Of course he could. One's a pasta and the other's a gap somewhere in the states. :mad: Nothing from Goodale in a coons age. I fear his moldy head exploded like a puff ball, spewing spores all over his neighborhood.
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