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Everything posted by Chupacabra

  1. Teamster Mission! "Attack it yourself, buttwipe, it's our lunch hour." ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  2. This has been tweaked numerous times, IIRC. It's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Have tank AI fixate too much on an area it last saw tanks disappear in, and it's likely to ignore the Panther which just popped out of cover 100m in front of it. Have the turret snap back to front too quickly and people complain "how could he forget about those tanks on his flank?" Basically, the TacAI is good, but it's not smart. It can't know what your plan is, or what you consider important, so it can't make weighted decisions like "is it better to keep scanning this area or to face front?" with any degree of correctness. I find that the tank AI does much better if you give it simple instructions and a very narrow field of fire. No choices, no decisions, no mistakes. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  3. I didn't use copy/paste. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  4. I prefer the toned-down mods largely because of my monitor. The LCD screen on my laptop is a nice little thing, but colors often feel too bright and cartoony on it. Not just with CM, but with all apps. So the toned-down mods look just about right for me. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  5. The short answer is yes. If you're able to see a target clearly enough, and for a long enough period of time, you'll be able to tell its experience level. I also happen to wish that this wasn't so ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  6. Speaking as a history student, I think that most history teachers avoid talking about battles because, in the long run, the battles aren't what're important. In fact, as Andreas said, most battles are extremely inconsequential when it comes to big picture history. Throughout school, the military history of WW2 which I was taught consisted entirely of "Poland-France-Battle of Britain-Pearl Harbor-Stalingrad-Midway-Normandy-VE-Day-Atomic bomb." Important and interesting militarily, yes, but more importantly, they're turning points which, encapsulated, serve to convey a general sense of how the war progressed without bogging students down in specifics. I think this is as it should be. Military history is a fringe subject. It happens to be one which fascinates me, but it is not, and it will most likely never be, in the mainstream. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  7. Colin - AFAIK, artillery was very poor at clearing barbed wire during WWI. Shells weren't fuzed to explode on a grazing contact, such as against wire, but would instead plow into the ground. As David said, this often had the result of merely tossing the wire around and making it gnarlier and harder to cross. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Oh, Gentleworms! Meeks and I need someone to buy troops for us. Who would be so kind? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hrm. If you're prepared to overlook the fact that I have an utterly sick sense of humor, and enjoy the musky tang of human misery, then by all means, send it here! ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  9. Shandorf! I taunt you preliminarily! My glider troops/crack Panzer division/105mm VT is/are going to pound the absolute living hell out of your Hotchkisses/Sherman IIs/Volkssturm. I can't wait to see the looks on your cannon fodder's faces when I bring up my 88/Super Pershing/elite Gebirgsjaegers. Your American/British/Canadian/French/Polish/German brutes don't stand a chance, you poor bastard! You may surrender now. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super. [This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 10-24-2000).]
  10. Meeks! How utterly revolting to see you! One point of order - do you really expect The Cesspool to hand out demerits for underhanded play? It's the bread and butter, man, the meat and potatoes, the 88 round to the goddamn turret and exploding with all of the noise and fire HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH of the Cesspool! That said, go stick your tongue in a pencil sharpener and crank the handle repeatedly, you silly little half-baked ooze dweller, you. Or go back to your puppy-eating contest, either way. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  11. If you say so, Schuggmuffin. 1) On-board mortars may fire at targets to which they do not have LOS if they are within the command radius of an HQ unit which has LOS to the target. 2) On-board mortars may fire at targets to which they do not have LOS if they are within the command radius of an HQ unit which has LOS to the target. 3) On-board mortars may fire at targets to which they do not have LOS if they are within the command radius of an HQ unit which has LOS to the target. 4) On-board mortars may fire at targets to which they do not have LOS if they are within the command radius of an HQ unit which has LOS to the target. 5) On-board mortars may fire at targets to which they do not have LOS if they are within the command radius of an HQ unit which has LOS to the target. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  12. Oh, also, Stalin Organs are cool. I know the Germans and the Western Allies had rocket projectors too, but you know what? Stalin Organs are cooler. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: and I know you don't want a setup from me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Absolutely correct. I want a file from you. I'm eager to continue tearing out your toenails and plucking out your tongue. Perhaps next I'll give you one thousand paper cuts on your shrivelled manhood. Or apply a rare Peruvian shamanic pain unguent to your eyes. Hell, who am I fooling, I'm just gonna mess you up all sorts of ways. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  14. Hell, if BTS just made CM2 a Stalingrad simulator I'd be maniacally happy. Now imagine my excitement about having a CM game which models the entire Ostfront. I might just spontaneously combust. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  15. Buy it. It's fantastic. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  16. Bazooka, with one shot left, vs. Jagdtiger at 10 paces. Sumbitch put a zook smack into that monster. I hope that guy got some nice Parisian hookers that night. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune: The Army of the Porcupine needs two volunteers to playtest a new scenario. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hrm, I suppose I could stand to brutally bludgeon some other poor sap. And on a shiny new map, too. The excitement that runs through my cold, cold veins, you have no idea. *droolgibber* Er, just saw HairDreier's post after I submitted mine. Whaddya say, FilthyRottenLeier, think you can take on a real hamster instead of that silly sack of Teutonic titmousery, SquirminBoy? ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super. [This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 10-24-2000).]
  18. BakingSoda! You have an awful lot of time to post silly sniveling girly-taunts on the board and not much time to send me files, it seems. Or perhaps you're scared of what I'm going to do to you next? A bit ironic, isn't it? You lecture me on the board about leaving squads in buildings, and in the end, my brave lads are unscathed, while yours are messily splattered under 10 tons of rubble. Tsk tsk. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Private Parts: JA2 was the Daddy when it comes to squad-based games. I regret never finishing it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I actually thought that the beginning-middle parts of JA2 were better than the endgame. By the end, the AI cheats ridiculously, and has silly unrealistic weapons. I thought the game was the most fun when I was duking it out with greyshirts with FN-FALS and grenades, rather than rocket rifles and robots. Just IMO. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  20. With PBEM games I generally play 30-45 turn games to allow for events to play out naturally. Against the AI I usually play 15-30 turn games. I rarely play less than 15 turns, as my style is fairly methodical, and doesn't lend itself well to gung-ho rushing ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  21. VLs don't mean much if you're getting demolished. I played a QB against the AI the other day. I took Allies, random troop quality, computer picked forces. I wound up getting a company of crack paratroops and assorted support units. Computer got an armor-heavy conscript Waffen SS force, including 3 conscript Panthers and a conscript KT. By the end of the game, the computer held two VLs that I hadn't bothered to contest, and I only held one VL, but I had so mauled and discombobulated his forces that the final score was something like 85-15. Basically, I've found that the final score takes into account a lot more than just the VLs, and if one side is clearly winning, the other side can take a few VLs without greatly affecting the outcome. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  22. Ooh, what about CM-brand heroin? "Booyah! CM-brand smack, penetrating your bloodstream like an 88mm round, packs more punch than 105mm VT!" Enough of this pussy-footing around with legal merchandise, I want some hardcore vice action! ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  23. I'm using Outlook, and haven't had any problems. ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  24. But can it get rid of those crusty, cooked-on porn banners? ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
  25. Tom - I don't think that this would in fact be the case. At the Bovington Tank Museum, they have on display a couple of chunks of armor plate which have been used for penetration tests. These plates were maybe 3'x3', and had been shot with something like 20-30 shells each. Some of the shells had not penetrated, some of the shells had gone clean through, some of the shells had partially penetrated and were still stuck in the plate. Some of the shells which had not penetrated had caused flaking. However, even after being penetrated by up to 30 shells in such a small area, the plate had retained its overall strength. That is to say, there didn't seem to be any indication that the plate was any weaker overall on the 30th shot than it was on the 1st. This would lead me to believe that armor flaking would not lead to a significant weakening of a tank's armor, unless by some incredibly poor luck, it happened to be struck twice in the exact same spot. I imagine the probibilities against that happening are astronomical, however. This is, of course, a completely anecdotal and unscientific answer, and if anyone has some hard data on this, I'd enjoy seeing it. Cheers ------------------ Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.
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