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Everything posted by Chupacabra

  1. I've played maybe fifteen PBEMs since the game was released. Could be because I only send out turns when the thrush knocks on Durin's Day.
  2. Try getting penetration data for Minie' balls and Dahlgren guns.
  3. "Well Grant, we've had the devil's own day, haven't we?" Brig. Gen. William T. Sherman after the first day of Shiloh. "Yes. Lick 'em tomorrow, though." Maj. Gen. U.S. Grant, in response.
  4. Col. Klink: Citadel was intended to be the blow the knocked out the Soviet Army. It didn't. The Soviets could more easily make good their losses than the Germans, regardless of the fact that Soviet losses were numerically greater. Pyrrhic victory, certainly, but the Soviets won.
  5. Er, American MGs were just fine. The Browning .50 is still in use, AFAIK, and the .30 did what it was supposed to do. The MG42 was an excellent weapon, but I don't think (especially in terms of reliability) it's leaps and bounds over the competition.
  6. Assuming that Frenchy lives in Europe and Pud does not, that's the same date.
  7. Next step is to get Madmatt on 'So Graham Norton'.
  8. Britwar has it as: BHQ with 2 jeeps, 3 M3 A/Cars and 3 M3 Halftracks 1 Light tank troop with 3 Platoons each of 5 M5 (M3) light tanks and a HQ section of 2 tanks. 1 SP Gun Company split into 4 platoons each with 2 M8 GMC and 2 M3 halftracks with a HQ platoon of 1 M3 halftrack and light transport. 3 Armoured Recce. Companies each of 3 Recce. Platoons each with a Armoured section of 3 M8 Armoured Cars and a light section of 6 jeeps. (Total of 9 A/Cars and 18 Jeeps per Company) with a CHQ Platoon of 3 jeeps, 3 M8 A/Cars and 3 M3 halftracks.
  9. Unless you're talking about Pandora's cans. Which were spectacular. Rrowr.
  10. I'd agree with Andreas - the pictures look staged. Especially the second one - the photographer would have to be standing directly in the line of a)the charging cavalry and return fire from the enemy. Now, there is dedication to one's art, and then there is flat-out stupidity. It is almost certainly propaganda.
  11. To echo what Mattias said: who cares? I paid my money for CM, I register my opinions on this BBS (I modestly like to think that I've added something to it. I immodestly think that /me 0wnz j00!!!!!!!!!!!), I will plunk down my credit card for CMBB on the first opportunity I have to do so, and will likely do the same for BTS' future games, and if asked, I would happily help test/research/write/whatever for BTS (and the chances of that happening are...). I don't see any particular need to engage in boosterism.
  12. Because there's territory, and then there's important territory. The point wasn't just to tear-ass ahead, it was to take the stuff that mattered.
  13. There's no question that "urrah"-style cavalry charges happened. There's also a big difference between "happened occasionally" and "happened enough to warrant inclusion in a game." If BTS decides to model mounted cavalry, cool, great, wonderful. But I'd rather not a) have the game delayed to do so or lose a vehicle/unit/code change that would be more valuable than a novelty let's-try-this-once-to-see-what-happens kinda thing.
  14. Somehow I suspect at least one of the posters on this thread is aware of this one already
  15. Hrm. So, you're asking for a coding change to save yourself three keystrokes? For some reason that doesn't strike me as a very productive use of time, guys.
  16. In my experience, if one feels the need to ask whether one's opponent is a whiner, the answer is yes. Yes, he's a mewling little baby. If he feels so overwhelmed, he should send a surrender and ask for a new game. Sheesh.
  17. Now I'm trying to figure out if that's funny. Nope.
  18. There's not really any visible sign of Hitler's bunker anymore. IIRC, the feeling was that it would become a shrine to neo-Nazis if where it was became common knowledge - although anyone with a wartime map of Berlin could probably work it out. That said, I'm pretty sure I've seen it. According to the guy I was with, who I believe, the only remaining entrance to the bunker is a metal storm cellar-style set of double doors set in the concrete in the courtyard of an otherwise unremarkable apartment block in central Berlin. I've got a picture, in fact. I'd be interested to hear what the folk with a better knowledge of Berlin than I (Andreas, Warphead) think. Again, I tend to believe the guy who pointed it out, but with things like this I also tend to being skeptical.
  19. Dude, A Beautiful Mind was a runaway success at the box office. If they were really just a bunch of effete left-wing intellectual snobs the award would've gone to Gosford Park or Mulholland Drive. And by the way, hi Mom! And Moon!
  20. Can you picture the General Forum + the <blink>blink</blink> tag? Babies weep at the thought. Edited to find out if the blink tag works on this forum. It doesn't. [ March 25, 2002, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: Chupacabra ]
  21. Well, sure, neither would I...but I think if I were weighing my options between "one-in-a-million freak accident" and "not shoot the tank that's right there and wants to kill me", I'd take my chances with the PIAT.
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