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About Nukem

  • Birthday 01/27/1984

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  1. I vote "yes" because without you guys my final school year would have passed a lot slower than it actually has Cheers
  2. Mark my words BTS, if there is no modelling of every aspect of existence from the big bang to the dinosaurs to the Roman empire to the industrial revolution all the way up to me sitting in front of my computer flaming Nac4 and laughing my arse off in CM2 then I will sue for false advertising or something. You better have some badass legal representation....
  3. Come off it mate. As a veteran of many FPS/RTS/Other 'twitch' game forums I was pleasantly surprised to find a forum with so many friendly, tolerant and intelligent individuals, who, bar a few bad eggs who are normally swiftly dealt with anyway, are gladly prepared to enter into reasoned debate over any topic under the sun. This forum does BTS and battlefront.com credit. Flame wars are normally created precisely by the sort of troll-like comments I have quoted above. Oh and also by people who name their threads 'CM too unrealistic' just to provoke a response. Nac4 the tone of your post seems to imply that BTS owe you something. Let me tell you that BTS owe you squat. They have gone out of their way, at presumably high financial risk and with minimal resources and manpower, to make a game which brings enjoyment to thousands of people. And also happens to redefine the very concepts of what we believed was possible with wargaming. CM:BO is a labour of love not some money grabbing exercise and with that in mind, I think you should at least have the decency to critiscise them in a mature and intelligent manner, rather than ranting on about topics which have already been decided a long time ago and failing to even comply to the etiquette of the English language. If BTS don't want to develop a full-on campaign game that is up to them(and from the comments Steve has made it looks to me like if a 3rd party got their act together then maybe some compromise could be reached). If you don't like it don't buy CM:BB or alternatively write your own game. Simple as that really, just don't come on the forums ranting and raving at BTS and patronising the common forum-goer.
  4. Thanks, but I already tried those sources briefly(just because I have junior member written beneath my name doesn't make me a complete dumbass ). The FAQ didn't seem to have any related topics, although I only glanced at it. A search for the words reorg command yielded 20 separate topics none of which from the titles seem to directly relate to what I was saying, and frankly, I'm too lazy to spend the next hour trawling through every single one. I'm not that excited about my suggestions. I was only wondering if anyone had any additional thoughts or wanted to summarise what has been said already about these topics.
  5. Been playing CMBO for a few lazy hours and just had some thoughts. These may have been discussed already, but it doesn't hurt to post them again: 1. Will there ever be a reorg or regroup command? If you've got a platoon, say, and all or some of the squads in it have been reduced to just a few men, and you move back out of harms way, then you could amalgamate them together to make a more useful fighting unit. Did this happen in the heat of battle or were squads very independent of each other in combat? It just seems silly to have all these odd men running around, possibly without squad leaders, and not really being able to contribute much on their own. I would have thought that in combat, if the majority of a squad were killed and more importantly, the squad leader, the remaining men would seek out the nearest NCO and join with his squad, assuming they weren't broken. 2. Following on from that, why can't Platoon HQs take over other platoons if their HQ units are eliminated? 3. It's been mentioned before, but a command to gather ammo from dead enemies or friends would be neat. 4. Out of interest why is the TacAI generally such a poor infantry commander? It tends to throw its units in piecemeal without a thought to C&C.
  6. I think if moral issues were brought into the game it would actually have more of a detrimental effect than whatever would be gained realism wise. Suppose you did have civilians wandering around? Wouldn't this just allow evil little bastiches to commit virtual warcrimes in the comfort of their own homes. I know I would certainly be offended if my PBEM opponent started executing his POWs or slaughtering civilians. And as soon as you have these kind of sensitive themes in a game, it just takes one ten year old's mother to take a dislike to the subject matter and boom, various govt agencies are all over BTS trying to get CM banned. Look at all the fuss over the use of swastikas in the graphics to see this. Also by imposing such moral issues aren't we all being just a little judgemental? Bad things happen in war, but they are committed by both sides - separating it into good guys and bad guys is feintly patronising to all concerned. And worst of all how long is it before some sick neo-nazi type makes scenarios where the objective is to 'liquidate' as many virtual civilians as possible? It is all very thin ice IMO and not worth messing around with. If you want ultra-realism, then join the army.
  7. Thanks for your help guys. Much appreciated. The jam did clear by the way, in case you were wondering.
  8. In a PBEM game I have been playing, last turn one of my German HMGs jammed(eg next to ammo it said JAM). I looked in the manual and it didn't seem to mention anything about weapons jamming, so I was wondering how regular an occurence this is in CMBO, as it has never happened to me before(although having said that I've only been playing for about a month and a half). I presume the gun isn't going to be completely out of action?
  9. MS Flight Combat Simulator - duh!! What a no brainer...
  10. Germans at Stalingrad got paid more if they took up the risky job of carrying a flamethrower. To quote the historian Alan Clark: "It was necessary to accompany each attacking force with teams of flamethrowers so that buildings could be burnt down, but this was an extremely hazardous occupation as a single bullet could turn the operator into a flaming torch. Special rates of pay were introduced, but it was still impossible to get sufficient volunteers without recourse to the punishment battalions." Which leads me to ask will punishment battalions be included in CM:Barbarossa? The Russians used to use troops like this, without snow camouflage gear, to draw enemy machine gun fire, while the rest of the, camouflaged, units advanced.
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