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Everything posted by deanco

  1. Just checked out the Artillery Boot Camp article. It gets the DeanCo Newbie Seal of Approval. I see there are a lot of new players these days who are not really into wargames per se and this kind of article is really useful to those folks. Well written, informative, covers pretty much all the bases, kept as short as possible...great! Can I just ask you to enlarge the font size a bit? Or change the color or somefink? I had a hard time reading it. Maybe my eyes are ruined from sqiunting at those interface icons for too long, but I don't notice this when I go to other sites. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  2. How cool, Jess!! I didn't know that! Thanks for the tip! I guess this would work with any old shortcut icon then? Aw, hell, I'll just try it and see... ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  3. I'm in the camp of those who think that CM is a Battle Simulator. You have men, you have armor, you have terrain. And I would like to see greater flexibility in choosing the units I wish to play with, yes. Having said that, one can go into the editor and make any sort of lopsided, unrealistic, or just plain silly battle imaginable. Now that I've said that, from a beginner's standpoint, I'm glad that force limitation is the 'default' setting because it forces you to learn proper real-world tactics first, before going crazy with the King Tigers and such. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  4. Well, I guess we don't need any more proof about the 'overabundance of churches' bug. Way to go testers! Send that pic to BTS right away and tell them to do somefink. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  5. Pierce, I feel for you. Check out my website, it has only the most basic stuff about the game written in a video gamey non-technical style. Link is under my name. DeanCo-- http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ [This message has been edited by deanco (edited 01-19-2001).]
  6. I'm a big fan of what I call the Heavy Halftrack. Back when I was playing the Germans I would always score a 250/9. You get an infantry shredder AND a light HT killer in one easy to use package. And the 20mm goes thuga thuga thuga thuga too, very distictive gun sound. I've had these guys rack up amazing numbers of kills. Mobile too for when things go wrong... way useful. Anyway, from a game standpoint, I think the 250/9 is one of the best 'pieces' in the game. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  7. Guy w/gun, Yeah you can. Those are not my pictures BTW, I found them on CMHQ somewhere. The pictures DO NOT come with any of my mods. I don't do windows, and I don't do pictures. You're the second person to make that mistake so I thought I'd make that clear. Cheers. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  8. OK, cool, looks like some of you are getting some use out of it. That's great. Hiram, I've already gotten some paid work sort of indirectly out of all this interface stuff. Those hours with Photoshop are paying off in other ways. Maybe not as cool as making a game interface, but paying nonetheless. So I see the whole thing as sort of "process" myself. Billard balls bouncing off each other. Sometimes your aim is off and you pot another ball by mistake. Well, that's still one for you. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  9. Awww right you guys! I said it before, I'll say it again: y'all make it all worthwhile. Now...to go check my stats! (I just found a free stat thing and I am addicted to those web stats! I love those bar graphs and pie graphs and line graphs! I have no idea what most of them mean but they certainly do look impressive!) ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  10. I have a CM site aimed at the total beginner. All basic concepts, written in kind of a video gamey style. The link is under my name. You'll find other CM stuff there as well. Welcome. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  11. I proposed somewhere having a rollover animation for the GO button (and NOWHERE ELSE) to alert the player he has the pointer over a critical area. Maybe for CM2, maybe not. You might want to try my GUNMETAL mod too. I have sort of separated the GO button from the rest of the NAV buttons design-wise, it seems to look more 'isolated' now and you may find this will help you to 'watch out' for that area. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  12. There's always the demo! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  13. Hi folks! After having used the GUNMETAL interface mod for a while, I noticed a couple of places where I could try to improve it some. So I have a small (12k) optional "patch" where I try to address some of these issues, while adding a splash of color as well! I have also included a file that fixes a minor graphic glitch around the unit designation (T-1, V-3, etc) area. My thanks go out to PawBroon for taking the time to point this out to me. Y'know, there may be something to this "grog-pickeyness" after all! It's just a small update but you can read all about why I did it (and see pics, and download it) by clicking on the link under my name. Later y'all!! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  14. I'm not qualified to help you on that but I agree they would be useful additions to the 'database'. Plus, I'd like to start modding tanks for my personal enjoyment but I haven't the slightest idea how to go about it. I'm sure some kind of primer would be very useful. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  15. A bump to the top. I'm anxiously awaiting this desert mod, really looking forward to it. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  16. Along those same lines I want to see a futuristic version of CM, with red and blue tanks, greenish-brown alien terrain, nothing but nighttime skies with millions of stars and galaxies, and the soldiers looking like little robots with silvery metallic skins. Then we just change the sound of the .50 cal to a Photon Pulse Annihilator Gun and bingo! we have a whole new game. I'm warning you, if nobody does this idea I may be obliged to do it myself! Beware, and tremble, you grogs! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  17. I use Photoshop too, Tom, but I got the picture Slyss wanted to get started with the minimum investment. That's good advice about the tester or friend to crticize your work, akaidorat. I shoulda put that in the original post. The thing is, though, he or she has to be a good, impartial tester. Telling you your work is great and fantastic won't get you very far, nor will finding fault with everything. He must try to be impartial, while still being encouraging, as akaidorat said. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  18. Hi there Slyss, Paint Shop Pro will do the job and there is a shareware version available. As far as tips go, here they are: 1) Have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish BEFORE YOU START WORKING. The more precise your idea to begin with, the easier it will be to get the effect you want out of the program. 2) Make lots of mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the better. Trust me on this one. 3) Click on everything in the program at least once, just to see what it does. Read the online help. 4) Be prepared to spend a lot of time with the program. Days, weeks, months if need be. 5) Be as critical of your mod as you can. Ask yourself, "How can I make it better?" That oughta get you started. Good luck. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  19. I second that Walter. The next update I get from BTS had better come from some sun-drenched Carribean island, where scantily clad native girls scurry to and fro, serving them cold alcoholic beverages and cooling them with large wicker fans. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  20. Man there is some really cool info here. I just wanna thank everyone for contributing. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  21. As far as how the gameplay is impacted, I would say the terrain mods have the most effect on how the game looks, followed by the vehicle mods. A judicious use of terrain mods can really improve the way the game looks. You will have to experiment though as every person is different. However I can second the Panzertruppen building recomendation. Have fun. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  22. I imagine y'all must feel great...and more than a little relieved. It's sort of the culmination of everything, as far as CM1 goes. So I offer my warm and heartfelt congratulations on the accomplishment of your goals. You promised Internet play, and you delivered. Well done. Don't forget to take some well deserved time off. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: We also would love to do Mideval, fantasy, and sci-fi too, but there is only so much we can do in a lifetime so it is doubtful this will ever happen. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, thanks for that info. I am oficially shutting up about that subject from now on. However... In terms of "licensing" an "engine" goes, I think there is something in CM that deserves, nay, cries out to be licensed. For want of a better term I'll call it the TacAI. What I really mean is the routines used to determine the "human" behavior of the units, their realistic reactions under fire and stress, and the slightly random nature of their reactions to boot... am I the only one who thinks that this AI weewees on all other game AI's from a great height? I have a dream. I wanna see an RTS or whatever where you bandbox the units and tell them to attack, but if the battle is going bad, the guys will run away or refuse to move ala CM or Close Combat. Whether or not this can appeal to a mainstream crowd is a matter of opinion, of course. But there are 250 RTS games where you bandbox the units, and they march to their deaths. There are none where they have human reactions, except CM, CC, and possibly a few others I'm not aware of. IMHO that could be the "next big thing" in RTS, and that's why I'd like to see the TacAI licensed out to other developers. OK I'll shut up now. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  24. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/013793.html Check it out, Greasy Pig. I asked the same question in pretty much the same terms a few weeks ago. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  25. Eventually you may want to change the interface. This is maybe after you've had the game a bit, and feel like a change of pace. Anyway, I invite you to swing on by my website and check out my custom CM interfaces. There is some other content as well you may find useful. The link is under my name. Welcome aboard. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
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