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Everything posted by deanco

  1. ACDSee is great for that, I swear by it. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  2. The Hysterical Scenario links have been fixed. In my excitement I overlooked it. Sorry for the inconvienence, they are fixed now. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  3. Really changes things doesn't it?? Heheheh... ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  4. I've modded the orders menu in CM. It looks like a clipboard now with a notepad on it. You're better off swinging by my site (link below my name) and checking it out yourselves. I have worked pretty hard on this one and am pretty pleased with the results. Also, 2 new scenarios are up in the Hysterical Scenarios section. I am still accepting submissions for this area so CHECK IT OUT!! Minor tweaks: Shockwave movie slightly modified, and sidebar redone for quicker load times. As always.... Enjoy, people! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  5. Alta Vista Image Search! I hate to give away the secret of my mod-making prouesse but there it is. If I need a picture of anything under the sun, I use Alta Vista Image Search and I find about 10,000 pictures of it. Only problem is, 9,990 are unsuitable. But when you find the one that is, you're set. Try it! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  6. The tutorial is great, I started there. Not too many pieces, 15 turns, nice map, weighted towards the Allies so you can mess up and still do OK... when I have somebody over and I show them CM I run them through the tutorial. If they're still interested after that I show them Sherbrooke Fusiliers, 3 turns playing defense, hehehe... ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  7. I'm signed up...how 'bout you? ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  8. Ahh, too bad no one understands what Ales is saying! Cream: Wheels of fire The Who: Live at Leeds Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. I The Rolling Stones: Beggar's Banquet ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  9. Manx makes a very good point. The board has been invaluable in helping me find minor (and major) bugs in my releases. The feedback is almost instantaneous and my email client goes "driiiing" whenever someone posts. Perhaps a Talkback thing like they have at GameSpot where people can post comments about individual updates would be useful. It doesn't bug me to check back every few hours, I do that anyway with all my mods when I release them in case there is a problem. I also agree that emailing the author about a problem is not very common. It HAS happened to me a few times, however, with great results. But for bug fixes, last minute changes and stuff, not everyone knows my email address but pretty much everyone remembers where they read or downloaded something. This is just a suggestion, I have no idea how hard that would be to implement. If it's too hard, tell me to get lost. I think your concept is a great idea, so great I wish I had thought of it myself! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  10. The only feedback I can possibly think of is, it sounds like an absolutely killer idea. One stop shopping to find out what's new with CM (mods, AAR's, articles, etc.) without having to wade through a bunch of posts. Brilliant. Do it. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  11. Thanks for all the replies, y'all. I will be putting up Lord General MB's Gold Award (I am honored! Can you take a picture of me with it? That's it, a little to the left.. lil bit higher...CLICK) after I have my coffee and croissants. LG MB : No new interface mods are in the works. The reason? I'm still happy with the Gunmetal mod and am not inspired to do a new one. Since each mod takes about 3 days non-stop to make I really have to be inspired to get behind a commitment like that. However, never say never... russelmz : Yeah, the hotspots, the hotspots...OK, crticism noted. Stay tuned. Wolfpack : I doubt if I will be doing anything like that in the near future. Robert Olesen had a good idea about mixing and matching, however. Barleyman : the blurry text bug has been fixed for a while now. Go to my site and find the 'Gunmetal Font Fix' and follow the instructions. You will lose the gold ingame letters but the landmark text will become readable once again. Hope this helps. Coffee's ready, later, ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  12. Hehehe...I am working on another scenario (playable this time) that is REALLY off the wall. I don't wanna give away too much, but this one pits BTS vs. The Grogs! Only thing is, they can't shoot at one another! How is that possible, you ask? Hehehe... stay tuned. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  13. Well, at least I had one person drop by! Strange...it shows up on mine... ok, I will turn it into a zip then. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  14. If y'all are bored and have nothing to do, why doncha swing on by and check out my site. I've redone the whole thing from top to bottom. New on the site: I did a Shockwave movie for the banner. Music and everything. What a blast that was to make. Check it out. 4th party mods have been consolidated in the (where else) new 4th party mods section. To celebrate I have a casualty icon by Maximus ready for download. And the Hysterical Scenarios section is up! Now accepting submissions, so if you have made a weird CM scenario of any kind, send it on to me. I will have a new one ready in a few days, I'll let y'all know. Submission procedure is on the page, once again, swing on by! New banner, new sidebar... I've been a busy little beaver these past few days. Now the site is ready for CM2. To come is the chat room, polls, and more. But for now I'm gonna do something, ANYTHING ELSE BUT WORK ON MY PAGE!!! AAAAHHHHH!!! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  15. Ya know what... I can dig where Winterhawk is coming from. I was very surprised to discover the number of audio cues in the game, covering a lot of different situations. The problem is, unless you're right next to the unit saying it, you don't hear it. If there was a way to turn up the gain and be able to "hear farther" before the signal faded out it would be cool. True though, unit acknowledgements in CM are definately underplayed. Tom's idea is a good one, though. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  16. I'm bumping this to the top...there's something about forlorn pleas.... kinda gets me right here... gettin dewy-eyed... please excuse me (sob)... ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  17. Oh oh, ....aren't NURBS a Quake 3 technology?? Oh lordy... ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  18. All right Chris! Glad you like it! I like satisfied customers too... makes me feel good. I'm in the process of totally revamping the look and content of my site these days, if anyone's interested. I will let everyone know when it's "done" ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  19. This is gonna get locked up soon so I'll chuck my 2 cents in before it does. BTW, I've been a professional musician for 20 years, and have probably played more than 3000 live gigs. Until the advent on the phonograph record, the idea of owning music was unheard of, and unthinkable. Only when music became easily reproducible did the idea of music copyright become widely accepted. The idea of becoming rich from playing or writing music is a relatively recent one, historically speaking, and only due to an advanced technological state. So there have been musicians throughout history making music, the great music that has come down to us today, and the musicians writing this music were not making millions off of it. Yet despite this, music flourished and didn't die out, despite the difficulty in making a living at it. Why? Because musicians (true musicians, not N'Sync) are first and foremost interested in making music, and everything else, including money, is pretty much a distant second. They have a drive to make music that poverty can slow down, but cannot stop entirely. This drive carried them through that fallow period between 3000 BC till 1900 AD , when phonograph records were finally invented and musicians could start getting rich from making music. So my point is, should the balance of power shift, and pirated music become the norm, and musicians be once again unable to earn a living, then the production of musical works by musicians (true musicians, not N'Sync) will perhaps be slowed by the economic situation, but never stopped entirely. An interviewer asked some rapper, I forget who, what he thought of music sharing on the Internet, and he said, "Well, maybe in the future, musicians won't make their money like that anymore. Maybe live performance will be how musicians survive." Final thoughts: How much money does a songwriter deserve for writing a song? "Your Cheating Heart", Hank Williams. There are about 17 words in the whole song, and 4 chords. Yet, it is a monument, a masterpiece. I think it's a masterpiece. And I think Hank deserves tons of money for that, lots and lots and lots of money. But I can promise you he wrote the thing at the kitchen table at 3 am, in about 45 minutes all told. Now... how much is that song worth? 45 minutes at the kitchen table, or a lifetime of distilling experience and learning about life to be able to express himself that way? As you can see, there is a case to be made for both sides. But I don't think anything could have stopped Hank from writing that song in the first place. It just had to come out. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  20. Yeah, I've long thought that there is the forum, and then there is everybody else. The thing is, people who hang out here tend to think of the forum as BTS' only clients. This is normal, as everyone here is so vociferous, and y'all are like the silent majority . So, come on, Silent Majority, let your voices be HEARD!!! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  21. I belong to the "If Magua made it, it must be good." school. Ever since his buildings I will DL anything this fellow puts out. The attention to detail and care he puts into everything just oozes out of his work. Same with Panzertruppen, Tiger, and a fet others. Someday I hope that every interface I do has the quality of a Magua mod. Now...release the damm terrain so I can see it up close, dammit!! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  22. This is something I'll never use. I actually like the categories because it kind of 'auto-balances' your force for you but I can see that this addition would add some uncertainty and excitement to QB's. I too was hoping that unrestricted meant that you could mix Green, Regular, and Veteran (or Regular, Veteran and Crack) troops in the same QB. Now if BTS had put that in, I would be jumping for joy. Ah well... ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  23. Apache, Thanks for your interest. Here's a little comparison, check my site (link below) for more info. (edit) whew! I'll get the hang of it.... ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time [This message has been edited by deanco (edited 02-08-2001).] [This message has been edited by deanco (edited 02-08-2001).] [This message has been edited by deanco (edited 02-08-2001).]
  24. Try here : http://www.combatmissions.co.uk/workshop/modlist.htm It's not the best in each category but at least it's pretty much everything! Best in each category.... hmmm ... that gives me an idea... ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
  25. Intentional. At night your troops screw up like in real life. They aim at the wrong guys. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ so many games...so little time
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