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Everything posted by deanco

  1. My take on TCP/IP so far: 1) I want to turn freyland's argument around. I've played and enjoyed RTS titles before, and I've always thought that the one thing MISSING from CM was this sense of urgency, this heart pounding desire to click on everything quickly enough. Now, not only is CM the deepest, most kick ass tactics game ever made, but I get an RTS buzz off of it as well! But it doesn't stop there. In other RTS titles, the amount of "speed" or "urgency" is built into the game and is a set value. If events are happening too quickly, you will get discouraged; if the action is to slow, you will get bored. But by using the timer and force size judiciously, CM now allows you to "dial-in" the amount of urgency and heart pounding action you want : a lot, a little, or none at all. BTS has given us a "tension" knob to play with. A true innovation in gaming. 2) This is gonna sound funny coming from me but here goes: I think TCP/IP makes Combat Mission MORE REALISTIC. You can't tell me that a Commander, in mortal danger on a battlefield , is gonna have the time to give the kind of super-detailed orders that you might work out in a PBEM or against the AI. "Squad A! Advance 62.721 meters north, then crawl an additional 22.806 meters north north east until your line of sight extends exactly 186.5 meters out of the woods! Here's a ruler, now GET MOVING!!" Now don't get me wrong, I like playing like that too, I think it's fun. I'm just saying that a realistic WWII game should have some adrenaline and uncertainty mixed in with it, to reproduce as closely as possible the actual condition of the soldier on the battlefield. I hope I've made myself clear. DeanCo-- [This message has been edited by deanco (edited 11-30-2000).]
  2. OK, I'm getting email about this problem so I'm pushing it to the top. DeanCo--
  3. Hi jdmorse, Yeah, that's exactly right. The 1024 version is the "whole" version and the other ones are chopped up. Since the side panels are just meant to be a neutral pattern (that is, seen out of the corner of one's eye, and not meant to be looked at closely) I just went ahead and chopped them up. I committed more of my time and energy to the main interface part instead. DeanCo--
  4. Listen up folks! There is a small problem with one of the files in the GUNMETAL mod. The file in question is 30002 B&W.bmp. That's the replacement font that you would install to restore the original BTS font colors while still keeping the GUNMETAL font. Well, some people that are using that file in the game have reported seeing blurry letters for the landmark text in the 3D screen. I checked it out and found out that I did indeed mess up. My apologies, somehow that one slipped by quality control. Anyway, I believe I've fixed it, so head on over to http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ and pick up this 1k fix. Later! DeanCo--
  5. Gonna have to go along with Lee here, Tiger. In fact that was my very first mod ever, pouring black all over the BTS logo. Now, I don't have to tell you how much I admire and respect the work those guys have done. But I personally don't want to constantly look at 2 big company logos when I'm playing a game, any game. However, having said that...I DID sign this mod. If you squint and look real hard at the panels you'll see it. So...you gave me an idea, Tiger. Stay tuned. DeanCo--
  6. Yo ACTOR, I remember you. You tested my map and were very nice about it, when I first came to the board. Thanks for the compliment. If I can figure out a way to improve on the interface even more, I will. DeanCo--
  7. Hi folks, First, I'm glad initial reaction is good, so thanks everybody. As a matter of fact, I think it looks great too, and I made the damm thing! Not that there isn't room for improvement, heheh. But I too am really happy with my work. Well, I just got my ass trounced in my first TCP/IP game, and I noticed another issue. In-game messages are yellow and hard to read as well. So I suggest you take Madmatt's advice and install the "30002 B&W.bmp" file that I included with this release. Full instructions are in the readme that came with the mod. Enjoy! DeanCo--
  8. Hi folks, This one got it's inspiration when I figured out how to change the in-game fonts by messing around with some bmp's. So that meant I was finally able to use the same font pretty much everywhere, which is something that I wanted to try. I am sooo sick of looking at that typewriter font... it looks so... like it's been programmed on a Mac or something!! As far as style goes, the mod looks like the game Fallout meets the movie 'Brazil' a bit, although I didn't set out to do it that way, it just sort of oozed in that direction. According to the feedback I got, people seemed to like the simpler designs better, so I tried for that goal while doing the layout. There is more text on the screen, closer to the original BTS version. Everything's been redone, nav buttons, VCR buttons, sidepanels, everything. Just in time to get your machine ready for TCP/IP! Head on over to http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ to check out screens and such. And make sure to drop me a line or post here to tell me what you think! Enjoy! DeanCo-- (edited part) I forgot to tell you what it's called! It's called the GUNMETAL mod!! [This message has been edited by deanco (edited 11-28-2000).]
  9. hehehe...I'm still here... and I have a new interface almost ready for release... to spruce up your machines for TCP/IP play. Should be out in a matter of hours. Get ready to be blown away, 'cause I've gone whole hog this time! DeanCo--
  10. eba, Thanks for the info. I'm glad I asked before reinstalling Windows and that sort of stuff. My monitor is less than a year old so I think the store will fix it or give me a new one...it just has to last till Tuesday morning! Thanks for the kind words too. I have another interface almost ready to publish, and I think it's my best work yet. So stay tuned! DeanCo--
  11. Not strictly CM but I figure what the heck, I play CM. My monitor has ghost artifacts running vertically across the screen with any application, under any drivers, etc. The display also dims from time to time, and the fonts look sort of embossed too. Anybody have a clue what this is? I'm right in the middle on another interface mod, and I could use an accurate monitor. How much longer will she live, Doc?? Give it to me straight! DeanCo--
  12. peri, The generic mouse drivers probably don't support the wheel. Your best bet is to find the latest drivers from your mouse manufacturer. Failing that I guess I would look for "generic wheelmouse" drivers under Windows. Good luck. DeanCo--
  13. I'd like some different skies too, I still prefer the stock BTS versions so far. Also I would like to see some skies with more exaggerated colors, believe it or not. Bright orange sunsets, starry starry nights... that sort of thing. Not like a cartoon of course, but just 'slightly more electric than realistic'. DeanCo--
  14. Foo, man, you shoulda let me know. If you're still in Paris drop me a line, I'd like to get together. DeanCo--
  15. I won't play it because of the graphics. There, I said it. It did not meet the DECMRL (DeanCo Eye Candy Minimum Reference Level) standards, whereas CM squeaked by. Too bad, SB from what I saw of it (a bit of the demo) looked pretty cool. I especially appreciated the extensive tutorial that comes with it to bring new players up to speed. DeanCo--
  16. I have had this cursor corruption problem(flickering, invisibility, leaves square artifacts on the screen) in the game with every version of the Nvidia drivers since version 6.xx. I have a GeForce 256. I'm almost positive it was because I had Logitech Mouseware installed. When I finally uninstalled it the prob disappeared. I have a non-Logitech mouse and had installed (through Windows) the generic drivers as I had heard that sometimes that could fix it. Well the Logitech app was still there despite this, and I'm almost positive that was the problem. Just adding to the general database as I know this cursor corruption problem is somewhat common. Hope this helps someone. DeanCo-- PS : I have a Trekker WheelMouse. If anyone is looking for the latest drivers, I can tell you that this mouse uses the Intellimouse drivers, which are incredibly hard to find, apparently. I have them, so if anyone needs them let me know and I will mail them to you. Whew!! All's well that ends well!
  17. Thanks for all your responses folks. I am bumping this back up to the top for 2 reasons. 1) I still don't have enough responses to make a good judgement call on which one is the most widely used. I'm hoping a few more will post here or email me with their preference. (BTW, the initial reaction has been good. Apparently a lot of you use and are happy with my interfaces. So thanks to you all for your kind words!) AND.... 2) I have done a new sidepanel mod for the Grog interface! I took a WWII operational map and messed with it a bit. As usual, screens and the DL link are right on the front page. So, for all you mod hungry mothers out there, get your butt on over to : http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ and get it while it's hot! DeanCo--
  18. That sounds killer!! Anything that can reduce those repetitive keystrokes and mouse clicks is OK with me. I don't play enough PBEM's at a time to be a decent tester but I WOULD like to try it out! deanco@ifrance.com Thanks for all your hard work. I'm sure this is gonna be a useful app with time. DeanCo--
  19. Hi gang, coralsaw : Mmmm... yes the original doc came in rtf format...i could stick the pics in it... yeah, I can do it. Gimme a couple days, OK? Germanboy : I have no problem at all with this, I am just the "publisher" if you like. I read it to make sure there is nothing objectionable in it and judge if it could be of use to other CM players, format it and put it up on the site. It would be Todd the author who might have a prob but really I doubt it. My 2c : I agree with y'all, I think scouting is one of the most fun parts of playing the game. And I agree that it would make a good scenario to say in the briefing, "the enemy has this much force and is in positions X, Y, and Z, according to our reports" and have that report be wrong to a certain degree. Anything that makes the game more fun, I'm for, and that sounds like it could be fun if done correctly, as the player is not prepared. Tris : I believe you may have hit the nail on the head. Todd states in the article, "I am schooled in 1990’s infantry tactics, not 1940’s tactics." This MAY explain his attitude towards recon in CM. Well, I'll mail Todd and tell him about this thread. DeanCo--
  20. I finally got off my lazy ass and updated my CM site : http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ Two new sections are open in the Newbie Guides : the Basic Principles of War, with overviews of flanking fire, recon, concentration of force, etc etc... and the Tactics Guide is finally up! I have 2 fine articles by Todd Justice and Jeff Newell just waiting for you! Todd sent me an Infantry Tactics primer, with tons of cool screenshots that illustrate his points, and Jeff wrote a shorter piece on using tanks correctly. Thanks guys! To top it all off Jeff Pinard has submitted a mod for my Healthbar mod. It changes the HQ bonus icons and casualty icons and I can tell you he's fit the Healthbar vibe to a T. The screen and DL link are right on the front page so if you use the Healthbar mod swing on by and check it out yourself! ----------------- I know a lot of you are using one of my mods because I've seen the download stats. But what I don't know is which one. So for upcoming mods I would like to know which of my mods is the most widely used. So would you folks mind dropping me an email at : deanco@ifrance.com and telling me simply which interface (Hi-Vis, Healthbar, or Grog) you use. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the interfaces I would like to hear them of course but it's not necessary. Just the one word will do. This way I can work on improvements to the more widely used interface. Thanks very much. DeanCo--
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fdevassy: I just recently got into wargaming after reading a colum written by "general" trotter of PC Gamer. He made the wargame Steel Panther WAW seem so interesting when he plotted out a scenario he played. That's the first time ever (been playing computer games for 6-7 years now) that i even was interested or learned of this genre. Anyway i never played any other wargames(board or computer) the first mission in CM seems so freaking hard to me. I can't even beat it. Does any of you "grognards" have even a slight problem with that first scenario. The reason is i got so discouraged by that experience and i wanted to know if im really bad to have a hard time on that scenario. Just give it to me straight, you dont have to sugar coat it guys.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hi there partner, There's a bunch of good advice here. I have a CM page dedicated to newbies where you might be able to find more useful info. http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ The best advice I can give here is to put yourself in the shoes of your men. They are scared and are deathly afraid for their lives, OK? Now, if you were a real commander, what orders would you give them if it was YOU who had to obey them? Hey, there is no way around it, orders are orders, the objective must be taken, and some men are gonna have to die. But, you must balance that fact against the desire to protect your men and find the best compromise. There is a ton of help on this board too. Take a look around. Don't worry, you'll get better real soon, I'm sure of it. DeanCo--
  22. Croda, Of course not. My tests conclusivly showed that The z-texture globulets buffering problem has NOT been addressed by BTS, and I have my mom's broken sewing machine to prove it. DeanCo--
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook: A larger PC game company would likely have said instead: "Floating point error? So what? Ship out the TCP/IP patch out now to give the lemmings what they want, stop using up so much time on something that isn't generating new revenue NOW, and get working on the next title. We MIGHT re-patch this 'floating point' IF the lemmings have enough attention span to still be playing this specific game a couple months from now." "Errr.....scratch that last thought. Let's attach a floating-point fix later with a 'CM Elite expansion pack' where anyone wanting this thing fixed right away has to buy the add-on pack. Then a couple of months later, we MIGHT provide a downloadable fix." If you followed the conduct of certain gaming companies very closely last year, then you'd see that what I've described isn't too far-fetched.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Boy oh boy is that true. As I was reading that I had a list of games and game publishers going through my head. A great post, right on the button. Just another reason you guys are the greatest. And thanks for keeping us posted like that, I appreciate the detailed explanation a lot. DeanCo--
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