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Everything posted by deanco

  1. Oh man!! I HATE 'are you sure' messages with a passion! They should be eliminated from PC's altogether, with the exception of formatting your hard drive and other such heavy duty acts. I go along with Croda. If I click "yes" and I wasn't really sure, it's my own damm fault, and no one else's. God do I hate those messages. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  2. Silver Fox, Heheheh...that's it. You win....er, a draft choice to be named later. David Aitken, OK, OK, point taken. I can dig where you're coming from. And in the case of certain games, I agree they spent more on the intro movie than the game. Me too, I only watch the intro movie a few times. But the purpose of the intro movie is to put you in the mood to play. That's why I will never forget the intro movies from Red Alert 1 and Starcraft. They really got me in the mood to play, and are as much of my video game 'history' as the gameplay and graphics of those 2 games. I still stand by the overall 'premise' I stated in my previous post. As a groundbreaking, revolutionary game, CM (well, now we're talking CM2) deserves the best of everything. All aspects of the game, from top to bottom, should (IMHO) meet the high level of care, attention to detail, and programming skill that BTS put into the game. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  3. Yo Stimpy, Cool. Hey, don't worry if it's too bright or too anything. People said my first attempt at an interface hurt their eyes!! Well, I took that info and went back to the drawing board and made a better one. So don't worry about criticism, just finish all that hard work and mail it to me. I'm sure there will be some people that will like it just the way it is. Then you can go back and improve on it to make it even better.
  4. Hi Stimpy! Hmmm. Looks pretty cool! Of course the acid test is how does it look in the game. It's tough because the interface has to be somewhat prominent, yet never overshadow the 3D screen. What I'm really interested in is seeing the unit info screen done this way. Have you done that, Stimpy? I doubt that I would install just 1 screen, it would clash with the other, no matter what version it is. Can you post the unit info screen somewhere so we can have a look? Finally, I'm glad someone else is getting into this interface business. More variety is always good, I think. So keep up the good work, Stimpy, and let us know when the unit info screen is ready! (edit) As far as hosting goes, get that Unit Info screen ready! If it looks as good as the Battle Info screen I will host it on my site, and try to build some interest for it, no problem. People know me for interface mods here so that or Madmatt is your best solution. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/ [This message has been edited by deanco (edited 12-11-2000).]
  5. OK, I can't resist... Here are my ideas for improving the interface. Remappable keys. Please, BTS, can you give an answer on this? Let us know if you think it's a good idea, or if it's impossible to do given the way CM is programmed, or an unnecessary addition in your opinion, or that we can expect it for CM2... somefink??? If there is to be no roster, how about buttons that will jump to the first team (T-1) and the first vehicule (V-1)? Steal the mouse scrolling idea from Shogun. The bottom 1/3 of the side of the screen 'sidesteps' the camera, while the top 2/3 turns the camera. This system is so instinctive that I found that I was manipulating the camera in Shogun perfectly without even realizing what the programmers had done. Having said all that, I have to admit the interface as it stands is really pretty efficient. I give it 84%, I like the melody and you can dance to it. (quick, from what old TV show does that come from??) Someone said that CM is at the top of it's class, and as such deserves the best of everything. I agree. It's not enough that CM kicks every other wargame's ass. CM deserves to kick every other GAME'S ass, period. That means a topnotch interface, a tight, good looking front end, killer graphics, intro movie from hell, etc etc etc. The other elements of the game must reach the level of the programming effort and gameplay IMHO. VoilĂ . ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  6. Yes but where are they? I'm dying to try them out!!I wanna see tanks and jeeps fighting in the desert! Don't care about historical realism, I just wanna see sand and have a tank battle! WAAAAAAHHHH! DeanCo--
  7. Great thread. Thanks all, I am really learning a lot here. As far as luck or the lack of it goes, you get this same sort of thing in backgammon. In no other game can one be rewarded so richly for making a stupid move. Naturally the person making the stupid move thinks it was brilliant because he was rewarded for it. That's why I think it's good to stick to tried and true principles, even though you're getting your ass wiped. Eventually your time will come. Anyway, you have a lot of people rooting for you here, that's for sure!! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: In the next Public Beta, we are assigning a second key to access the chat window. I just did a test with the French Keyboard setting and want to make sure I am seeing the same thing you are. Do you mean that you can open the chat window but the whenever your type "i" it scrolls ahead? Or do you mean that you cant even get the chat window open, which is the problem I had as the tilde key itself scrolled the screen forward. Madmatt [This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 12-06-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dude, When I strike tilde, nothing happens at all. No chat window opens. ONLY when I strike another letter afterwards does the chat window open, and that first letter is displayed, all at once. In the case of the letter "i" the chat window does not open and the 3D map scrolls forward a tiny bit. There is another letter that does the same thing, "t" I believe. Next Multiplayer game I play I will do a good experiment and let you know. Hope this helps. DeanCo--
  9. Yo!! It has come to my attention that some people using my Hi-Vis interface mod are having difficulties playing the game using TCP/IP. This is due to the fact that the buttons on the main page have been renamed. To join an Internet game using the Hi-Vis screens, you click on 'Comms' (formerly 'Join Multiplayer Game') then 'Internet' (formerly 'Join TCP/IP Game', I believe), then enter the IP number of your opponent, then click, 'OK'. So it's 'Comms', then 'Internet', OK? Comms, Internet; comms, internet; comms, internet. Just remember that and forgive the artistic effort to rename the buttons, OK?? ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  10. Has anyone seen this? Is it a real bug? Is something being done about it? Hello?? ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  11. Hehehe...thanks, gang. The second post was a joke, mainly to push it to the top of the list. I didn't expect anyone to get worked up about a minor fix. OK, I got a real paying gig doing pretty much the same thing, making a user interface for an English method on CD-ROM. So I'm gonna be out of circulation for a while. After that, my plan is to do the rest of the game GUNMETAL style. Front end, map editor, everything. A complete makeover. But you'll have to be patient. Later y'all! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  12. I was really lucky with video games. Somehow I bought the right ones most every time. Starting with Flight Simulator (Atari 1040). The manual was just so damm big (Sigh...those were the days)....so many options...and through it all I could say to myself, 'This is sorta what it's like to really fly a real plane'. It was a life changing revelation. (Before that I was interested in music.) Glad somebody mentioned M1 Tank Platoon too. God, what a great game that was. Infinite replayability, and a precursor to the RTS craze. Funny, me and my friend were playin CM and he chatted 'M1 Tank Platoon' I wrote back, 'better'. He wrote back, 'much'. Railroad Tycoon: I remember playing for 18 hours straight, going to bed, and suddenly thinking of a brilliant strategy just as I was falling asleep, and getting up again to test it out. Much as I love CM, it's never done THAT to me (but maybe I'm just getting older). Duke Nukem 3D: That first level deserves to be in the Smithsonian. Shooting that monster sitting on the pot...I literally fell off my chair laughing. I made it about halfway through the game, then found the map editor Build. I spent an ungodly amount of time with Build, I thought it was MUCH more interesting than the game, and I thought the game was great. This was to start a trend: 1) I am not very good at video games. 2) I like messing around with video games better than I like playing with them. CM: A special mention because CM is probably the deepest video game out there, yet when it really boils down to it, it's a crap shoot, know what I mean? Like backgammon. The best backgammon player in the world doesn't win every match, even against an average player. Now think of Kasparov against an average chess player...he would cream him every game! So CM has chess-like depth but backgammon-like outcomes...for me, that's a killer combination. I think that's what gives rise to the taunting, because you see a similar behavior in backgammon. The guy getting the lucky rolls is usually convinced that it is his superior tactical skill that is carrying the day, while the superior player is wondering why God hates him so much. Most of all I like talking about video games, cuz boy oh boy do I love 'em. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  13. I like 0 on the numpad too. Everybody's got that and ya don't need to hold friggin' Alt Gr down (grrrr!) to get to it! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  14. I can see this announcement is really exciting..... NOT! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  15. I'm gonna bump this to the top 'cause I think this issue really needs to be looked at. See my post in the Tech Support section. Hello, BTS? Comments? ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  16. Hi folks, I have heard that the 800x600 sidepanels for the GUNMETAL mod look pretty funky. Yeah well... they do! So I've redone them a bit, they no longer look "cut off". If you run CM in 800x600 or 960x720, you need these new sidepanels! Get 'em at the link under my name, of course. And thanks for all the kind emails, folks, I appreciate it! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  17. One last comment: TCP/IP will always have some inherent "tension" built into it, regardless if the timer is running or not. The reason? The "bloop" sound and 'opponent is waiting for you to finish orders' message. AND the fact that you know that there is an actual human somewhere in the world waiting for you to HURRY UP AND FINISH!! Someone mentioned face to face games...yes, perfect. If your buddy sitting across from you finishes moving before you, there is a TEENSY bit of pressure to hurry up, right? PBEM will always be the game of choice for those who want to take their time, I think. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  18. I am back to my old standby 5.33 drivers. I get dissapearing text with the 7.17 drivers, and 6.xx drivers cause the same bit of text to be printed everywhere in the game there is text. I have a celeron 500, geforce 256, and 128 RAM. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  19. I gotta add my voice to those who think this mod looks EXCELLENT! I will let it grow on me a bit but I tell you what...if someone saw a screenshot from the original game and compared the same shot with the host of excellent mods made by this fine community installed...I'm not sure they would think it's the same game!! My compliments to the author of this fine mod. And I don't think anyone can truthfully say that CM's graphics "suck" anymore!! ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  20. I have a french keyboard, and when I hit tilde, then hit the letter "i", nothing prints out. Instead, the 3D screen moves ahead a tiny bit. Other letters do not do this. "i" is the only letter I found, perhaps there are others. Hope this helps. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  21. That's not bad, Henri, but the point is, why should I have to? We have people from all over the world here that are saying that the tilde key is a poor choice for the chat. Changing the keyboard to American will screw up the rest of the buttons for them just to fix 1 problem. It's easier to put a more convienent button in the final patch IMHO. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  22. I use the gunslinger subdued now, but before that my favorite was the 'bumpy' grass, by Richard Tremblett I think. I may switch back to that for a while just to see the difference. I didn't like the DD grass either, but let's face it, there's no accounting for taste. 90% of what you're lookin at on the screen is grass or snow, so it really has to be better than perfect. I don't have the guts to mess with it myself. It has to look good up close, it has to look good from far away. A daunting task. It would probably look like the surface of Mars if I messed with it. The real problem with grass is that you need 20 shades of green so one can see terrain elevations from the overhead map. If there was a way to see elevation changes easily, then each square of grass could be the same color and have it's own character, so to speak. Put some flowers in one, a couple rocks in another, etc etc. The best solution would be to have a toggleable grid and 1 color of grass, but that's not possible. Unless someone made a utility that installed grass files ... nah, too cumbersome. The other thing about grass mods is this. I gotta say, 'yeah, looks good' right from the get go. It has to look better than what I was lookin at before. And since I've already spent 65,000 hours staring at the old grass... ...the grass mod has it's work cut out for it, eh? VoilĂ . ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  23. How nice. My very first post on this board was to request a mappable keyboard. It met with major stony silence IIRC. And yes, I agree, ` is a poor choice for chat IMHO. On my french keyboard, tilde is Alt Gr - 7, and when I press it, the symbol doesn't come up right away. I have to press another key afterwards to get it to 'print'. Makes chatting pretty much impossible unless there's something here I haven't understood. Any French people experience this, or is my keyboard broken? DeanCo--
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson: I downloaded the interface and installed it, only to realise that it screws up when using 640x480 pixel resolution. The info added on the outsides of the original infobar area will look gobbled and interfere with the othes textures. Deanco, please make a note about this on your site. Cheers Olle<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hi Ollie, That's a new one on me. I played in 640 last night, and I had no sidepanels at all, and no issues whatsoever. i think the dinky sidepanels are for 960x720 or whatever. I will look again at this but can you send me a screenshot, please, to deanco@cybercable.fr Thanks. ------------------ DeanCo-- CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
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