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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Why did you switch drivers? If it was not a "needed" change but just one to update then go back to the old drivers (at least for testing purposes). Also have you installed a game recently that made you install Direct X 8. Some people have had problems with that (not me though).
  2. The battles I believe you are refering to (Tobruk, El Alemien, the western front) were really stacked against him (well the first battle of Tobruk was his fault and he admitted it in his diaries). El Alemein II (I know I am spelling it wrong) for example, Rommel was not only outnumbered 5 or 6 to 1 but also the British Armor consisted of newer American designed tanks while a large quantity of Rommels forces were made up of very substandard Italian models. Also you claim that Rommel had a "few" dashing victories, hmmmmm, the entire french campaign in 40' was a success for Rommel. The majority of North Africa was a success for Rommel. Let's see that would leave the Normandy campaign but wait they did not let Rommel really plan that one so hmmmmm. Three years of primarily success would qualify as more than a "few" victories in my opinion. So far I think that most people believe his skill was hype because he was so hyped. With the exception of Tobruk, Rommel was a model of quick and decisive action, and was a master at finding the line between daring and foolhardy. One last thing, Rommels troops respected and loved Rommel (Patton got respect but no love) who had a charisma like Monty. The difference is that Rommel, who possessed panache, was not an egotist nor did he have utter disregard for the men in his command. Also unlike Monty he knew his way around a battlefield and could employ tactics other than build up until you are 5 times the size of your opponent and then bombard him and charge! Just my thoughts, I just think many people have become disenchanted with Rommel for reasons having nothing to do with his ability.
  3. Sorry guys but I have to go with Erwin Rommel. First off let us not look only at his stellar performance in World War II but also his very successful career in World War I. The guy was a man ahead of his time when it came to tactics on the modern battlefield. He did make mistakes and he actually admitted them in his diaries. Also he was a patriot. And for those critics that say he is one dimensional, an attacker with little knowledge of strategy remember two things. Rommel was one of the first to see the end. He almost predicted exactly how it would happen in 1943. Also he was in charge of the Alantic wall and not only recognized the inaptitude of the wall but made it stronger (more time and more resources were needed though). And Rommel also understood the power of the allied air force. If Rommels plan to put the Panzer units near the beaches had been followed and the Panzers (even a portion of them) would have been able to get to the beaches things could have turned different (at least more costly and made the allies more cautious thus buying time for the Germans). Lastly Rommel was probably the bravest son of b**ch around. I mean really in early 1944 with the Russian campaign falling apart and teh Allies about to land in the west would you have the balls to tell a raving Hitler that all is lost and better to surrender on the west and hope for a draw on the east. Nah I thought not.
  4. www.combat-missions.net www.combatmission.com (I think) Those are the two sites I use. [ 07-03-2001: Message edited by: Priest ] [ 07-03-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  5. Pimping Mods Tanks A Lot. I have created a monster it would seem!
  6. Put a Company CO or BN CO (or platoon CO) with a morale bonus with a group of like 4 AT guns and watch them go to work. If you can ambush some tanks within your arc of fire the guns may last (depending on experience) against counter-barrages (especially if in the woods, reverse-sloped, and in foxholes!)
  7. Look at tanks a lot just basking in his glory. Now hmm who told you to but CM. Hmmm who could that be. Hmmmm. Haha. Email me dude it has been awhile.
  8. Okay Hitler is the easy one. And the fact that Goering was allowed to stay in command was Hitler's fault. In fact most everything that went wrong for Germany was Hitler's fault. That being said I am going to have to go with my personal vendetta and vote Monty though as the worst friggen commander of the war. For one simple reason, he gets all this celebration for doing nothing! Give me like five times my enemies number and I would probably rack up a pretty impressive score also. Not to mention that the enemy can barely move due to lack of fuel. Oh and exactly how many times must one commander attack Caen. Hmm pre-assault bombardment followed by a general advance. No that didn't work so lets try something new. I know how about a pre-assault bombardment with a general advance. Yeah that is the ticket. Really if this guy did not have the manpower/economic base to work from then we would all be laughing at his ridiculous losses and complete lack of ability. Some people just get lucky (Monty) and other do not (anyone that was assigned to Monty). That is my .02
  9. or how about those guys in the 60's and 70's with those cars with chrome and silly flaming chickens on the hood. OH MY GAWD! Do they think they are top fuel or what? And those skaters, who do they think they are Tony Hawk? And all those guys who play Combat Mission just wishing they were that Rommel guy, like for sure! Lay off, it is a fad. Personally I am a sports car buff and while i adore Ferrari, McClaren, etc, etc. I can appreciate a person who has put a lot of work into his car whether it be a 66 Ford Mustang or a 1999 Honda Civic Si. Oh and before you all ask I drive an AWD Turbo-Charged 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse that has not one single sticker on it. And I do plan to change out about every piece of suspension and engine in the car to attain a higher level of performance. Although it will still have no stickers. Everyday when we do something that we like (see examples above) there are people who judge you (unfairly), there are true diehards, and there is always a poser or two. But in defense of those sticker laden cars, if Big Time said you could have a free CM2 CD two months before it came out and you could help in the development of the game, but only if you put a BTS sticker on your PC or Mac wouldn't you do it? As far as vehicles in the game goes, uhm who cares, as long as Steve and Charles have reasons to have or withold vehicles I will stick by their judgement. Really this is one of those wonderful subjects that accomplishes nothing. Instead you should be trying to make a point for a vehicle that should be included not harrassing BTS for including one you do not like! [ 06-21-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  10. The LOS line when you have line of sight is blue. It turns green when during a fire mission you want to adjust your fire thus the new target is considered an adjustment on your current fire not a whole new mission altogether. Also the time to target for the adjustment is very small in comparison to an altogether new fire mission. This distance you can change your fire is about 100m (i believe). If you do not have LOS then the line will be the standard red and black although you will still be able to target. The difference between the two fires will be time to target (No LOS means about double the time) and having LOS will provide you with a much better concentrated fire mission. Hope this helps [ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  11. Uhm......hmmmmmm. Guys if you look and search for simliar tank hunting threads from the past you would know that Steve and Charles have answered this question about 3 times. Personally I find it funny that you complain about such a trivial thing. Could it happen on the battlefield? Yes it could. You guys are arguing about a point that may have actually been the TacAI resolving a random chance issue. The TC of the KT made a mistake and it cost him. Also before you post little rants you should probably remember that in CMBO your rants consist of "my guys made realistic but bad decision: rants while other games have people asking such things as playability. Personally I have not had a tank make a "bad" decision in a long time. Also what the heck are you doing letting a sherman get 500m to a KT. If it were a 1000 meters you would be posting that the KT is UberTank and can ignore shermans even when they flank to a side. That is my 2 cents.
  12. First off I am BACK!!!!!!!! Second TANKS A LOT email me at Calstann@hotmail.com Third When a AT Gun sits hidden does the AI that controls when the gun shows itself take into account when a target turns it's flank unknowingly to the gun? In other words if the AI wouldn't normally fire and expose a hidden unit at a certain range if the tank is head on but would if the tank exposed it's sides or rear. Just wondering!
  13. That is exactly what I had. I am running now at 1200+ resolution with 100mhz refresh. All is good. Like I said contact Nvidia and possibly try the Herc drivers ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  14. I have it set to render 3 frames ahead. Also it would seem time to hit Nvidia up and the card maker. Also you could always try the Hercules drivers. They should work. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  15. I installed Direct X 8 but that did not fix it. Then I went into the applet and click the FSSA setting under advanced Direct 3d Porperties. Everthing is fine now. I have never seen CM look so good. I am using Hercules Drivers. If u post i get emailed and I will be happy to help further if possible. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  16. I will try all of the above and thanks Ken ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  17. This is my system 700 mhz PIII 792 MB of RAM IWill Pro133 Motherboard Gforce II Ultra 64MB Video Card w/ latest Hercules Drivers Win2k Operating system Sony 17se Monitor This is the issue. When I launch the game it runs fine. The title screen looks great so on and so forth. The game itself also loads fine. The issue starts at this point. The text on the interface box is flashing. Also the boxes in QB select forces screens also. The same in the scenario editor. Lasly if I exit to the main menu the white text is now transparent. Now while this does not make the game unplayable it is darn near close. Especially if I want to design my own scenario or pick forces for a QB. Anyone know? Thanks in advance Ken ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  18. Hammie if were able to count my wins to yours then you would be the most famous winningest son of a gun around here! Second Senahibababwawabillybobmookiemookie blahblahWOOTblahblah WHATEVER you failed to realize one thing two pages ago I AM THE MOST WORTHLESS THING IN THIS THREAD DAGNUMIT! Get it straight you useless piece of diseased meat. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  19. I HAVE RETURNED............and nobody cares Anyways due to the fact that I had to reconfigure my desktop and am busy with other CM affairs (this addiction to CM I have is really sick!) I have been away. No longer I say. I have returned. Hammie a setup shall be sent to you post hastily. (intentional word screw up for all you grammar freaks) Lastly just to remind everyone that Lorak the Loathed is pronounced Lorak the Loser and Hammie is just a nice way of calling Hamsters and idiot. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 03-23-2001).]
  20. I would also nominate Scipio for his sounds!! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  21. Hammie if stupid equals you thinking that I was going to surrender then I am stupid. Cease fire as you proposed yes sure no problem but there will be no surrender. I know the conditions of your units and call me stupid but when I have a fresh platoon and you have a mish mosh of 2/10 squads well then I will take my chances. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  22. Hmmm Matt. Still sick? Hope you found time to find a doctor! Later and thanks ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  23. Cav are you American? In America anyone can speak. Anyone can proliferate ideas. Now that the political science lesson is over then let me tell you one thing. If you are going to provide sensible arguments or information on the thread then do not post . Simply being pulled into the thread by a title does not mean you have to post. Maximus and I along with other were having a discussion. In closing would folks like CavScout please refrain from using any racist organizations in trying to draw paralells. You are doing it for effect and not for argumentive purposes. Two things get a rise out of me. 1.) Racism 2.) Stupidity (they kinda are the same) And cavscout you came real close to displaying both in your post ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 03-16-2001).]
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