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Everything posted by mensch

  1. is it me or does Moriarty picture look like some goverment worker who fits the build of a guy who looses his job, gets mad, buys a gun at the 7Eleven* goes home wacks his dog, favorate fish then goes to work and knocks off 10 other people cuz they all got a .15¢ raise cuz he was fired? *all Americans can buy guns anywhere, without questions, and be insane (which I think Moriarty is) -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  2. you forgot eating the nice state-subsidized BSE Burgers too! ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  3. Do Rockets counta as AFV?? I cant wait for the Organs.. lots of "FOOSH FOOSH" then "BOOM BOOM" and every one goes screaming "AAHH AAAH!" -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  4. here's another post on army jokes, and I find it's a nice change from complaining about 30º deflection at bla.. oh well here's a funny one I found. Marine vs. Navy Joke A salty Navy Chief and a crusty Marine First Sergeant are at a bar arguing about who had the tougher career. "I did 30 years in the Recon," the Marine declared proudly, "and fought in three of my country's wars." "Fresh out of boot camp, I hit the beach at Okinawa, clawed my way up the blood-soaked sand, and eventually took out an entire enemy machine gun nest with a single grenade." "As a sergeant, I fought in Korea alongside General MacArthur. We pushed back the enemy inch by bloody inch all the way up to the Chinese border, always under a barrage of artillery and small arms fire." "Finally, as a staff sergeant, I did three consecutive combat tours in Vietnam. We humped through the mud and razor grass for 14 hours a day, plagued by rain and mosquitoes, ducking under sniper fire all day and mortar fire at night. In a fire fight, we'd shoot until our arms ached and our guns were empty, then we'd charge the enemy with bayonets!" Looking straight ahead, the Chief says nothing. Then after a deliberately long, slow drink, the Chief says, "Yeah, it figures...all shore duty." --------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  5. your all gits.. but most of Hiram for not responding to questions on icq... talking aboot no shows.. did kitty get locked out of her house? have not heard, read or nufink from her... Croda you get that email.. I'll damn you to hours of listening to Seanachai (windbag?) if it did not get through!!! --------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  6. I used to use the handle Dark Elf cuz I hated Elves in roleplaying nothing better to take the enemy of your worse hated race in FRP. But when I met my now wife five years ago I visited germany often to see her, and I picked up slang quite good. one being "mensch" I noticed certain things in the language like often one would ask "hows it going " wie gehts? and the answer was mostly "ach mensch, weiß du, ich habe viel zu tun" (aw man, you know I have alot to do) kinda like "ach so" the germans say that too alot.... wierd. anyhow I started using mensch in my ever but slowly growing list of german words. often using mensch to often..heh.. so it stuck I took it as my handle.. better then "ach so" i guess. I've been using this handle for about four and a half years now. =) other handles I had was Night Owl (for staying up late all the time) and in the army I was known as "you magot".. heh jk.. funny that no handle in the army... I guess I was one of those guys that would have eventualy make it though the war cuz he had no handle so that your buddies could talk about you if you got killed "remember spades, man he was a funny guy and squeeker... remember how he talked about that prune farm he wanted to start.. silly guy" On the other hand if I was wacked the conversation would be like "remember greg.. he.. why didn't he have a handle?" "oh him.. no idea, don't matter much I did not like him much anyhow, but the way he drew fire we should have called him magnet or somefink" ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-15-2001).]
  7. dear sweet snoochie, as other users who use the spellcheck here in the thread.. I don't, why? cuz it crashes my IE 5.0.. fecking bill gates.. I hate him more then you. so schnuckifutz your turn is back at you, you orgasim. You don't like my spellink? go find a big fruit and stick it in your hole. btw you git what do you think your doing with your MG carrier? another sad attempt to stop me from closing the door on your troops... hmm more rockets would be good just to wack my guys with... give you a chance then. Surrender you sod you have no chance ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-15-2001).]
  8. mace I think you confused seanachais oranisim type.. he fits more the kitchen and basement molds, but he is borderline with lichen spores.. anyhow, whats up man wheres my turn.. LOL oh wait I owe you a turn! HA! bite me.. come here and make me! don't worry your poor little peanut of a brain, it's on its way.. A NOTE to Croda, you sod!!! I sent the file five times and its bounced back every time, clean out your inbox you Turkish Circus Monkey. sheesh! ------------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  9. ding dong the witch is dead, the witch is dead, the witch is dead! - hurra! -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  10. LORAK... a minor update for menschypoo TWO GAMES WITH EEEE MEEKS!! so heres a low down.. all I can say the second game I never seen a regular firefly take out two tigers and a wespe in four shots in 47 seconds.. it was luverly first game Mensch the undefeatable (sit down croda) : germans 11 casualties (3kia) 2 vehicles knocked out men ok: 57 score 89% meeks the unlucky: uh allies 26 casualties (8kia) 40 captured 4 mortars destroyed 4 vehicles knocked out men ok: 0 score: 20% result: German major victory second game.. man I have not laughed so hard and peed my pants since.. well my last games with meeks Mensch killer of meeks: canucks 1 casualty (0kia) 1 vehicle knocked out men ok: 53 score (drum roll please: 97% Meeks mr. ICOULDNOTHITASIDEOFABARDWITHANUKEMISSLE: germans 6 casualties (1 KIA) 63 captured 2 mortars destroyed 5 vehicles knocked out men ok: 0 score: 3% result: allied TOTAL VICTORY players note: i was disapointed he gave up.. I didn't get to use my vet croc. that the computer bought.. feck players note 2: if I keep up two games with meeks a night , it boosters my stats quite nicely.. hey peng your better then this guy!! night all .. i will sleep better knowing meeks is now taking out his frustration on his cat "fluffy" [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-12-2001).]
  11. So MR. IHAVENOIDEA. MR.KANUCKINGERMANY TOOK THE THREAD TO DEUTSCHLAND.. BITE ME. =P may I see your paß, your attitude is not welcome. The Polizei are on the way to pick you up. --------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  12. yes if you get lucky.. you got to make sure the Panther does not jump you or hit you with its claws, then it would drag you down before you get to use your sexton.. remember: Parley, dodge, thrust, jump, spin..and... oh wait are we talking about CM here? -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  13. The following is an actual advertisement in an Irish Newspaper..! 1985 Blue Volkswagen Golf Only 15 km Only first gear and reverse used Never driven hard Original tires Original brakes Original fuel and oil Only 1 driver Owner wishing to sell due to employment lay-off Photo Attached go for it Andreas!!
  14. Moin Moin, alle... ok ja one kann buy Doritos but at 2.50 DM a bag. Liv with it. Smoking is allowed and accepted as a social habit.. or was that hobbit? hmm.... no political korrekt krap! Nude beaches, do exist without shäm... yes God did give us those body parts which we should not be ashamed about. Major Tom stays but now has to be deployed in North Peng Buzzsaw is now Gesummsäge Roborat is now Robotratte Chrisl is now Khrisl Cpt. Foobar Berlis Left hand man... Patboivin who ist this?? DEPORT YK2 awaiting standesamt marrage papers Marlow can open an Imbis if he wants otherwise DEPORT Nijis again who is this?? DEPORT Dalem is alowed to stay for 3 months but then has to go home Von Shrad ..heh Jawohl Peng Paß StevetheRat is now StephandieRatte Wildman is now Wildmann Laywer is now called Rechtsanwalt. Peng says Peng Seanachai is now Sänachae Moriarty is Moriartae Germanboy is Deutschjunge Berlichtingen stays Berlichtingen Joe Shaw gets a visa for american tourists Mark IV good lad.. your name stays David Aitkin has a k in his name so it stays the same Goanna... can I see your passport lad? Hakko Ichiu lots of k's but to east asian.. you get a student paß Elvis uh... gets new gigs in all East Peng Ratskeller Kneipe, singing Geier stays the same and gets a german Peng Paß Bauhaus als Geier Chupacabra is Chupakabra GI Jim stays the same but is stationed in South Peng Herr Oberst stays the same.. Peng Paß Pawbroon we have to let him in since he belongs to the EU.. feck jdmorse please take a nummber you papers are being don GI Tom goes with Jim to South Peng Elijah Meeks gets a visitors Visa Lorak very nordic... gets a Peng Paß Mensch has a Visa and can stay Madmatt not sure.. but the Polizei are checking his files Rune is now Rün OGSF hmmm... incharge of the Peng Army Hiram Sedai is arrested and is awaiting to get deported. Mace is now Mäss Croda is also awaiting deportation papers Bastables gets a 3 month visitors Paß since he visits so little. Polizei are keeping an eye out for him Stuka good lad.. now incharge of the Peng Luftwaffe Speedy stays speedy but now has to look after the Peng Autobahn jshandorf stays and but must look after the Landwirtschaft of Peng PeterNZ gets a 6 month visitor Paß Kitty is now Kätze Babra alowed to visit but not to stay. danke für Ihre verständnis now hau ab!!! -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  15. Lawyer.. you may set up your office in East Peng..no problem.. in West Peng we have no Stazi. Mace.. anything with a "k" before can stay that way.. oh and silent letters fall off so mace will now be Mäß? hmm could be katchy... more rules to Kom.. Laywer work on the wording hier. Pengfest starts in ein (1) week. Bring your busty blond babes and or strapping Blond boys (OGSF you may sit down they must be over 14 years old)
  16. thats right puppet boy... I have your strings and I'm going to cut them so you fall to the ground like a wittless Croda. ------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  17. right Laywer.. if you are one that is.... please hand over your papers and take only your personal belongings to Peng Germany... your ugly dog will have to stay behind, what? no no. I am sorry you may not bring your little red wagon with you until you done a driving test for it.
  18. Hakko Ichiu du frauen verseher, sitzen bleiben weil ich mache deine papier arbeit. btw.. did you take a number? wait, yes I see you have number 160. Now serving No. 4 Hakko Ichiu, hmm well it appears I can not define if you are male or female with that name so you must choose a name which people will know how to address you. try Boris or Otto or Andreas or Fritz.. § 1.004 All newcommers of Peng Deutschland must conform to rules and conduct of the land, see §1.006 § 1.006 all newcommers must be able to pronounce "Pengdiskussionsforumsuebereinkunftsvorschlag" five times and use it in a constructive sentence. without error, otherwise wait 10 years for your proper papers. -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-07-2001).]
  19. I declare Kanada as part of the new Germanic Mensch Empire (germanboy is now the new pool mascott) --------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  20. right you'll get my surrender on my terms.. 1. you must hand over your pass. 2. get rid of that ugly dog of yours 3. use more toothpaste.. your breath is unbearable 4. you now have to pay german tax.. that means 15% of your pay goes to me and 80% to matt to keep this new peng thread since the half life on the Kanadian one is up. 5. you will use K instead of Cs in beggining of words like Kanada, Kroda, etc.. be inventive... it makes germanboy kringe with anoyance. ------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-07-2001).]
  21. no my dear croda, canada crossed into germany and threatened the national security, we just invaded to make sure they don't do it again. btw.. you snoot.. may I see your passport? and do you have a permit for that ugly dog of yours... oops I'm sorry your wife just said shes no dog.. I'll be needing her pass to then. ------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  22. yes you gits and gitets, you got it peng is here in germany... so.. first rules 1. what ever you want will take 5 forms to fill out, and sit on a government workers desk for 7 work days! 2. we have only four flavor of chips! so live with it. 3. BSE is a fact.. deal with it. 4. Germanboy is and now will feel at home so kick him in his arse and say "Gutten Tag Herr Papenase" 5. Small Spanish Islands will be visited where no spanish is spoken and all signs are in German. 6. ANYONE AND I MEAN ANYONE, singing schlager musik will be shot and put in a small wooden box and shipped to hell. 7. Carry your passport with you at all times, the Polizei can and will bother you if you are looking in any way of criminal intent (which is about the lot of you so watch out) 8. Drinking beer and being anoying at a festival is manditory. 9. you are allowed to drive 250km/h on the highway. 10. "Deutschland Deutschland wo würden wir sein ohne deine sauerkraut" is not the national song! thank you.. I hear by annex the peng thread from canada. ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-07-2001).]
  23. ey cool looking tank.. I like it.. and a Canuck tank at that!! ----- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  24. to all my pbem opponents... I'm taking a break now from our games, why... I don''t have to tell any of you feckers why.. I just am. sue me. -------------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
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