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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Just put the finishing touches on "Resolve at Ranville", the first installment in my ROW I conversion pack.
  2. Sorry Koenig, we already have several CMBB scenarios slated for the tournament. CMBB is dirt cheap these days, and offers a ton of scenarios.
  3. Was it an axis or allied FT unit? The German FT team has a max distance of 32m, the Italian 23m. On the allied side the American FT has a max distance of 45m, the Brit is 36m.
  4. Before Pyewacket's program came out I converted 3 scenarios and 1 Op using the old fashioned method of one tile at a time, both for terrain and elevation. It took me over a week to convert the map to Wild Bill's "Ardennes - Team Desorby". With Map converter 1.29 I can convert the same map in under a minute. Excellent program. leakyD, I still have CMBO, so I'll be happy to convert the maps if you want. E-mail me with your choices.
  5. If everyone who has contacted me goes ahead and signs up then we will have 52 players. Organized along the lines of ROW IV, this gives up 48 divided into 2 groups of 4 6-man sections, and still leaves a small reserve. I would prefer to have a larger reserve, and based on the responses so far and time left I am confident we will get it. I should emphasize again to those who are chosen as reserve to not be discouraged if you do not make the initial cut. Your chances of playing are very good - and - you pick up exactly where the previous player dropped out. Therefore, you could find yourself being called up to play in the finals, for the prize!
  6. Would that be 1 in 20 for Sherman equipped units, or all tank formations? If the latter, then the 1 in 20 ratio would make sense since it is also including army tank brigades, specialist tank formations and the armored recon regiments. None of these units had the Fly in their TO&E.
  7. Since '99 I have played CM, and since '99 I have asked for only one thing, and while I understand entirely why we didn't get it then, I will now ask again in the hopes that the 'clean slate' of CMX2 will allow it... The Follow Command
  8. I agree with Sirocco, I think you are mistaking Volsturm with Volksgrenadier. As I understand it, the Volksgrenadiers formations were the result of a structual reorganization of the '44 infantry division. Granted, they were formed at a time when Germany was hard pressed on all fronts, and their ranks were filled with whomever they could get. Still, I don't think there was a policy in place that said all 3rd rate reservists must go into the VG formations. After all, if you look at a map of the battle of the bulge you will see that apart from 3rd and 5th FJ, all the other infantry divisions were VGs.
  9. A unit that is keyholed mean it is deployed in a position that gives it LOS to only a certain spot on the map, such as a bridge or crossroad. Likewise, it can only be seen by an enemy unit that moves onto that spot. Its a good way to keep your onboard guns alive, and to prevent them from firing on the flamethrower it spotted 2km away.
  10. Try this site. IIRC, the Istra river is northwest of Moscow. Scroll down to the maps that were added in 30.6.2002. Click on the link "Russia\Central_region_Europe_Topo_200K" Use this map as reference on which tile you want to download from the first site. You may want to also download the Cryllic Translator Edit: after comparing the two maps it looks like the Istra reservoir is located on the tiles marked 90-91-102-103.
  11. The average scenario length for ROW V is 30 turns. Scenario size is medium.
  12. Correct. IIRC, the 17 had a MV in the mid 800s while the 76 was in the high 700s. The best all around was the German 88/L71, with 1200+m/sec.
  13. The line has been cast, O' lord of the grapes. Lets see if wwb bites.
  14. PS: Those who refuse to play will be charged $350
  15. Ted, 72 is the max, and that is what we had for ROW II thru IV. We are up to 45 at the moment. JonS, Sorry, I forgot you are in New Zealand. It will be 359.25 NZ dollars for you at the current exchange rate.
  16. One of my partners in crime is developing a web based entry form which will randomly assign the players into sections of 6 each. The form will have 4 fields to fill: Full name CM board nickname e-mail address Number of ROW tournaments participated in It will also send out a confirmation, so make sure to use the address you want to use for the tourney. The sections may be editted by me to ensure we have a balanced mix of vets and noobs. As with previous ROW tournaments vets get first dibs at a slot. If you are assigned a reserve slot do not be discouraged, as the chances are good you will get to play. IIRC, we went thru several reserve pools before ROW IV was finished. As soon as the entry form is ready I will announce it here, so keep an eye on this thread for the call up.
  17. Two guesses: Your display may not be showing the entire delay or status. or The tank was unable to follow the plot you assigned, for whatever reason, and the TacAI replotted a longer route.
  18. We are up to 40 players. Organized along the structure of previous tournaments this means we have a solid 30 w/ 10 reserves, or 36 w/4. Still plenty of room for more. To give you an idea of the mix of scenarios we have in the works, you will see fighting in the streets of Berlin, through the bocage in Normandy, along the rolling plains of Poland, under the warm sun of Crete, and in the cold mist of the Ardennes. And there is more to come.
  19. Yes, always on the lookout for some good maps. Please send them to the address in my profile.
  20. With regards to Midway, one could make the argument that the decision of one man affected the course of the entire campign, that man being Wade McClusky. His decision to continue searching for the Japanese carriers while already low on fuel, and thus chancing upon them just with their decks full of aircraft, and no fighter cover, was one of the most important of the war.
  21. But that didn't change the course of the campaign. The Germans still had to retreat, and with heavy losses. Michael </font>
  22. El Update-O To date we have 31 players, which means at the very least we are guaranteed a tournament in the size and structure of ROW I. As for scenarios, we have one in the briefing tweak phase, two more out for testing, and about 4-6 in development. Most, if not all, will be a tad smaller than those of ROW IV, and will be more like the ones used in ROW I / II. Mike, Thank you for sponsering us. As Winecape said, it makes you a very important part of the whole process. sztartur, We are looking at a start sometime in late Feb. Still no idea as to when the deadline for completion of the first round will be. Usually around 100 / 120 days.
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