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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. You can't add another vehicle to CM, only change the look of the existing ones. Therefore, the only boat you can Mod is the assault boat, and they are a poor substitute for a landing craft. Your best bet is to have the units start at the water's edge, simulating that they've just disembarked from their landing crafts. Some good examples are 'Hasting's Howards' and 'Courselles sur Mer' to name a few.
  2. Screw everything. Give me the follow command.
  3. 2 Bridges too far Operation Epsom - June 25th / July 1st 1944 Following two days of heavy fighting, the British VIII Corp succeeded in forcing a crossing of the Odon River at Tourmauville. During the night of 6/27 the tanks of the British 11th armored division began rolling across and assembling for their main assault on hill 112, scheduled for the following day. However, with only one bridge to use, the bridgehead became uncomfortably cramped, while a huge traffic jam developed on the north side. Clearly another crossing point was needed in order to deploy the full weight of the VIII Corp. Accordingly, the 2nd battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (the "Argylls"), having assumed defensive positions on the south side of the Odon, dispatched a patrol towards the twin bridges at Gavrus, a small town located a few kilometers up stream. To their amazement, the patrol found both town and bridges undefended. The remainder of the Battalion quickly followed and before night fell the Argylls were in complete control of the bridges at Gavrus. Unfortunately, the Germans quickly recovered and closed off the routes back to Tourmauville, isolating the Argylls. Attempts by the British 46th brigade to come to their relief made it as far as Le Valtru, 2 kilometers away, but could advance no further. The Argylls were surrounded, and the Germans were coming... Sources: "Steel inferno" Michael Reynolds "6 armies in Normandy" John Keegan http://www.geocities.com/~mspirit/2nd-ash.html Special thanks goes to Tom Travisano, Jeff Smith and Craig Harvey for their help with testing and suggestions. You can get it now at the depot. Enjoy!
  4. Acad-2K on my home P2-233 works fine. I also have no problem running Mechanical desktop as long as I design in wireframe, with an occasional peek into solids.
  5. Just think of how the Allies felt when they encountered them in Tunisia. This was long before the 76mm / 17 lbr became availible.
  6. But the 280mm weapons used in CMBO fire the standard 4 shot volley. AFAIK, the rail guns (at least the ones used in the ETO / Med) weren't arranged in batteries, but individual weapons.
  7. Actually, they screamed "I am Waffen Grenadier!"
  8. I recently upgraded my old P2-233 with a system I found on e-bay. The price was right, and judging by the specs it seemed capable of running what few games I played, so I snagged it. What I didn't count on was the size of the freaking thing! Luckily the door to my computer room / den was just big enough to get it inside. Here is a pic of the delivery guys getting it thru the door: Delivery guys w/ new computer Here is the same pic but from the inside. Note the size of my den. I had it added to my house just to accomodate the new computer: New computer inside Den Here is a pic of the new computer getting hooked up. Note my old P2-233 next to it. Quite an upgrade, don't you think? New computer / old computer Finally, here is my computer room after everything is set up and ready to go: My new computer I had to move some furniture around, and had to get rid of an old bookcase to make room, but for the most part it was a painless upgrade. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to trying out all those new Doodads in CMBB
  9. What! No fried spam sandwiches??? Well, you can count me out!
  10. I got a keg of Ice Cold Oberdorfer ready to go. Care to bring your little shindig down south a ways? You can even bring the dogs.
  11. Since the majority of CM maps are well within the range of German light flak, having a mobile Flak unit accompaning the tanks is unnecessary. Have them lay back in overwatch, with occasional short hops as the action moves forward. Putting them in the front line risks exposure to enemy tank / AT fire (which they aren't built to withstand).
  12. Hmmm, methinks my challenge was overlooked in the rush to get in line. Fionn, Consider your challenge accepted. We can work out the details once we lock up, but I would prefer to do battle in CMBB. I have no problem in waiting.
  13. Fionn, Please be advised that the platter I will use to hand you your head is made from the finest silver, and polished to a mirror finish. Only the best for you.
  14. The one that started it all: Alpha battle AAR
  15. Few people know this, but a copy of the famous Moon-Fionn Alpha battle is availible at the depot. The title is 'Going to town, the alpha battle AAR', and the author did an excellent job of recreating the scenario using the AAR and screenshots from CMHQ as reference. Drop me a line if you are interested in firing up this classic. Either side is fine with me.
  16. In order to include ramming in the game you'll also need to code in collision damage, and that won't happen until you first get a convoy command. Otherwise you could easily knock out your entire command trying to move a column down a road.
  17. Matt, The color scheme on the main forum page is perfect. Can you duplicate the same mix in the topics page? I think that is what CMPlayer is referring to.
  18. I'm assuming you are referring to the 703rd TD Battalion, in which case here is their website: 703rd TD battalion The unit was part of the U.S. 3rd armored division, so you'll probably have better luck obtaining info on the unit by going thru the parent formation.
  19. This one is not wire guided, but radio controlled: Fritz X
  20. Tom, AFAIK, the Poles weren't involved in the night attack on 08/07/44. The two divisions involved in the night attack were the Canadian 2nd infantry and 51st Highland divisions w/ attached armored units. The Polish 1st armored didn't join the fray until the next day 08/08/44. As for a scenario depicting the night attack, I can't think of any, but there are two really good ones that depict the actions on the following day, including Wittman's last hour. These scenarios are Franko's 'August bank holiday' and the Desert fox's 'Cintheaux-Totalize'. Edit: Here is a map of Operation Totalize. Not the best in the world, but it gives you a good idea of who on the allied side was involved and where. Operation Totalize [ May 29, 2002, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  21. Treeburst, Winecape and gang, John Kettler might not be able to participate in the upcoming ROW II tourney. I received an e-mail from him, via a friend, informing me that his computer has bought the farm, and that he is on the lookout for a new rig. This isn’t a definite withdrawal, just a heads up that you might want to get someone warming up in the bullpen. I’ll keep you informed as soon as anymore info comes my way. Treeburst, if I may ask a favor here, can you cut the rocket man a little slack and allow him a delayed start? He is a tourney vet of good standing, with both the invitational and ROW I under his belt. Let me know what you think.
  22. Last night I held a séance at my house and the spirit of Michael Wittman was called on. He appeared as a soft blue glow hovering over the dining room table. Over the course of the evening he floated around the room answering questions, stopping only briefly to snag a beer from the fridge. He talked at great length about the Stug and Tiger, German tactics in general and his exploits at Villers-Bocage (talk about an AAR!). Finally, the question was raised about how he died on 8/8/44. For a while there was silence, then he took a long pull of beer, placed the empty bottle on the table and said ‘That &$%#@! Englishman in the orchard, Damn him to Hell!” followed by another long period of silence. We decided not to pursue it any further, and that’s where the matter ended. He stuck around for a little while longer, and I even managed to persuade him to a hotseat game of, you guessed it, Villers-Bocage. He had a blast, yelling in German whenever his Tiger would score a kill (needless to say I was getting my ass handed to me. After all, he knows this scenario like that back of his hand). His only complaint was the need to plot all those waypoints just to move vehicles down the roads. I told him that a follow command is the most asked for feature of the game, and suggested that a nocturnal visit to Charles might help convince him to add it into CMBB. He said he’d check to see if he could fit it into his schedule. Finally, he had to return to where old soldiers go when they pass on. Just before he left he gave me his e-mail address, and said he would send me a setup once his copy of CMBB shows up. Then, he snagged one last beer from the fridge, said farewell to all of us and with a bright flash of light he disappeared into the ceiling. We plan on calling other souls in the weeks to come. I’ll post a schedule whenever I get around to it, but can tell you that Monty, Bradley and Guderian are on the list. We’ll even try to get Patton and Zhukov in the same room together. That ought to be fun.
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