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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Isn't there a German company that sells CMBO in a box?
  2. I found this... and this... and this one as well...
  3. That can't be a shot from von Lucke's game, there are live German vehicles in the pic.
  4. The infantry should go ahead of the tanks, but not before the fireball and shock wave from the 30 megaton warhead has first obliterated the opposition.
  5. Nazi flags More Nazi flags Even more Nazi flags You guessed it...more Nazi flags [ February 26, 2002, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  6. Yes, there will be horses. However, they will be located in a section of the map you won't have access to, usually a few klicks behind the friendly map edge.
  7. LoL, if you only knew! Picture this: Turn 20. Both of CDIC's Tigers are located inside the scattered trees in front of the center hill. Both are buttoned up and without infantry support. I drop the remaining 20+ rounds of 105mm as smoke around the cats, then close assaulted them with 3 rifle platoons (total 7 rifle grenades), a platoon of Engineers (1 RG, 2 demos) and 2 zooks (8 rounds total). By Turn 21 both of his cats are inside a cloud of 105mm smoke, visiblity is less than 10 meters, and are completely surrounded by my infantry. What followed was a storm of zook rounds, RGs, and ordinary grenades (for some reason the Engineers never used their demos). Both cats survived the storm. All the zook rounds were used on one Tiger, scoring 3-4? direct hits. Numerous hits were also obtained by the other weapons, but none had any effect. I even managed to sneak in my last remaining Sherman to try for a flank shot, but he backed up behind smoke when the Tigers emerged out of the cloud. It was an intense ending to an already exciting game. I know CDIC was sweating those last few turns I chose to ignore the PBs during the intial assault, as I was sure CDIC would have deployed a considerable amount of his resources in their defense. Instead I launched a concentrated infantry assault in the center, and used the 81mm mortars to create a smoke corridor in which my infantry would advance thru and into the rear. The high number of vehicle kills for that PB is part my own stupidity, and part because the allied reinforcements arrive right in it's crosshairs, a subject I discussed earlier in this thread. I hope Wild Bill has fixed that in the released version.
  8. Looks like it was taken out by either a Stuart or Greyhound
  9. Just finishing up an excellent replay of 'Real guts' with CDIC. As the Americans I had the opportunity to try out a new, unorthodox strategy which has paid off for me. Although my casualties were heavy (it is after all a Wild Bill scenario and my opponent was CDIC) I did managed to secure and hold the objectives. A last minute gamey flag rush...eh, I mean counterattack by CDIC has left the outcome anyone's guess, but the final score wasn't our main concern anyway. We played for the enjoyment of the game, and I believe we got a good one in. To anyone who is thinking of playing this one again as the Americans I suggest strongly to think outside the box when planning your strategy. This scenario hold many opportunities for each side to try new tactics, and a different approach will give you an entirely new (and exciting) game.
  10. Well, that could be either my game with Tero or Cogust ...and that's my game with Stefan Oh yeah, I have high hopes in making the finals in this tourney
  11. Matt, The museum is definetly closed to the general public. The spokesman there said he might have more info in April regarding when it will be open. However, he did say that if you have a military or civilian I.D. card they will let you in.
  12. I take that to mean that auto-surrender finally kicked in (I'm at work, so I can't check my files until later).
  13. Keep it here for continuing coverage of the release of CM2.
  14. If you think about it, it does make sense. Otherwise, who's going to row back and pick up your Bn and Co units?
  15. CUT! CUT!!! No No No, the line reads "In the beginning there was darkness. Then Steve and Charles said "Let there be the Alpha battle." The Epic battle between the dashingly handsome German commander, Fionn (Ahhh, %#@*% Jabos!!!) and the horribly disfigured American commander, Moon (How the %#$@* did he take out my Jumbo???) Remember? Good. Ok, places everyone...Ready...and action!
  16. Another advantage in using Brit tanks: The Wolverine TDs get Tungsten rounds a few months earlier than it's American counterpart, the M-10.
  17. For what it's worth: Russo / Japanese war About halfway down it states: "Before August 1939 he (Zhukov) had acquired 550 front line aircraft, 500 state-of-the-art T34 tanks, twenty cavalry squadrons and thirty-five infantry battalions".
  18. Just had that happen to me in a PBEM. My FT gets whacked by a German squad, but a second after dying a stream of flame flies out and routs the Germans.
  19. Sit rep... My games with Stefan and Tero are finished. Torbhen and I have settled down to a steady pace of an e-mail a day and are about halfway thru. No word from Lunael since my last e-mail to him on 02/09. Cogust responded to my second request for a game, but has since disappeared again. I'm hungry for turns, but my cupboard is bare
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