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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Franko of Boots and Tracks is putting the finishing touches on his Prokhorovka Op for the Kursk Pack. I have seen the beta version, and it blew me away. As soon as I get it I will announce it in the CMBB forum.
  2. The scenario is actually the third in a series of three depicting the battle between the U.S. 6th armored and German 266th infantry divisions just outside of Brest on August 9-10, 1944. The first two scenarios have already been tested, and will be released shortly once we get our website back up and running. If you are interested please e-mail me directly. My address is in my profile.
  3. But the download is linked to Der Kessel.
  4. I am looking for a good map of the Grimbosq - Brieux - Thury Harcourt sector. This sector is located on the Orne river about midway between Villers Bocage and Bretteville-sur-laize. Road map, topo maps, doesn't matter to me. Just something detailed enough to design a large Op on. Thanks in advance.
  5. Lynn, I just tried sending you Ponyri express, but the e-mail bounced back - user unknown. Please e-mail me at sc112565@aol.com and I will attach the file to the reply.
  6. AFAIK, the Boots and Tracks site is up and running, but Scott does not have access to it. Therefore, he cannot link any new scenarios to it, nor can we update the various pages. This sucks royally, since he has well over a dozen scenarios ready to go, with more piling up behind (yes, we've been busy little beavers). Is there a solution in the works? I will answer that by quoting Sgt Schultz...I know nothing!
  7. ***Update*** Jwxspoon has just e-mailed me his scenario "Ponyri Express". This comes in a single and two player version. Unfortunately, the FTP server is still down (a state of affairs that really frosts my cookies :mad: ). Therefore, if you would like this scenario please e-mail me and I will get it to you asap. Be forewarned, this is one hell of a awesome scenario, covering several square kilometers of the northern Kursk shoulder. Better bring your A-game to this one.
  8. Nidan1, Check your in-box Everyone else, For the time being just e-mail me and I will send you the pack. I'll let you know when the server is back up.
  9. You have three options: 1) Play against the computer, but must play the German side 2) Play against another human 3) Design the Op to depict the troops already having used the boats, and show up on the shore as reinforcements
  10. Franko is the designer of this gem. The amount of research and detail he puts into his work is very impressive, and this scenario shows it. His Prokhorovka Op, which is part of the Kursk Pack, will be coming out soon. If you enjoyed this scenario you should definetly play that one.
  11. Does the Op feature assault boats? If so, you can only play the side that has them. The A.I. cannot handle the boats.
  12. Bump, and a request for some feedback, even if it's just your impressions of the first few turns. Please post your thoughts on the Kursk pack at the scenario forum, or e-mail the designers (or me) directly. Thanks
  13. The scenario is 'Hasting's Howards' by Clubfoot. Unfortunately, the hosting site, Der Kessel, is no longer in existence, so you'll have to either e-mail Clubfoot directly, or ask around here. You may also want to check out 'Courseulles-Sur-Mer". It depicts a section of Juno beach on D-Day. You could d/l that one from the depot.
  14. Every weapon system in CM has a counter, whether it is another weapon system or game parameters. Something as powerful as a 300+ point Jagdtiger can be rendered useless by a simple 15 point AT mine field. Or worse, Mud, which works even better since it covers the entire map and doesn't cost the defending player any points. Let your friend choose whatever he wants in the next game, but you insists on choosing the game parameters.
  15. Keep in mind that AT guns (and all other guns) carry an average of 20-30+ shells. Even in a trench those shells are exposed and thus very vunerable to something like a mortar round or direct fire HE. The ammo of a HMG (which btw is a much smaller weapon than a gun, and thus harder to hit) is carried in metal ammo boxes and divided amongst the 6 man team.
  16. As promised, the Kursk pack is now availible, but before you rush out to d/l it I first need to explain a few things. First off, two of the scenarios, Jwxspoon's "Ponyri Express" and Franko's "Tank Warning" require a couple of more days of tweaking before they are ready, so they will be released at a later date (hopefully Monday). This still gives us 4 scenario ready to go. They are: "Opening moments" by Rune "Ghost column at Rzhavets" by Kinch "Point 256" by Kinch "Scorpions on the Steppes" by yours truly Secondly, as some of you may know already, the Boots and Tracks site has been down for a while. It is now back up, but Scott only has access to the ftp server. Therefore, for the time being the pack will be availible here We are working on the fix, and once we have it all straighten out we will let you know. Also, as soon as we get the other scenarios we will make them availible. And finally, if you encounter any problems trying to d/l from the ftp server simply e-mail me and I will zip the files to you directly.
  17. No deadline has been set. I could set one at a later date, but for now I'll let the finals progress as is. The way i see it, those who made it to the finals did so by finishing out their games in a timely manner, so I don't think a deadline is needed with this group. The EZBoard has 6 days left until it expires, and I won't be renewing my subscription. When all 12 finalists finish I will start a ROW III finals thread in the scenario forum. Until then we can discuss the scenarios via e-mail. I have the list of those who finish, and can start a group e-mail with those who have finished a particular scenario, adding people as we go along. We can include the designers in the group as well (including the guy who screwed up and forgot to move the reinforcement markers )
  18. Soddball, If possible please re-run it again, only this time include an infantry squad (or team if squad is to big) into the same truck as the spotter. I am curious as to whether the additional men inside the vehicle would 'mask' the spotter. Thanks
  19. The next bone is a week away, and it's going to have meat on it.
  20. "I rode a tank, in the general's rank, when the Blitzkrieg raged, and the bodies stank"
  21. The KV is better suited in an overwatch role, where it's slow speed is not a factor. In addition, it's armor will allow it to go head to head with most German AT threats of that period. The faster Stuarts and T34s should be sent down into the fight, where their speed would be put to good use in out flanking any German armor. The Stuart is fragile, but makes up for it to a certain extent with it's high ROF and multiple MGs. The T34's has a decent HE capability, and large ammo load. The cannister ammo in particular is deadly against infantry.
  22. The Kursk pack will be released on July 12th, the 60th anniversary of the battle of Prokhorovka. When I get home tonight I'll send you the pick of the litter of what I have on my HD. A couple from the Stalingrad pack, one or two from the ROW III tourney and a few more independents.
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