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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. The Beast 1-1 Juha Ahoniemi 44 - Combined Arms 56 Spanish Bombs 35 - Tabpub 65 Enoch 46 - Bimmer 54 1-2 Holien 73 - Bertram 27 Michael Dorosh 38 - Cpl carrot 62 Kanonier Riechmann 51 - Martyr 49 1-3 Chris Martino 24 - Ted 76 Thumpre 45 - jjelinek 55 Gunnersman 23 - Pacestick 77 1-4 The Capt 40 - mPisi 60 Heavy Drop 76 - Fate 23 Mick_Oz 53 - Pixelmaster 47 2-1 U8led 69 - TexasToast 31 SpineRipper 73 - Vadr 27 Bryce Baker 49 - Capt T 51 2-2 Jon_L 40 - Jeb 60 Frunze 64 - Tero 36 Three Oh Eight 47 - Sgt Abell 53 2-3 Mr Spkr 35 - Mikeydz 65 a1steaks 53 - Matt Green 47 Lord Dragon 53 - endit 47 2-4 JPS 47 - James Crowley 53 Wade_pm 70 - Nidan1 30 Scheer 58 - Sgt Gold 42 3-1 Seahawk 50 - Cyrano 50 Wellsonian 61 - Nolloff 39 3-2 Mr Byte 31 - Stoneage 69 Major Victory 39 - Lt Bull 61 SlicerW 57 - Legend42 43 3-3 Shock Trooper 71 - Flammenwerfer 29 Sripe 51 - Jaws 49 Dirty mark 51 - Joakim_Ruud 49 3-4 Frenchy 25 - Deadly 88 75
  2. Here are the latest scores for King of Debrecen. King of Debrecen 1-1 tabpub 38 - Combined arms 62 Juha Ahoniemi 66 - Enoch 34 Bimmer 41 - Spanish Bombs 59 1-2 Toumas 33 - Holien 67 Bertram 22 - Cpl Carrot 78 Michael Dorosh 38 - Kanonier Reichman 62 1-3 jjelinek 40 - Ted 60 Chris Martino 30 - Gunnersman 70 Pacestick 73 - Alexander 27 1-4 mPisi 62 - Fate 38 Heavy Drop 62 - Mick_OZ 38 Pixelmaster 37 - The Capt 63 2-1 U8Led 53 - Vadr 47 Bryce Baker 50 - Texas Toast 50 SpineRipper 40 - Cpt T 60 2-2 Jon_L 46 - Frunze 54 2-3 MikeyDz 49 - Matt Green 51 Endit 41 - Mr Spkr 59 a1 steaks 38 - Lord Dragon 62 2-4 Nidan1 39 - JPS 61 Scheer 34 - Wade_PM 66 James Crowley 56 - Sgt Gold 44 3-1 Nolloff 61 - Seahawk 39 SGT CDAT 53 - Wellsonian 47 3-2 SlicerW 60 - Mr Byte 40 Stoneage 64 - Major Victory 36 Lt Bull 85 - Ron Bowen 15 3-3 Jaws 52 - Joakim_Ruud 48 Flammenwerfer 39 - Sripe 61 Dirty Mark 44 - Shock trooper 56 3-4 Frenchy 33 - Joe_Cz 67 Ryddle 54 - Deadly 88 46
  3. Last chance at Romance, ladies.... Time to get those games finished, because the regular tourney will officially end at midnight tonight. Later this evening I will post the latest scores both here and on the ROW BBS. Please look them over and verify that what I have is correct. If by Friday afternoon I do not hear from anyone then I will assume that the scores are correct, and will then send them to Jarmo. In addition, I will also posts the latest AAR list. Again, please verify that my list is correct. I understand that a few of you are working on some at this moment, so the list I post tonight will not be the final one. Regarding what AARs are acceptable, Every AAR received will be awarded bonus points, so no one will experience what wadepm did it the first ROW, that of taking the time to write one and getting nothing in return. The way I see it, if you take the time to write one you should be rewarded. Having said that, what points you do get awarded depends on the quality of the AAR. How do I define quality? I guess the best examples would be what is posted on the Boots and Tracks site in the ROW sections. One particularly good example would be John Kettler's AARs, both for ROW I and II. They are not super long, and do not contain screenshots (although adding your own are a plus), but they do give the reader a very good idea of how the player (John) sees the scenario, what battle plan he chose, how it played out, and most importantly, he added a small review of the scenario itself. I hope you find this helpful. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions.
  4. First off, your shreck is staring straight into the sun, so there's a good 30% off of his spotting capabilities. It's also a morning scenario, and he's probably still half asleep, so there's another 10%. Refer to page 263 of the manual for a good description on how to set covered arcs in the morning. Next time I would give the shreck a much wider arc. One that goes outside of the map. You'll never know when those gamey ladder players will try that 'drive off the board, sneak back on again' trick. I was hoping that the 1.03 patch would fix that.
  5. *****NEWS FLASH!!!!***** I'd like everyone to know that the creator of the Nabla scoring system, none other other Jarmo Hurri himself, has volunteered to crunch the numbers for us when it comes time to determine the winners. This guarantees that we will have as accurate a score as possible. However, there is one condition, and this is very important: I must have all the scores no later than Thursday evening. Seems our Jarmo is getting hitched in June, and his friends are treating him to one final night of decadence and triple Ds before his incarceration. That night falls somewhere duing that weekend (He thinks Saturday) so I must get these scores to him earlier than that. Otherwises it will be more like Monday before we announce the winners. As for the AARs, yes I said earlier that I was granting a little more time after the deadline for the purposes of submitting the AARs. While I will still honor that I will ask that those who are planning on submitting AARs please contact me personally. We need to wrap this up quickly, and get cranking on the finals.
  6. Unfortunately, it will have an affect, as I now have 7 players instead of 6 in section 2-1.
  7. Replacement players automatically inherit all the points from the player they replaced, and that includes bonus points for AARs written by the original player. So, even though you only played one game, you still have as much chance as anyone else at making the finals. Therefore, being you have some time on your hands, I would recommend you write up an AAR. Those extra points might just be the difference needed to get you into the finals.
  8. Thank you Frunze. Guys, I'll make one change to Treeburst's rules for reporting, and that is I would like both players to report their results. During the course of this tourney I've received at least a dozen e-mails from the winner, who upon reading the latest list of games reported, found out his opponent didn't e-mail me the results.
  9. Thumpre, If at all possible see if you could get in a TCP session. If that is not possible I would ask that you read Treeburst's rules on finishing games (first post on this thread).
  10. Frenchy, Look at the first post of each scenario thread. There you will see the latest scores broken down into sections, and at the bottom is the average for each side.
  11. Jim, Unfortunately I cannot, as I had made a promise not to extend it beyond the May 15th deadline. Please try to get in a TCP session, even if only for a short time. An hours worth of TCP can eliminate at least 5-10 turns. Sergio
  12. Updated scores and averages have been posted on the ROW BBS. Also, I ask once again, who is trying to enter the ROW BBS under the name 'fmeyer'?
  13. demoss, I just received an e-mail from Cyberfox stating that round 3 has begun, so feel free to discuss the round 2 scenario.
  14. Guys, I'm really sorry to have to say this, but I am going to extend the deadline by another month. This is due to reasons beyond my control, and if there were a way that I could keep the May 15th deadline I would, but like I said it is beyond my control. I promise you this is the last time I do this. Again, I'm sorry. Sincerly, Kingfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gotcha! ******ONE WEEK TO GO!!!!!********* Well, really little less than a week. The regular tourney will officially end on May 15th, no ifs, ands or buts about it. That is a Thursday. I will then use the weekend to tally up the scores, post them on the BBS, work that Nabla Magic, add the AAR bonuses, announce the winner and launch the finals. Remember, anyone currently in the tourney can play the finals scenario if they want to, but only the finalists battle for the prize. ***Very Important**** One of the very first things I will do after the regular tourney ends is to post the scores, both here and on the ROW BBS. Please look these over and verify that what I have is correct. If you see any mistakes e-mail me immediately. I will give you until Friday evening to contact me. Otherwise I will assume that what I have is correct. Anyone wishing to verify their scores ahead of time can do so either by checking the ROW BBS, or e-mailing me directly. ***Very important #2**** As I stated earlier, anyone currently in the tourney can play the finals scenarios. The only matchups that I will arrange will be for the finalists. That means that you are free to arrange your own 'cell' of 3 players. Simply contact your 2 favorite opponents, agree to play, and e-mail me the list. I will then send out the files just like the regular tourney, with axis players starting the game. Scores can be submitted, and AARs are always welcomed. Keep in mind that your cell may be broken up due to one of the players moving on to the finals, so you may want a backup just in case. Who will the finalists be? Only Nabla knows for sure Thats it for now. Hang in there guys, this train is almost at the station. [ May 09, 2003, 07:04 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  15. The report is dated Sept 43, but the earliest date I could find of the Mustang in combat was Dec of that year, and only then as Bomber escorts in NWE. Does anyone know of P51s being used in Sicily?
  16. Deadly 88, Check your e-mail. Your new opponent is ready to go but needs to hear from you first. wadepm, I'll try to get the new results posted today. I now have all scores divided by sections for easier reading. Everyone, I need to know who applied to the ROW BBS under the username "fmeyer". Please let me know what username you use on this BBS so that I can verify that you have finished all of your games.
  17. Knaust, AFAIK, the Overflow is running smoothly. To date I have received 25% (15 of 60) of the results, although it has been a couple of weeks since I received any new ones. I have not set a deadline for the Overflow, and won't until I get more results in. Without them I have no real idea of close the tourney is to completion.
  18. Winecape, The tourney deadline is May 15th, with the finals starting a few days later, so you'll be well into your third tube of sunblock by the time we announce the winner. I wish you and your family a safe and relaxing vacation. P.S. make sure to stay away from the cheap European wine. We wouldn't want you to get sick now would we?
  19. DOH! All this time I was using the wrong key Thanks for the help
  20. Can someone please explain to me how to set the opening camera shot on a scenario? I understand that the last POV saved in the editor will be the one used, but how to switch from axis to allied and show different locations on the map. Using the / key only shows me a POV 180 degrees from where the original shot is saved. I can't seem to save POVs from different sections of the map.
  21. Rearguard Action 1-1 Bimmer - Juha Ahoniemi Spanish Bombs - Combined arms Tabpub - Enoch 1-2 Bertram - Kannonier Reichmann Holien - Cpl Carrot 1-3 Pacestick - Chris Martino Thumpre - Ted 1-4 Pixelmaster - Heavy Drop The Capt - Fate mPisi - Mick Oz 2-1 Texas Toast - Vadr u8led - Capt T Bryce Baker - SpineRipper 2-2 Tero - Jon_L Sgt Abell - Frunze 2-3 MikeyDz - Lord Dragon Mr Spkr - Matt Green 2-4 Nidan1 - Scheer JPS - Sgt Gold James Crowley - Wade PM 3-1 Nolloff - Sgt CDAT Cyrano - Wellsonian 3-2 StoneAge - SlicerW Lt Bull - Mr Byte 3-3 Flammenwerfer - Dirty Mark Jaws - Shock Trooper Sripe - Joakim Ruud 3-4 Superslug - Deadly 88 Spacehamster - Frenchy
  22. The Christmas Battle 1-1 Combined Arms - Bimmer Spanish Bombs - Enoch tabpub - Juha Ahoniemi 1-2 Holien - Kanonier Riechmann Cpl Carrot - Martyr 1-3 jjelinek - Chris Martino Ted - Pacestick 1-4 mPisi - Heavy drop The Capt - Mick OZ 2-1 Texas Toast - Cpt T U8Led - Spine Ripper 2-2 Sgt Abell - Jon_L Three-Oh-Eight - Frunze 2-3 Matt Green - Endit Mr Spkr - Lord Dragon 2-4 Sgt Gold - Nidan1 JPS - WadePM James Crowley - Scheer 3-1 Seahawk - Wellsonian Kevin Kolk - Nolloff Cyrano - Sgt CDAT 3-2 Lt Bull - SlicerW Major Victory - Mr Byte 3-3 Joakim_Ruud - Flammenwerfer Jaws - Dirty Mark Sripe - Shock Trooper 3-4 Ryddle - Frenchy
  23. Hosszupalyi 1-1 Combined Arms - Enoch Bimmer - tabpub Juha Ahoniemi - Spanish Bombs 1-2 Michael Dorosh - Holien Cpl Carrot - Kanonier Riechmann 1-3 Ted - Gunnersman Pacestick - jjelinek 1-4 Heavy Drop - The Capt Fate - Mick_OZ Pixelmaster - mPisi 2-1 SpineRipper - Texas Toast vadar - Cpt T 2-2 Jon_L - Three Oh Eight Jeb Callan - Frunze 2-3 a1 steaks - Mr Spkr Matt Green - Lord Dragon endit - Mikeydz 2-4 Nidan1 - James Crowely Sgt Gold - WadePM Scheer - JPS 3-1 Sgt CDAT - Seahawk Nolloff - Cyrano Ron A - Wellsonian 3-2 Legend42 - Mr Byte Stone age - Lt Bull SlicerW - Major Victory 3-3 Flammenwerfer - Jaws Joakim Ruud - Shock Trooper Dirty Mark - Sripe 3-4 Deadly 88 - Joe Cz Frenchy - Superslug
  24. The Beast 1-1 Juha Ahoniemi - Combined Arms Spanish Bombs - Tabpub Enoch - Bimmer 1-2 Holien - Bertram Michael Dorosh - Cpl carrot Kanonier Riechmann - Martyr 1-3 Chris Martino - Ted Thumpre - jjelinek 1-4 The Capt - mPisi Heavy Drop - Fate Mick_Oz - Pixelmaster 2-1 U8led - TexasToast SpineRipper - Vadr Bryce Baker - Capt T 2-2 Jon_L - Jeb Frunze - Tero Three Oh Eight - Sgt Abell 2-3 Mr Spkr - Mikeydz a1steaks - Matt Green Lord Dragon - endit 2-4 JPS - James Crowley Wade_pm - Nidan1 Scheer - Sgt Gold 3-1 Seahawk - Cyrano Wellsonian - Nolloff 3-2 Mr Byte - Stoneage Major Victory - Lt Bull SlicerW - Legend42 3-3 Shock Trooper - Flammenwerfer Sripe - Jaws Dirty mark - Joakim_Ruud 3-4 Frenchy - Deadly 88
  25. King of Debrecen 1-1 tabpub - Combined arms Juha Ahoniemi - Enoch Bimmer - Spanish Bombs 1-2 Toumas - Holien Bertram - Cpl Carrot 1-3 jjelinek - Ted 1-4 mPisi - Fate Heavy Drop - Mick_OZ 2-1 U8Led - Vadr Bryce Baker - Texas Toast SpineRipper - Cpt T 2-2 Jon_L - Frunze 2-3 MikeyDz - Matt Green Endit - Mr Spkr a1 steaks - Lord Dragon 2-4 Nidan1 - JPS Scheer - Wade_PM James Crowley - Sgt Gold 3-1 Nolloff - Seahawk SGT CDAT - Wellsonian 3-2 SlicerW - Mr Byte Stoneage - Major Victory Lt Bull - Ron Bowen 3-3 Jaws - Joakim_Ruud Flammenwerfer - Sripe Dirty Mark - Shock trooper 3-4 Frenchy - Joe_Cz Ryddle - Deadly 88
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