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Everything posted by Holman

  1. I believe you're saying you don't want to have start a new program just to start a new game, right? Actually, it's always a good idea to quit and restart CM when starting a new battle. I've had graphics memory problems occur when starting a new scenario right after another one. It's been said that close and restarting the game clears your video memory (or something). Perhaps it would be possible to have all the Eastern Front games draw from a common mod folder, with tags handling any desired distinctions between regions/years?
  2. I don't really think so. The operational level refers to planning on a much larger scale than anything you can do in a few kilometers and a few hours. Deciding to invade Normandy is strategy. Figuring out how to cut off the peninsula and take Cherbourg is operational. Taking the village or the farm in front of you is tactics.
  3. In CM terms, the strategic layer consists of deciding whether to click on CMBN, CMFI, or CMRT.
  4. In a realistic game, you will hate your own air force as much as every WW2 infantryman hated theirs. Even in CMBN 2.0, I'm wary of close air support. I just had a Spitfire run two strafing passes on a company of American paratroopers before I could call it off.
  5. Ah, OK. Thanks for the information! I'm curious. Does the incorrect icon show to your opponent in lower-than-Elite difficulty? (I usually play Elite or Iron, so I haven't noticed.)
  6. Step-by-step: 1) Go into the scenario editor and buy a motorized PanzerGrenadier battalion. 2) Choose one of the 11-man rifle squads armed with a panzerschreck. (This won't happen for a squad with only panzerfausts.) 3) Split off the antitank team, and a B team will be formed with two soldiers, one of them carrying the schreck. 4) The remaining 9-man squad can be ordered to split again. If you do so, however, you will notice that the panzerschreck team has a "soldier" icon while the newly created C team from the squad (which does not the contain the schreck or the antitank specialist) has an "antitank" icon. I just tested, and I see that this same thing occurs in CMBN. (Haven't checked CMFI.) It's not a big deal, but it's something I wanted to document after noticing.
  7. These look amazing as usual! Thanks for making a great game better.
  8. Is it possible that you were giving a Hunt order? Units given Hunt movement will stop (or not move in the first place) as soon as they spot an enemy. You can tweak this with Target Arcs. A unit with a Target Arc will only stop if an enemy enters the set arc (and only if it's an armor unit for a Target Armor Arc). On mines: tanks (and anyone else) will happily enter mines if you order them to do so. Also, if a space is not marked with a mine marker (a little sign in the ground) then no one knows mines exist there; they haven't been located or even suspected.
  9. The possibility of losing weapons has always been this way, and it has always been realistic. Take two rifle squads and kill the MG gunner; in one squad the MG might be recovered by another soldier, and in the other team it will be lost. There's a chance that whatever trauma killed the gunner also damaged the gun. Maybe the weapon is so slick with blood or viscera that no one wants to use it. Recovery of the weapon (or not) is the indication that the weapon is functioning (or not). Soldiers wouldn't know before they tried buddy aid, and neither should we.
  10. Ah, I see the problem. The installs I added for CMBN/CMFI/CMRT were correct, but there were "ghost" installs already present when I first ran the program, and these were pointing to the wrong place.
  11. That's strange. If it's hardcoded, how does the mod change it? And I don't actually see it when I install JuJu's. Am I doing something wrong?
  12. I'm curious: which file adds that red casualty text? I'd like to try something.
  13. Thanks for the replies, everyone! Very helpful. I do like the red casualty text.
  14. Ah, that's it! I can see the following bolded problem in the log: Why would would it be looking for CMFI incoming and outgoing mail in the game installation directory? Shouldn't it be looking in Documents instead?
  15. Only green and yellow? That's shame. Since there are three basic states (healthy, wounded, dead), there should be three colors. Slapping a red cross on top of wounded doesn't say "dead" to me; it says "extra wounded."
  16. Actually, I'm going to try this myself. However, I've never cracked open the stock files for modding before. Is there a trick to it? Which of the .brz files in the Data folder do I unpack in order to get at the squad panel images? Thanks for any advice!
  17. I was wondering if someone who knows the interface might make a simple change to the stock squad display. Right now, wounded soldiers are displayed as yellow weapons while dead ones are displayed as yellow weapons with a red cross superimposed. This doesn't make immediate intuitive sense (at least to me), as it just looks like another variety of wounded. Would it be possible to mod the yellow+red cross designation for dead units to be a completely red weapon instead? This would stand out to the eye more immediately.
  18. Mine is unticked but pops up in front of the main window every time I run the program. (Windows)
  19. I love CMH. Thanks, GAJ! One question: is there a way to make the log window NOT appear when starting the program? I just want to see the results, not the process.
  20. I'm not able to do a test, but I recently bought a new computer and the load-time improvement is amazing. On my old machine (a dual-core with a 1GB video card), "My Honor Is Loyalty" took three minutes to load at better/better. On my new machine (quad-core with a 2GB video card) it loads in about a minute at best/best. So whatever else is going on, load times are very hardware dependent.
  21. Unfortunately, the engine does not yet allow guns to be remanned. Abandoned is abandoned.
  22. 3D models don't show us everyone. For example, if you zoom in through the wall of tank, you won't see the driver, gunner, loader, or radioman even though they are functionally present and can be wounded, etc. You see the commander only because he is visible from outside when unbuttoned.
  23. I just moved a bunch of waypoints. They're the same.
  24. I wonder if anyone has ever done a test of what happens if two rifle squads, completely out of ammo, enter the same space.
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