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Everything posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. Ooops, this has become a Win9x/ME tweak thread. One tip. If you have some games which is big and require constant tweaking -- Falcon 4 and Flanker 2 come immediately to mind, make sure install them in different partitions and the partition is solely for that game only. Also make sure you keep from the partition different from the swap file. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  2. People have good words with "We fight and die here". It is an ops, but I have not play it yet. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  3. Yep, the new P4 need new mobo (chipset) and new RAM, which is called PC800 RDRAM by Rambus. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  4. First, I suppose to be asleep right now but I am surprised to see the number of responses to this one. Thank, btw. 1. I don't understand why people still generalize. AAMOF, K6-3 has FPU almost in par with P2. And Althon/Duron has better FPU than P3 and P4 has WORSE FPU than P3, belive it or now. Please, I mean please, read Tom's Hardware benchmarks on P4 and 1.2G T-Bird. 2. Who don't want ot have get every juice from the system? I have just a Type "B" T-Bird and Type "C" is just avaliable is small quanties here in Hong Kong. They suppose to be even a tag faster. Okay, it is a general understanding that 1.2G T-Bird is not a good o/c platform, Duron 750 or 850 is a far better choice. 3. For cooling, I am using GlobalWin FOP-38 cooler and a good case with 2 intake fans and 1 exhaust fan. In idle condition, Asus Probe tells me the temperature is around 39 degree C and when I run the RC5 (brute force attack on RSA encryption), which makes your cpu works as hard as they could, the temperature is merely 44 degree C. N.B. I have my case sealed and the room temperature is around 20 - 22 degree C. OTOH, that pathetic P3-550 on my office desk, which comes with default fan, goes as high as 45 degree C when idle. It is sitting in an air-cond room! 4. Hence, I am really surprised CMBO is pretty sensitive to o/c. Please note it is not a bad remark, I still love this game. I run the RC5 chrunching and others in 1380 MHz without problems, except CMBO 1.12. I am sorry I forgot to mention that CMBO 1.03 runs perfectly in this speed. Interesting! Thanks for all the kind attention. Griffin. P.S. Where could I get the offical SETI@Home? I read it in a number of o/c sites but well, they don't have a link to it. Bad! P.P.S. I can run the 2 demoes of Q3A but how the FPS rate? I know it sounds dumb. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  5. Me too. Have your fingers crossed. BTW, most of the RDRAM and also PC2100 DDR RAM out here are made by Samsung, that means they are probably made in South Korea or Malaysia. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  6. Martin, First, I would like to thank you lengthly post explaining every technical details here. I actually understand how OS/memory/CPU and CMBO are working together. BUT: (here comes the bad things) What makes you think Inter CPUs have superior FPU, or they are better off in price/performance? Check out : CPU guide in Tom's Hardware http://www.tomshardware.com/ and Sharky's Extreme http://www.sharkyextreme.com/ and see the benchmarks yourself. I am using a P2-450 at home and the FPU performance is no where near a G3-400 (yes that is a "lowly" PowerPC on a Powerbook) About the price, toe-to-toe-wise, Intel top-of-the-line 32-bit CPU now is P4-1500 and it costs twice (street price) as ATB-1200B, I have not included the price of RDRAM yet. I am just trying to rationalize my choice of AMD over Intel here. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  7. I rhink someone (probably CDIC) has put up this one before. I finally get my new PC up and running last Sunday (i.e. yesterday. BTW, please accept my apology for all whom I still owe them goodies) It is a Type-B Althon TBird 1.2G. The first game I used to test the new PC is --- (drums rolling) -- CMBO!!! I am running at plain version 1.12 without any mods. I o/c my PC to 1380MHz and load "A Walk in Paris" scenario (not a big one). I was immediately dumped back to desktop (Win98/SE). On the 2nd trial, the game freezes with the screen messed. However, I tried Quake 3 Arena (sorry!) and the "demo" runs like dream @ 1024x768x16! I downgrade the clock speed to 1320MHz. Now CMBO runs very smooth (and beautiful especially @ 1280x1024x16!) Strange, isn't it? BTW, I am still in a process in migrating from my old P2-450 to ATB-1200 later this week. Stay tuned for more tests. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  8. Well, yep the price of PC-133 SDRAM is dropping like a meteor. However, the price of new generation DDR PC2100 RAM and PC800 RDRAM are still sky high. BTW, thanks for the tips of mixing PC100 and PC133 RAM. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  9. NP buddy, I am sending my turn again later tonite...ah, sorry but I am going to McCoy Tyner's concert tonite, so ah, will send tomorrow. Griffin. P.S. How 'bout sending to your Hotmail a/c too? ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  10. MiMary, If you come across anybody who looked down upon any female and think they are inferior, send 'em a kick in the ass! Welcome aboard! Nice to see another new person aboard. Hope you enjoy busting tanks more than churches...oh, setting buildings on fire is fun too. Would you like a game of PBEM? (kinda friendly guesture from me) See ya around! Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 03-05-2001).]
  11. Kitty, Nevemind, keep up your good work @ mod and cesspool. Personally, I would like to see those face mods with all the cesspoolers. BTW, I think I can go back and do something about CM scenario database and mod or even some scenario playtesting. Oh, I still owe some ASL2CM files.... But I still NEED an answer to what happened! Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  12. BTW, I filed for helpers in CMHQ. But no reply yet. Am I discarded? Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  13. Ah, Manta, oic now. KettenKrad, good, glad you made it. Search for "what you should do when CM arrives". Prepare for them. Make sure tell you wife (if any), relatives and friends you will soon "disappear without a trace" and stock yourself food and water as if nuclear war is about to break out (touch wood!). Moreover, also make dups to the CM disk or else your wife might take it away. Oh, or have your wife (if any) to feed you regularly. Griffin. P.S. "Ketten" means "chain", what is "krad", may I ask? ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 03-02-2001).]
  14. Manta, I like that attitude. But you are scaring a new guy away! Or somebody will try to police us as "newbie vultures". CMBorg, come in please!!! Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  15. Ah, one thing, Kettenkard, looks like you have not got the full game yet, haven't you? If not, have your plastic ready and go to Combat Mission Beyond Overlord Order page and order one immediately. Thank you on behalf. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  16. For more technical treatments for all you graphics nuts, check out the article @ Tom's Hardware site. The power of GeForce 3 simply makes chill runs down your spine. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  17. First of all, welcome to the realm of CM:BO, you will never want to go back. Nope, as many have requested, no additional equipment, terrian type are going to add to CMBO. If you look back other threads -- okay, I am going to sum it up here -- BTS is starting to work on CM2 right now, they will leave CMBO as is for now. However, they may still fix any bugs and tweak any inbalances in CMBO. But don't get disappointed for there are a large pool of 3rd party mods and scenarioes/operations available right now -- more than you can every play them all in your life, I promise. As for CM2, it is a seperate game based on the same game engine with expanded capbilities. It will be all about Axis verses Soviet Union dated from June 1941 to May 1945, afaik. I wish they would also included the First Winter War took place in winter 1940 between Finland and the Soviets. No definite words about the span yet but well, Eastern Front war history is also the history of armour warfare development -- from skinny PzII to King Tigers and from T-26 to IS-2. One thing we are sure is there will not be any (horse)mounted troops. Nope, I am not any insider or beta testers, I am just spent too much time browsing the Forum... Yep, it is called Quick Battle, it can be found on the top part of the scenario selection page. I suggest you get yourself a good 3d accelerator. For PC, either Matrox G450 and any boards based on GeForce 2MX are good enough and they are dirt cheap. These boards can accelerate CMBO even though you can bet the Game cannot even fully use all special features of these powerful 3d cards. If you have a notebook, well... Wow..okay. 1. I have yet to hear mods corrupt a game. Most of the time just the texture or text goes out of place for visual mods. I don't think sound and UI mods caused too many problems. Note, the mods are just like skins for FPS or browsers, they don't change the functionality. 2. If you use mods labelled as "hi-res", they may not show up or they cause your game to run very slow. 3. Since most mods involve in replacing files in certain directories, make a back up all the bitmaps and sound files of the original installation. If you don't like the mod, just replace the necessary files from the backup. For MacOS users, there is always a backup file made by the Mod Manager. 4. As mentioned, the mods are barely skins, all vechicles and troops are hard-wired in the program. BUT...a group of great people are working on a North African mod called "The Desert Fox and Desert Rats" which changes the "look" of many vechicles of the original CMBO and emulates those who is not in the original TO&E but did actually particpate in the North African desert like Italian M13/40. No problem. See we "memmbers" are humble to humble people and don't treat ourselves as "elites". Griffin. P.S. Would you like to have a game of PBEM? ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 03-02-2001).]
  18. I have never come across any Jumbo tanks in QB, but from your to&e, I think a real tank with a descent gun would have done the job like a Panther. In your case, from the AAR, I think u should lure the enemy tanks into your ambush pos, cause Hetzers and JPIV are excellent ambush weaon, but well, it is easier said than done. How about trying that again in a QB and I use those Jumbo tanks? Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  19. Michael, Are you trying to infringe MS/Atomic after Hasbro? BTW, send the CC2 scenario when ready. Griffin. P.S. When are u sending the updated "Climax" scenario? ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  20. Okay, I just register with Angelfire free web hosting service and glad to see they support Javascript and CGI. Great, I can draft my sample form this weekend. And nope -- I cannot go anywhere faster than any CMBO order to arrive at any mailbox. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  21. No guess needed: it is CM:BO!!! Congraulations! According to their weekly wargaming newsletter, it is in the coming April issue. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  22. YEEE! HA! Hats off!!! Great! But why does the Boot Camp articles get pulled off? Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  23. Yes, firewalls do not block virus and trojan horse. Like I have said, you also need a virus scanner. The firewalls do however, especially ZoneAlarm, forbid unauthorized internet/intranet traffic in AND out of your computer. However, you need to have a little policy on what is allowed to go and what not. Most important is, make sure you stick with it. I block that stupid Windows Media Player Update Manager from accessing the net, for example. If you wanna play on-line games, don't disable the firewall, let that particular application pass. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  24. Make sure check out their Doom III demo, impressive! ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  25. Olle, you are right with the "assault gun", they are designed to do such job in history but in the game, assualt guns are not very useful in CAME situations, except for being targets. Sounds gamey, right? Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
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