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Everything posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. BTW, OT, how about that shooter (sorry gotta check up IMDB) in movie "Clear and Present Danger"? I suppose he is sorta mix of sharpshooter and sniper. BTW, I saw some photos of British snipers in camo, and their camo are really good, You don't recognize there are people even the photo is taken less than 3 meters from them. Griffin. P.S. Very tired...must ssssleeppp...ZZZZZZ ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" Come to my Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/
  2. Shameless BUMP!!! ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" Come to my Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/
  3. TIA. I think I better sent you the sound files I promise first. I think my tounge and throat are in good conditions. I am not very good @ play testing but I will see what I can do but all 12 is.... Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" Come to my Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/
  4. Yep, it "was" in Boots'n Tracks. If you read previous Harv posts, he mentioned the scenario database he has been working on (till 1.08). If you don't have one, I am sending a copy to your mailbox tomorrow morning (according to my timezone, of course). Gotta sleep now! Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" Come to my Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/
  5. Thanks for your kind words, Manx. Frankly, I don't have much ideas what I would put on the site. I think I am going put up some files related to the Greatest Tactical Combat Game (GTCG) some have requested for. But I am sure I am adding graphics and a little personal stuff to the page, as reflected in the "Command Post Diary" section. Since I quite busy fttb -- I am still testing my new Althon system and fulfill some of my previous promises to others (all CM-related), I may put this site down for a short while -- except the CMDB form is high priority on my list. Sorry I think I only have 50MB (I thought it was 500MB) but it is plenty to me. If you wish to divert some of your mod traiffic I am happy to mirror them. I just hope Lycos would be happy to see a rise in traffic in her hosted site. Rgds, Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" Come to my Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at "http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/"
  6. You are welcome KD. It is here, though barren. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" Come to my Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at "http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/"
  7. Thanks Manta, Let's see what I can do add to the site some time later. BTW, how is your ASL2CM site coming? Any words when it will be out? Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" Come to my Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/ [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 03-12-2001).]
  8. KMan, nice work. I am wondering if the source file is open for viewing eyes. I am wondering if you are using some speical Windows-only "tricks" in this one (well, the CM All Movies View comes into mind). If you are willing to open your source files, drop me a message. TIA. I promise I am not going to do anything malicilous. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" Come to my Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at "http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/"
  9. Hello, I am planning to start up a small web site dedicated to Combat Mission. I am thinking to get myself some screenshots but I am a bit worried about legal issues. Could I just post game screenshots onto my website without notifying Steve & Charles Co.? BTW, this is my site: Griffin's Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP). Mind you, it is pretty barren by now. I think I have plenty of space I could use (500MB) and I think if any site who want to use my site as mirrors, plese send me an email. http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/ Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" Come to my Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at "http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/"
  10. Sorry for all the delays. The prototype is here: http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/CMDB.html Please comment! Thank you for your kind attention. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  11. That is okay, Mike. BTW, I still owe you some files anyway and my ISP is down all the weekend (US-China undersea cable was broken). If you don't mind, please send the file to my email a/c. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  12. BUMP!!! Waiting for the complete vechicle list! ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  13. PL, thanks for your kind words. I am going to follow the footsteps of "CM Scenario Database" prepared by "Harv". It will be an Excel Spreadsheet posted at WBR's "Boots'n Tracks". So there may not be an online version. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  14. To all hard-working CM scenario/designers, I have translated Harv's great Combat Mission Scenario Database template into a web-based form for you to comment. The link is: http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/CMDB.html Please note : 1. This is just a prototype. No checking or such is implemented. 2. There is no eye-candies -- i.e. it is damn plain and dull. 3. All results are sent to my email account -- so please don't bomb it. 4. Since I don't have CM while creating the web site -- I am guilty of leaving the DVD ROM and CM disk back home -- so many options may be either missing or incorrect. 5. Most importantly, this is only a test -- do not enter real things yet, or they will not be processed. I will notify publicly when it is ready. Sorry for all the delay, my ISP is down for the whole weekend (Fri - Sun) and I am doing all this in the office. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Regards, Griffin. P.S. Is the name for web site "Combat Mission Command Post" already used? ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 03-12-2001).]
  15. Is there any, by chance, that German CAS played roles in the peroid of CMBO? Or is there any historical scenario out there feature this? Well, I think I have seen too much Allied FB. TIA. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  16. Lads and Gents, This week, I am glad to notify you that the rank of CMBO at PC Game Chart jumped to a historical high of Rank #27!!! Keep up the good work everyone who have voted! CMBO needs your support! Vote today and every week! It counts! Show your love to CMBO at: http://www.Global100.com/ Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 03-08-2001).]
  17. I will be back after these messages.... ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  18. Wow! Extra One word of request: Can the DFDR team spare some time and post the vechicles and uints lists? Keep up the good work! Can't wait for the release. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  19. In order to bump this thread a bit... I read about the project when AH and BTS jointed to develop "Beyond Squad Leader" from Computer Games Online (I think it was still Computer Games Strategy Plus). I read the early form of CMBO site (which still just one page) discusing why the tanks were not really 1:1 scaled in order to present individual infantry squad better. I think, "hey this game is nbd." ( yes, I really did! ) Anyway, I signed up for the email notificaiton list. I put it aside until the Finon's infamous "Alpha AAR" was posted. I read it through and though "WOW!". I began to read the Forum reguarly ( the background was still black at that time). Well, the rest is, you know: Beta Demo, 1st PBEM, demanding the Gold Demo, Gold Demo, more PBEM, demanding the Real One, waiting for the Arrival, the Real One installed, more PBEM, then TCP/IP patch, and so on... Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 03-07-2001).]
  20. Gustav, I wonder if they have those "wire-meash" side skirts modelled. If so, it would be even better moral-boasting than mini-skirts. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  21. That is a good book Tiger, I happen to order it from Amazon.com. It shipped after I posted the thread about "life as a tanker". The book consists of charts on attacks and defense of panzer formation at battlion level and best, it has a chapter talking daily life of German tanker at WW2! I recommend this book. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  22. Hahahah How about a splash screen for the main menu? TIA Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  23. Hello! Welcome to the domain of "Combat Missions: Beyond Overlord"! Now, let's introduces yourselves and tell everybody how you get to know CMBO. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  24. Well, to all newcomers, welcome aboard! Let's these people introduce themselves, or let's start another poll. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  25. I am sorry that this has degenerated into AMD vs Intel discussions. Thanks for the line to SETI@Home. But how do I check the frame rate for Q3A demos? Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
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