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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Panzer_Meyer

  1. Please people, it says WORK in progress. How many times does MadMatt or Kwazy have to point that out. But someone still feels the need to point out every little thing that is NOT FINNISHED!!!
  2. Again, make an AAR of a game you guys play and someone take a camera and take pictures!!!
  3. SOMEONE TAKE A CAMERA!!! Take pictures and someone write an AAR if you guys play a TCP/IP game! Please do! You can document the whole thing. I think that would work out for the people who can't attend and still feel like they got to see something. So anyone going to do this?
  4. Bah, I already seen ads for CMBB on the wargamer.com website. I clicked on it and it brought me to the Battlefront website. I think link is broken on the wargamer website to the Demo. BTS fix it or do somefink
  5. Amazing, looking better and better and the features and all, wow! Good job BTS, can't wait for the game.
  6. Uhhh ahhh what a big man you are, lemme buy a stick of gum and show you how to chew it! :cool:
  7. Found it, go down to where it says Showroom 5 and the first picture there is the chainsaw. Impressive...
  8. Who broke SuperTed?!?! BTS fix it or do somefink!
  9. I ageee with Prinz Eugene, it should be the Russian National Anthem. That song sets the tune perfectly, at least for me it does.
  10. I also would like to see an in depth AAR. I know there were 2 AARs done already, but like everyone alse here has mentioned, a more in depth AAR is needed. One in which we can clearly see new features at work and new weapons, new tanks and so on.
  11. Micheal, what alse do you have?! Take pictures of something alse you have in your house. I have a manaquins head with a German helemet on it, and also a SS oak leaf Cap.
  12. Can't replace the models, but the models textures can be modded! This goes for infantry uniforms, buildings, grass, tress and so on. All of the textures are pretty much modible, but can't put in new models.
  13. It's fine with me. I am red/green colorblind and I am having no problems at all. I can read what is posted fine and my eyes don't hurt or nothing. Looks good though. MadMatt got some l337 h4><0r s1ki||z!!!!11
  14. How about just play the Russian anthem. I like the russian anthem, I think it would set the tone well.
  15. Also, from the same book, forget what page. But it talks about M.Ws tactics in the east with tigers. And it describes as him charging ahead with him and his platoon ahead into the T-34s at time. To that I have to say: GAMEY TANK RUSH BASTARD!!! He doesn't know how to use real tactics, so he uses gamey red alert tank rushes.
  16. NIIICEEE!!! Nice work Dan, and the original modeller ofourse. Dan, joo got some l337 h4><0r sk|lls!!1 Joo rux0rz!!!1
  17. Hamsters too, they took part just as mice did chewing trough wiring of AFVs. I want that modeled too. Have a variable witch decides if this is the night a mouse or a hamster or both will crawl in your King Tiger Battalion and chew through all the wiring. Also I demend the birth and death rate of these rodnets to be modeled corretly from 1933 to 1950. Till then I refuse to play. C'mon BTS add this to your I am sure very small and easy feature list that we all know can be done in a day or two. I know, even though I've never design a game or even seen what a game code looks like. I still know what I am talking about and it should be my way, cause i daid so.
  18. Oh ok, yea I live in California, I am not sure what the laws here are to send alcohol trough the mail. But it must be ok, since my Grandfather does.
  19. Another vote for yes. Wincape, I thinks it's safe to say that this vote is going to win. Might as well send it now! A question, you can't send alcohol trough the mail? My grandfather makes wine, vodka and other alcoholic bverages in Czech Republic and always sends them here. As far as I know he does not use any special courier or anything, but I could be wrong.
  20. What I don't get is why these people keep comming back every so often. They voice their opionon once, BTS answers in a clear way. Yet a week later they post the same argument, yet more harsh. BTS, same answer. Again, the person comes back, maybe a week or month later, now with rants, accusations and 4 letter words. BTS applies a ban. A few weeks go by and the person is back again, but with a different *username*, yet, with the same topic. Post in a way where one has to stare at the monitor for hours trying to disipher what the person has written. After one gifted person finnaly makes heads and tail of the topic posted, we come to find that it's a topic discussed a hundered times and all those hundred times we got the same answer from BTS. Then someone figures out who that person is. Everyone knows that persons agenda, and everyone knows that person has been kicked/banned or worse. Yet that person keeps comming back, posting the same crap over and over. I don't get it... Do these people just have nothing better to do? Did these people ever hear of masturbation, cause it's great when one is bored.
  21. Yes, I want CM series to model all. From single soldier up to controlling the industry of the coutry I am playing for. I want to decide what to produce, and how much of it, c'mon. Don't tell me it's outside of the scope of CM. Cuase we all know it will only take about 5 minutes to code. C'mon I am the all knowing, I know more about games and game production then Steve or Charles. If BTs does not include the control of the indusry of each country taking part in WWII, then I quit. I want each civilian to me modeled. Depending on their age and faigue and health status. I want exact figures on the ammount of steel came in to every country down right to kilograms. I mean why stop there. Also model the earth gravational field and it's rotation around the sun. This has to be present other vise the game is flase adverytising for realism. The majority of the CM crowd would also like to see the possibily of aliens intrvening in WWII. Each minute there will be a caclulation done to determine if aliens will come or not, in what force and what weapons. I wnat variety too, I don't want to see the same alines over and over. And also model the supply lines for the alience, because they have to travel long distance. If this is not met in 5 days, I quit CM and never buy anything from BTS!!!
  22. Woohoo, can't wait to see who won what. And will you display the models that won, in game and as they were sent in?! PLEASE DO!!! Pretty pleaseeee!!! I'll be real nice, I wont growl or show my teeth! [ May 27, 2002, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: Rommel22 ]
  23. Micheal is right. The footage here is spliced. The actual footage is much longer. Basicly the panther start at another street. It's parked by a vorner with it's turret faced into the street. A pershing approaches and the panther starts to move away. While it's moving away, it blows away at some buildings around it to prevent the pershing following it. Finnally the Pershing catches up and blows a hole in the panther. But after that, the panther fires back, but misses, so the pershing fires once more and hits, it. Where it starts brew up, but you see the driver, commander and another guy jump out. When they are running away, the Pershing fires again, and when the panther is hit the third time, it explodes. And you can see some of the crew that are runing fall down as a result from that that blast. I saw all this footage on the history channel a long time ago. It was alo narratod by the guy who recorded it all and the pershings commander.
  24. I had USA and Russia attack me at once. I basicly conquored France, vichy France, spain, gibraltar, Sweeden, and England. So all this I guess prompted the USSR and USA to declare war on me. It was a sight to see. The russians invaded right away, I only had 3 corps to oppose the red tide. Hahah, you should of seen it, in 3 turn, the Russians were at the gates of Berlin. The demo ended though before it's capture.
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