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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. He's already in Utah, the punishment will speak for itself.
  2. Joe is already in the Great Southern land everytime has steps out of his front door. Although Utah is slated for housing the criminals, it is still a part of the UAE (United Australian Emirates)
  3. No doubt Joe will walk off the plane backwards for you.
  4. Your'e being all moronically oxy again aren't you?
  5. I'm having the weed gentically modified to uber potency level then having the seeds dropped over Utah, I figure it'll take care of the criminals who haven't already committed suicide...plus a few mormans...but whats a morman or two between freinds hey?
  6. 6 minutes to go in the decider of the State of Origin (where the men aren't namby-pamby helmets, armor and spandex pants wearing girly, sissy-men) and Queensland are up 34-18. In your face New South Wales!! IN YOUR FACE! And Boo Radley, I know you support the Blues...IN YOUR FACE TOO!
  7. This wasn't my doing! Fears over monster plant invasion in New York
  8. Nidan1 and Speedy! Not sending turns whilst still posting in the MBT will not make your humiliating ass whuupings go away. Unless you are now applying Shawian tactics, continue your games.
  9. Unlike Joe's prunes, which must be strained so the stringy bits don't get caught in his dentures.
  10. A Swastuka armband hey? I like the cut of your jib there young Maggie! I see bright things in your future. (unlike the bright things in costards future which are limited to sticking bright, shiny things onto sticks in the 'care facility')
  11. And Costard, your insolence has cost you the posting of Governor General of the new 'merkin colony...looks like the job will go to Magpie instead, at least he knows the ropes when it comes to sycophancy.
  12. I doubt you'll be getting a setup from Boo, I hear the Dorset cows in the tutorial are still beating him like a red headed step-Gibson.
  13. Remember, it's only independence day because I give my permission. Be grateful you bunch of punks.
  14. What about our battle Noba, the one with your burning H/T's all over the map? Did you forget that one?
  15. I think it would be unrealistic to know the LOS of a waypoint before you get there and find out for yourself.
  16. Jealousy is a curse Hiram, but one you so richly deserve...well, that and leprosy.
  17. You really need a damned good booting, anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  18. oh and by the way you are all only celebrating July 4th on my say-so. King Obama begged me to change your national holiday to January 26 (Australia day) but I said no. Until the newest satellite state of Australia can prove itself worthy, there'll be no Australia day for you. Nope not even a morsel. You'll just have to make do with gamey old July 4th and be happy with it until I give the okey dokey for the full transfer to the correct celebration of rightful national holidays.
  19. Well it certainly has put Boo into one of his moods. I think the mood he has selected is 'bewildered'.
  20. I did see that figure advertised on the frontage of the IRS building in Manhattan alongside the figure owing per household in the US, why the IRS want to advertise the level of debt you all owe is amusing, it pleases me so it will remain. The bill you may send as you wish, it will be filed accordingly.
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