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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. Turn on its way. You probably ate your ear plugs, they had all that yummy earwax on them didn't they?
  2. Imagine there's no Emrys It's easy if you try No bad smell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the 'poolers Living for today Imagine there's no Emrys It isn't hard to do No non-game playing annoying gits (Abit like Boo Radley) too Imagine all the 'poolers Playing the game in peace You may say I'm an Olde One And I'm pretty much the only one I hope someday you'll sod off And the MBT will be as one Tank yew, tank yew berry mulch. I'll be here all night.
  3. Bah! I wave my hand at you! My business cards need to be extended to fit all my qualifications after my glorious name. I remember kindergarten, was fun I think...all that painting and playing with soft toys and naps in the afternoon. I can't wait to be old as Joe so I can experience all that again in the old folks home.
  4. It seems Speedy's gamey turn one flag rush will get off to a flying start as my guys spend 60 seconds doing their nails and contemplating some philosophical conundrum...or sumfink. If i'd read the manual i'm sure it didn't mention anything about that.
  5. The thought of Emrys nailing anything....*bleeurrghh* Oh great, now who's going to clean that up?
  6. Mainstream nerd! I'm too underground..too street for such manufactured musical gimmickry. Right now I'm rocking to some alternative Aussie rock from last decade, but you wouldn't have heard of 'The Persian Rugs' would you Clapton boy?
  7. Well there was this image of Ohio which made me want to cancel my New York vacation and change it to Ohio, this is where you live isn't? On the downwind side of course.
  8. Shirly you aren't trying to imply that chilling on a balcony mit beer unt handt on a sun drenched Thai beach is a bad thing? I googled 'exciting images of Ohio' and found some photos but instantly fell asleep. I awoke hours later to select the most zappy, out there, on the edge photo of Ohio there was...no wonder you don't want to play THE STEEL BOX VERSION OF CMBN, there's simply tooo much else to do in Ohio.
  9. Gee Willickers Einstein, you could, you know...like...just reply to the email I sent on Monday. I fear this is going to be an...unorthodox battle.
  10. Now we know why the Mississippi has been flooding, Boo's been crying into it.
  11. Speedy old chap howzabout you send me the setup, i'm at work doing...you know...important work stuff. Plus I got an assignment for my Masters due in tonight and I want to get the decks all cleared before THE FULL, STEEL CASED HARD COPY OF CMBN turns up. Oh sorry Boo, didn't see you there...here, have a tissue and wipe those tears away...very thoughtless of me to mention THE FULL, STEEL CASED HARD COPY OF CMBN knowing your hamster limitations...here, have another tissue...better still, keep the box.
  12. W00T! Order status is change to 'shipped', one steel case game is on it's way to moi! Are you happy for me Boo? I think you are.
  13. Might be a little tricky with customs...Australia tends to quarantine noxious pests.
  14. Seems the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar (SBNB) has lost any control over the thread...like we expected anymore of him. Probably too busy whipping hamsters to squeeze another kb of RAM out of them I expect.
  15. Joe thinks having an iphone gives him street cred with the kids and makes him all kewl and stuff, he even wears his trilby backwards.
  16. It seems there a small SNAFU in accounts and the rapture has been postponed until October 21.
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