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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. Quite right, you must pick and squeeze if you wish to achieve disfiguring pox scars of Radlian proportions.
  2. As a connoisseur of the pox, Boo Radley knows no equal.
  3. It could also make him sterile. However given his natural repugnancy to the female of the species that shouldn't cause him much bother.
  4. Your'e always out of town!! (and the crowds rejoice)
  5. Jealousy becomes you Boo Radley, keep it up.
  6. Don't pick on Michael gents, just being himself is punishment enough.
  7. It's actually no-ones business but BFC's. Maybe those members who ask such questions would care to post their tax statements so everyone can see how much money they make? Fairs fair.
  8. I don't need to brag, I simply state the facts.
  9. I expect his troops to die-alot-now. They're being surprisingly obedient thus far.
  10. Nidan1 (he of the articulate thread title) doesn't complain but he should. Losing a Sherman to a sneeksy bocage 'faust, another to a sneeksy Uber Tank shell and then reversing a third Sherman into a minefield in the space of two turns would have most people complaining. But then Nidan1 isn't most people...
  11. Speedy complains about artying his own positions and a lack of infantry. I did see a bunch hightailing o'er the hills and far away until a 75mm shell caught up with them and played 'guess whose organs these are?'
  12. Offered? OFFERED? There's no challenge in 'offered' me old laddy-o. Oh no...oh no, no, no, no, no...this will never do. For you to receive the royal blessing of a CMBN lesson by mine own good hand you will have to eeaarrn it. Just being olde and gaseous won't cut it with me, SIRRAH. You may cut the cheese both frequently and serupticiously but you DO NOT sir, cut the mustard.
  13. Getting home from work @ 2.30pm does have its upside in that it's possible to have two vodka/tonics down the hatch and a beer chaser going by the time the GLBVS gets home @ 3.45. The downside is that my the time i've played another turn of evil destruction against Speedy I can't be fecked looking at the setups that are piling up in my inbox. Patience Grasshoppers (and Joe, for whom 'Grasshopper is too lofty a title)
  14. Perhaps once or twice, but you are still askeered to take me on again...apart from that one time...where you lost...again.
  15. You're seriously wondering how many beers you'd need in order to find Boo attractive?
  16. Ending a sentence with a comma? How very illiterate of you.
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