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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. And what are your boys doing Michael? Oh, thats right, you don't have any boys do you?
  2. Excellent, although the game is good, the drinking part is even better! P.S. Nidan1, NgCav, Speedy and Noba are all writhing in the grip of my superior play.
  3. I'm going out for a few beers now, you have your turn. But make up your mind, you wanted a ceasfire then you changed your mind...so flakey.
  4. No-one needs to know about Speedy's 'special sauce' and where he spreads the filthy stuff. Hmmm...2.10 pm, that means I'll be out of work at 3.00pm, home by 3.10pm and drinking by 3.10pm and 15 seconds. W00T!
  5. If this is an image of your gamey edge hugging squad that has approached my left flank then it must be just before my mortar rounds landed because Hans, Fritz and...Shirly are all having a little nap on the ground now. Really Nidan1, you spin more crap than the Iraqi Information Minister, are you related?
  6. You picked it...off the FULL STEEL CASED HARD COPY LIMITED EDITION of CMBN. You had a freaking Tiger and you say the game is unbalanced? Don't blame me if you want to lead this fight with your chin Mr Glass-Jaw.
  7. and we all know how well the Tiger did that job don't we? The crew bailed 10 seconds into the turn, the troops bolted across the bridge, a couple had a few cowering moments then got up again and disappeared into the buildings...no-one got hit! Bwahahaaaaaa! Which is more than I can say about your H/T's and dismounted infantry running the gauntlet of M10 supported GI's positioned in the buildings and behind the wall parallel to the road to are trying to advance down, it's a shooting gallery! My boys are having so much fun! PS, and don't think I haven't seen the gamey edge huggers on my left flank...we see's thems...oh yesss, we see's thems...
  8. No, because Nidan1 tells false, sneeksy LIES. His Hitler zippy thingy didn't do SQUAT! Here's your poor OLDE Unca Stukey, all worried sick all day at work expecting to see his poor GI's cut to shreds crossing the only bridge into the battle zone and yet, they ALL get across safely and commence taking up positions in order to plug Nidan1's nazi bully-boys full of honest, apple pie, lead.
  9. I always thought Hitler was a button up guy, clearly you knew him better than I.
  10. Surely you can work out your differences another way?
  11. You know, the reason you haven't got a turn sent back is because I haven't played the last turn yet...but thanks for the spoiler...git.
  12. Happy Birthday to the Manky Scots Git! (not that you deserve it, it's just my kind and sweet nature which insists I wish you such glad tidings)
  13. Nidan1 has a Stug that has disappeared back over the hill from whence it came faster than a Joe Xhia exiting a bar when his round is up next. I guess when you see your other Stug get 'sploded and your Tiger immobilized and swiss cheesed that humility becomes the better part of honor. Still, he has a bunch of h/tracks that are nervously shuffling to and fro whilst an M10 hunts them down. Guess it's up to 'the poor bloody infantry' to do their bit and advance across open ground hey Nidan?
  14. Not if that's the best 'come hither' look you can manage.
  15. Thats right, I couldn't be bothered to reply. However I have now whipped up a nice little QB and hacked the code sufficiently to give you a 100% force increase so that you might stand a teensy chance of winning.
  16. Psst Joe, Speedy has ROF now...do you love him just a little bit more now?
  17. But you can pound those Shirly Temples like there's no tomorrow huh?
  18. It's called "The brutal beating and grisly murder of a Magpie". Quite the chuckler I expect...
  19. Piss and moan all you want, you ain't getting an invite to the Schloss-warming party. Feel free to try and gate crash...we have a thuggish henchman in the guest suite who is doubling as security.
  20. I'm at work right now, i'm about to watch that movie Speedy recommended.
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