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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. Probably just scratching at lice, how's that more realism?
  2. There's rooms for all in Schloss Moriarty, each with an ensuite, private parking, bar and jacuzzi and a balcony view over the poor people!
  3. You leave my Bootsie alone you bullies! Until he is of station to get the STEEL CASED HARD COPY OF CMBN...Boo is under the protection of House Moriarty! As such I declare Boo's little part of Ohio to be an Unca Stukey protectora...protectiri...hell, i'll just annex the joint and call it even.
  4. Thats pretty advanced reading for you ng cav, is somebody helping you with the big words?
  5. You tight git! Are you Scottish? I pledge $200 and thats a fact, Jack.
  6. Dead drunk probably, I bought 3 bottles of Gentleman Jack last night in preparation for getting my end of module assignment in tonight and commencing a month of non-study (with a little 2 week invasion of the US thrown in for good measure)
  7. Well wasn't that just the cutest widdle faux-challenge you ever saw? Typical House rune...
  8. Pah! MY inspection will be far less clinical and cold rubber gloved and more...parochial.
  9. He's in Canuckistan I think, at least that was his excuse to avoid his Uni-lifetime inspection and report. Come to think of it...Joe and Boo are avoiding their Uni-lifetime inspection and report's also. Peng is a maybe...at least Nidan1 has the necessary moral fiber to stand up to the gruelling hours of BBQing and drink...to the gruelling hours of inspecting and reporting.
  10. I'm not quite sure you'd want to be polishing the black pudding, it's much better fried. I do appreciate your enthusiasm so better you take the Mr Sheen to the furniture if you want to polish something, Joe comes over you see and there always crumbs between the cushions and sticky paw prints everywhere after I kick him...after he leaves.
  11. Ahem...Moriarty is/was a 'merkin. Mind, since he departed on journeys unknown about 5 years ago i've had Schloss Moriarty redecorated with a bar in every room and taken down the tatty stars'n'stripes drapes and put in some natty venetians to give it a more 'homey' feel. You can have Leeos old room. And don't be threatening your Kniiigett, it's my sausage and i'll wield it as I please.
  12. Did I not mention "you don't have a choice in this?" You are hereby press-ganged into service as Serf to the House of Moriarty, welcome aboard! As part of the press-ganging you will a receive mighty great belting up at the end of a 4lb black sausage. (Ekky-Thump being the official disciplinary measure of House Moriarty) So let it be written, so let it be done!
  13. Where's my little Bootsie? Has he forsaken the MBT in favor of a hamster breeding program?
  14. Are you a serf Magpie? It seems to me you have the right amount of grovelly stuff and a good dose of 'defending your betters' to make you a fine carrier of the bucket'o'piss. I may claim you to House Moriarty should you continue in this manner. Be aware you have some big shoes to fill. My last recruit, Leeo was an absolutely disgraceful disappointment, mind he did pick a nice fight with Joe's freind Abbott that led to the latters banishment to Coventry. I shall be keeping a fatherly eye on you.
  15. You know...you really couldn't ask for a better Olde One than your old Unca Stukey. Busy as I am with CMBN and real life I still take the time to think of those less fortunate than ourselves, those...let's say...computer challenged individuals for whom a meg of RAM is like a blessing from Gawd himself. Hence I have dusted off the CMAK disc and sent a file to that sad little waif over there in the corner. Stand up Boo Radley! Yes, that's you, lad. Stop snivelling and come over to the throne of Olde Ones...mind the bathroom rug and the toilet brush...yes, come here and accept your gift. Who's a lucky boy then hey? You get to play a CM game just like the big kids! And just because it's your special day, you get to be the AUSSIES! Well done little sad henchman, now off you go and whip some life into those hamsters!
  16. 'Tries the new sig line on...twirls for the mirror...yeah, I look good in this!'
  17. I'm too busy trying to untangle squads, 1/2 squads and HQ units from a zillion different movement path icons whilst trying to keep some kind of C&C. In a similar vein to Boo, who is trying to untangle the ropes and pulleys he's cunningly fashioned to string his hamster collection together in order to get his Amstrad 600 up to speed.
  18. You should be so lucky, Speedy is probably one of those Subaru driving losers. You WISH you had a Holden! Check out my Monaro, 37 years old and still purdy as a picture! I refused an offer of $20,000 last time I was home, how much will your Impreza be worth when it's 37 years old?
  19. All this talk of THE STEEL CASED HARD COPY OF CMBN must be ranckling brother Boo no end. Imagine the hullaballo eminating from the Radlien household..."they's sezzing the wordss againss!! It buurns uss, IT BUUURNS!!!"
  20. So this would be the turn I haven't seen yet? The one still in my inbox whilst I am at work? Thanks for the spoiler numbnuts! Bloody South Australians, if they were any dumber they'd be from Ohio. BTW, if I had a victory bottle of Bundy, I'd give it to you...damned lowbrow, wife-beating poison that crapola is...now if we're talking a bottle of Gentleman Jack things will get more interesting.
  21. Hear ye! Hear ye! As an undeniable and undesputed Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread it pleases me to announce that my CMBN cherry has been broken! True it was Speedy who broke it and it doesn't make me proud to say that Ladies and GentleHamsters but what can you do? I was drunk and he seemed nice and offered me a lift home. Anyhoos, first blood (no pun intended) had gone to your Olde Unca Stukey! Yep, some sneeksy Speedyian troops got caught in the open trying to gamily sneeks their way into a building from which they might...might mind you, have had a flanking position on my trusty lads. So a few shots have opened the score and as the FOX reporter embedded with my troops has just radioed in, there are 2 little Speedies laying veeery still on the ground. Either they are shot to **** or else they have suddenly developed an overwhelmng interest in blades of grass. In any case, I claim victory! Open the drinks cabinet and lets get the drinking under way! W00T!
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