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Papa Khann

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Everything posted by Papa Khann

  1. Joe, you're still alive and kicking! Well, able to stand, at least. With assistance, no doubt. I'd thought that by now you'd most likely gone to visit the Utah chapter of the big Cess Pool party in the sky. But you're still here. Imagine my dismay. Papa P.S. Don't you owe me a turn? [ February 01, 2003, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]
  2. You were going well until that last bit... I've never been worried about whether or not anyone cares </font>
  3. Brings a tear to my eye when you call me "human", SomeNachos. Truly it does. As for the rest, I stopped reading about halfway through your post. I see we still aren't acquainted with "Mr. Brevity", are we? Papa [ January 25, 2003, 11:21 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]
  4. ROIGHT! I'll do ya for that one, Pepper Corn! Prepare to be ground into a fine, white powder. </font>
  5. Boo, enough with the circus act. Please leave your teeth where you normally find them. In a sealed jar beneath your bed. Thankyou. And by the way, I gather from your incessant yammering that you've delved into the world of scenario design. Oh dear. I suppose if we must, we must. So, Boo-Brain, tumble (literally, please) down the cellar stairs, dig your little creation out, and send me a setup. I'm sure it won't play any worse than the Browns defense did this season. Papa
  6. Oh and I forgot to add.... dalem is an idjit. There, I feel better now. Papa
  7. What ho? I'm away for a few months, and just look at the shambles this sty has become (used to be a right proper sort of sty, it was). Well no matter. SomeNachos, I believe you owe me turns. No matter that you already sent them and, being a dolt of magnificent proportions, I lost them. The point is, you rascal, it's been weeks (or days?) since I asked you to resend those files, and I've heard nary a peep from your pursed lips. While this normally would be cause for celebration, I am desirous of the opportunity to complete your humiliation and put you out of your misery. Despite the fact that you may be winning.... So hop to it, lad. Resend. Resend, and we shall recommence. Joe, I honestly don't recall where we're at in our game. If I wasn't such a shiftless lout, I'd boot up CM:BB and load the last file to find out if we've finished or if you owe me a turn. Then again, I'm guessing that this approach will annoy the heck out of you, so thus shall it be. Which side was I again? Lard, tell your cousin you'll call back later and send me a turn. R_Leete, well, are you or aren't you? If you are, by all means, no more moonscapes! As luck would have it, I have time to fit one new game into my schedule. And who better to align in my crosshair than everyone's favorite lackey, Boo_Rattly. Boo, front and center! Don't shirk, lad. You're the one. Why yes, you'll do nicely. Indeed, Boo, that face of yours was meant to appear on targeting reticles. Not to mention Post Office walls. I suppose we ought to have some sort of terms for this duel, eh? Cutlasses at dawn, that sort of thing. Suffice to say, Boo, that you can satisfy me by sending a list of scenarios you've yet to play (note, Boo, that this does not mean yet to play well... I don't want the entire scenario list dumped into my in-box), or a QB setup. Nothing too large, mind you. I don't want to expend much energy doling out a good drubbing on you. Papa
  8. I just realized that I am a lowly light beer- drinking worm and I owe dalem money. He is the greatest CM player ever and I fear him. I fear him like I fear people finding my frillies that I hide in my secret drawer. I am a pillock of vast proportions.
  9. Boo-Boo, you mean swinging alone from my chandelier counts? Papa P.S. And you are not winning! Pay no attention to the fact that I may not be winning either. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're winning, Boo-Brain.
  10. You know, Sir Idjit, that by posting your intent, technically speaking you've already blown it. Not that this surprises me one bit, mind you. Papa
  11. Joe, as usual, Pantless Leader was premature and jumped the gun. Before we can make suggestions, we need to know a few more things about your rig. Do you have the model with the deluxe hamster wheel? How long has it been since you fed the hamsters? And most importantly, how old are the little buggers? Papa PS Though it galls me to have to admit it, Joe, Pantless Leader is right. A new video card would likely be the item you'd see the most benefit from. Does your motherboard have an AGP slot, so that it can accept a newer card? I'm asking because if I recall correctly, some of those old Voodoo 3 16 meg cards came in a PCI version...
  12. You really should keep that magnathingity of yours covered up. Especially in public, Pantless. Papa
  13. Herr Beer Gut, my understanding is that some time ago, Charles began work on a patch to make you suck more. However, finding the task to be well nigh impossible, he reversed his course and set upon his current task - to create a "make Berli suck less" patch. Given the latitude his current project affords him, we can only assume he will succeed with flying colors. Papa
  14. OGSF, this fellow dog lover is very sorry to hear about your loss. Condolences. Papa
  15. Lars, I tell you, that armor was secondhand. The stuff they're sending to the front these days. Sheesh. And no, I haven't received a turn from you. Git. Papa
  16. dalem, thanks again for all the help. It was much appreciated. You and 'da boyz' did a wonderful job. By the way, most of my stuff with any resale value has gone missing.... Papa
  17. I've been away for awhile. Now I'm back. Did ya miss me? Papa PS For those of you currently engaged in games of CM with me, please note the new email address in my profile. PondScum got distracted and left the door at MSN ajar, allowing me to make good an escape. Oh the many fond memories I take with me as I sprint headlong towards freedom (not to mention technical support staff who appear to be further along the evolutionary scale than your basic amoeba). Turns out tomorrow, if I feel like it.
  18. I may have, just may have mind you, considered joining you. That is, before you referred to your grilling device as a freakin' barby. As all good Mercuns' know, only degenerates and Australians employ the term barby to refer to anything other than the blonde standing next to Lars (and most likely ignoring him) at the end of the bar. Pillock. Papa
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