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Papa Khann

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Everything posted by Papa Khann

  1. First, you say it like it's a bad thing. Second, you forgot to say "not that there's anything wrong with that". Third, you probably still work for that spurious spawn of The Evil Empire. Which by all rights means that, even at this very moment, you should be sporting a nice coat of tar and feathers, and be not-so-comfortably lashed to the splintery side of a good beam, ripe for riding out of whatever town you've attempted to take refuge in. Fourth, it's been ages since I last humiliated you before this assemblage of sludge dwelling maggots (Ladies of the Pool excepted, of course). So send us a setup at once. Be quick about it, lad, and perhaps we'll forgo the tarring and feathering for a while. Papa
  2. First, you say it like it's a bad thing. Second, you forgot to say "not that there's anything wrong with that". Third, you probably still work for that spurious spawn of The Evil Empire. Which by all rights means that, even at this very moment, you should be sporting a nice coat of tar and feathers, and be not-so-comfortably lashed to the splintery side of a good beam, ripe for riding out of whatever town you've attempted to take refuge in. Fourth, it's been ages since I last humiliated you before this assemblage of sludge dwelling maggots (Ladies of the Pool excepted, of course). So send us a setup at once. Be quick about it, lad, and perhaps we'll forgo the tarring and feathering for a while. Papa
  3. Check your In Box, pillock. And what's with the spastic keyboard? Papa
  4. SomeNachos, how about ceasing the endless banter for a moment and sending me a turn? Preferably on the fun Front. You know, the one where I have the big tank. Papa
  5. There's nothing to see here. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along. (Stupid double posts) Papa [ April 09, 2003, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]
  6. Capital idea. In fact, let me be the first to recommend that R_Leete obtain Boo's intestine for his liege. Papa
  7. Not a bad idea, Joe. I could just pull one of the cinderblocks out from one of the corners of his trailer and when the trailer tips over and he sticks his head out the door, I could brain him with it. Not bad. </font>
  8. I've been absent from the MBT for a long time. Again. And all I want to know is.... Has Seanachai stopped talking/singing/quoting poetry at all while I've been away? Even for two bleeding seconds? I thought not. Papa
  9. Hey, Boo-Brain, I'm an honorable man and I'll take the rap when I deserve it. But there's no way I can claim responsibility for your lack of ability with a hammer or a screwdriver. Much as I'd like to feel that I had something to do with you turning out to be such a pathetic dork, it just ain't so. As for the spelling error, who could concentrate while trying to block out images of you (yes YOU!!!) heading into the latrine with Cheetos and Mountain Dew? And by the way, it's a really old terry cloth robe. Papa
  10. Excellent. I was wondering where my "Doom" had gotten to. Last time I checked, Boo had made off with it and locked himself in his bathroom with it, along with a frightening supply of Cheetos and Mountain Dew. I tried to convince myself that he was just tiddying up in there, but this is freaking Boo we're talking about. Needless to say I've experienced a very unclean feeling ever since. I'll sleep easier when it's back in my In-Box. Send me a setup too, Lard. Papa PS Idjit. PPS No post to Lard feels complete unless we remind him that he's an idjit.
  11. Gaylord, You forgot to say "(not that there's anything wrong with that)". Not that it surprises me, you being a dolt and all (not that there's anything wrong with that). Papa PS Do you prefer being called Gaylord, or shall I call you Mr. Focker? Normally I wouldn't ask, but in your case I figure some consideration is due. After all, when you ripped off that ridiculous name you saved us all the trouble of making up a decent insult to use when referring to you. And for that I thank you.
  12. Lard, Apparently you've nothing else to do but lay on the couch, drink, play CM, and shoot down every scenario suggestion I make by slurring "nope, alshreddy dun that wun". Admittedly, this isn't bad work if one can get it. And in your case, frankly, what else are you qualified to do? However, I was wondering if perhaps you could motivate yourself to stumble over to your computer and suggest a scenario you haven't already played? You see, that might be faster than waiting for me to work my way through the entire list at the Scenario Depot. Git. Papa
  13. Ladies of the Pool excepted of course, YK2. Besides, you called me Big Boy, which is much nicer than the names all the rest of them call me, and makes me feel tingly all over too. Papa
  14. Why do I find myself wondering how many times Boo has uddered that phrase? Papa
  15. Someone toss Yeknod a cookie. The lad made me smile. The rest of you worthless gits make me feel like tossing my own cookies. Papa PS Lard, if the answer is yes, choose up sides and send a setup. I'll try not to doze off this time.
  16. Oh, so now I didn't occupy the MORALE high ground either? Nonsense. If you recall (What am I saying? This is Joe I'm talking to. He can barely remember his own name. And then only because the attendants at the home yell it at him all day long), we designated the grassy lump to the left of the smoking ruins of several conscript T-34's as the morale high ground. I'm sure I had at least a crew on top of that. So no matter what you say I occupied it. It doesn't change it if the crew was dead either. They were Russian conscripts. They're not supposed to survive. Papa
  17. Oh sure, Joe, you machine-gun a few dozen conscripts on that barren moonscape of a map I was forced to advance over and all of a sudden you're shuffling around like Erwin Rommel reincarnated. Wait, maybe that's just the way you walk when you've forgotten your walker. You may have held a flag or two more than I at game end, Joe, but I contend that my brave Bolshevik lads held the moral high ground. Papa
  18. Well, I'm used to it from you, anyways. I imagine we all are. Shall I even go to the trouble of describing to the rest of these nincompoops how you sent me the wrong blasted file again? Boo, I realize that the concepts of not only numbering the files, but doing so sequentially must be daunting for the likes of you. Especially since it normally takes more than 10 file exchanges for me to crush the life out of your pixel-truppen, requiring you to play barefooted, keep track of "tens" using all three of your thumbs, etc. But do try to keep up, all righty? {serious} Boo, I'm glad your wife came through it without injury. {/serious} What number was Mr. Peeper? Papa
  19. Hey Boo, how about taking a short break from disseminating your resort porn and sending me a freaking turn? Pillock. Papa
  20. Joe, you left out the "fargin". Nincompoop. Dalem, I'm confused. You might be lying because you said you have friends (quite a likely explanation, mind you). Or you might be lying because I've seen the drunkards you hang around with on the odd Thursday evening, and we both know that none of that fetid lot ever sobers up enough to stagger to the latrine on time. Or maybe I'm just pissed because you've got alcohol and you're holding out on me. Bastiche. The rest of you pantywaists can sod off. Unless you owe me a turn, in which case I want you to hurry up and die-a-lot, then sod off. So there. Papa
  21. Yessir, don't have to give me any more hints, fetching the rakes and cultivator now, sir. No sir, I won't forget the snail bait, no sir. The bleachers are lined up on the right. No pushing, no shoving, ..well.. Tickets available at the gate. edited to remind Vadr, he's gotta wait just a little more as my opponents can be a bit slow in sending "The Turn." Which is the secret misspelled sequel to "The Birds". </font>
  22. Hey, that McKidneys guy is back. Dunno why. And I can't say it pleases me. But there he is. Quick, turn out the lights and stop making noise (especially you, Boo). Maybe he'll go away again. Papa
  23. And I'm to notice a discernible change in your behavior toward me HOW? I'll poke about a bit in the goo and see what sort of SL/ASL conversions bubble up to the surface. Papa
  24. Stop pandering to the Aussie thingie and choose a field of battle for our next duel, you swine. (Notice I refrain from outright demanding a setup from you, since we both know you're either too lazy, too stupid, or too lazy and stupid to accomplish that piddling task.) Name a scenario or a set of QB parameters. You are called out. Papa
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