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Papa Khann

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Everything posted by Papa Khann

  1. In dalem's home town, the "Parade of Homes" had to be called off because the first one got a flat tire.</font>
  2. Mr. Peeper, you idjit, dalem didn't grow up in a house. His family lived in a van down by the river. Papa
  3. That's great, SomeNachos, just great. Very sporting of you. Now how about being 'mostly not such a sodding dolt' and sending me a fecking turn, eh? Panzer Armee Khann has been trapped atop that bloody hill, under continual bombardment, for what seems like weeks now with no progress. Are they to spend eternity beneath the splintering pines? Papa
  4. This can be a real problem. CM:BO has never once located the correct IP addy for my rig prior to a TCP/IP game. Haven't tried TCP/IP using the CM:BB demo yet. However, the following link solves the problem. IP Address Papa
  5. .... and Pimp Hats. Pimp Hats definately scare the bejezuz outta me. That and the thought of watching any of you pillocks eat a baked potato in public. Papa
  6. Lard, you scare me sometimes. Come to think of it, so does dalem. Come to think of it, you all scare me. Papa
  7. Admittedly, this is a bit peculiar, commenting on a post made in a thread on the outerboards (yeah right that never happens in here eh?), but I must confess that when I read this post by Mr. Peeper, I was intrigued beyond words.... Since when do lawyers have feelings? Papa
  8. For those of us already familiar with CM:BO, the scenarios in the CM:BB demo were well chosen to highlight some of the new features/changes. That was the stated intention from Steve and Charles, so I guess they achieved what they wanted to achieve. I'm in the perhaps somewhat rare position of recently having "almost" talked a few more of my friends into buying Combat Mission. However, since the release of CM:BB was imminent, I told them they should probably wait until CM:BB is available to make the purchase, since many of us (myself included) may not be playing a whole lot of CM:BO after we get CM:BB. I know these guys are going to want to try to the demo first. And frankly I'm not sure the CM:BB demo is going to provide enough fun factor to lure them in. I do have a concern that the scenarios chosen would turn away a new player (MOST unfortunate, since I have every confidence that the final version will be incredible) rather than draw them in. I guess I'm going to have to switch tactics and bring a copy of the full version of CM:BB over to a new prospects house and install it and show them the game first hand, because I really wouldn't want to tell a "newbie" to go check out the scenarios on the demo. Keep in mind that I think the scenarios chosen for the demo are fine for an experienced player. The concern is only for someone who hasn't ever played CM:BO before. Papa
  9. AJ, I tried your test on my 700 MHz Athlon Thunderbird w/512MB (non-DDR) RAM. I got a result of 27 seconds. As Steve said, all PCs are not created equal, etc. But I would have expected your rig to do much better than mine. Are you running any other programs in the background? I tried your test a second time with a browser and my email program running in the background, and without running a memory optimizer first (which is my normal routine before firing up a game) and my result changed to 34 seconds. Papa
  10. I've got a lowly 700MHz Athlon Thunderbird w/512MB RAM and I barely notice any difference in crunching times between the CM:BB demo and CM:BO. Like everything else, impatience is all relative. Even though my rig never takes more than 20 seconds or so to crunch even the busiest of turns for Yelnia Stare (only 5 - 10 seconds each for the first few turns), I still find myself sitting there wondering why the horse won't run faster. Go figure. Papa
  11. Um, lets see. Beergut... squishy fruit... leather biker cap.... squishy fruit... poster above bed.... Nope it ain't working for me. I guess YK2 must have meant something else, Shandork. Papa
  12. Actually, Iskander, the "Up Periscope" in your sig line was pretty hilarious... Have a better one. Papa
  13. Recall if you will, Lard, that I am currently Joe's Squire (and a rotten lot in life it is, too). Also kindly remind yourself what a wretched, bitter, sadistic old man Joe really is. I told you before, Lard, you don't want to see me in tights. So lets not give Joe any more ideas, shall we? Papa
  14. Boo, I told you before that AJ was abandoned at birth and raised by Aborigines (not that there's anything wrong with that). You've got to use the buzzes and clicks that he is accustomed to. Papa
  15. About time, you festering pile of rubbish. I don't believe I can stand another day of watching you aimlessly wander about town in your little white frock, passing out flowers, passing out leaflets, and just plain passing out. Papa
  16. Joe, according to me, I sent you #015 on 8/24. I'll resend it now, just in case you try to pull this whole "I've never received a turn from anyone ever... in fact I know nothing about CM and have never completed a game because you lot never send me any turns" thing on me too. Papa
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