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Papa Khann

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Everything posted by Papa Khann

  1. Andre's *ss, being a pillock of the lowest order, this may have escaped your dwarfish intellect, but it just so happens that nice ain't in our vocabulary. Now run along back to your hole and design up some more Eastern front scenarios for us to play. There's a good lad. Papa
  2. CanineDigits, your Mom wanted me to pass this little message along to you.... <big>Sod Off!</big> Papa
  3. Apparently all too true. Hint: Stay upwind of Lard at all times. Glad you like my smile. I would also like to emphatically state that at no time during the evening did I smile at dalem. Agreed. That is, as long as we're talking about those delightful female creatures on the dance floor. I thought for a moment there I caught you eyeing over Lard and SomeNachos (not that there's anything wrong with that). Papa
  4. I can send you my address via private email. Money order, personal check, or certified check should be fine. Best not to send cash. Thanks. Papa
  5. I vote we pool our resources and buy Boo a ticket to Germany. A one-way ticket. Come to think of it, there are more than a few of you I'd love to see accompany Boo on that flight. Mr. Peeper, could I borrow that list of yours? And oh yes, don't forget to include yourself, Peeper. Hmmm.... And since we'd have you all on a single plane.... I wonder if BeerGut could accomodate the influx of that many souls at once. Bah! What am I thinking. None of you useless pillocks have souls. Papa
  6. Now if that isn't just like our beloved little AJ. Bit of the pot calling the kettle, isn't it? Papa
  7. Oh I'm sorry but the irony of this one, Mr. Peeper, is just too rich. It's like a taunt and an advertisement of services all rolled into one. Pillock. Papa
  8. Agreed. Now if we could just get the U.S. government to acknowledge the sovereignty of Texas, you'd be poised to assume your rightful place in the world. Which is of course at the end of the line, right alongside the Canadians and Australians. Papa
  9. Once. Right. Any of you pillocks who believe The_Caption watched some juvenile debase himself in front of him once please contact Mr. Peeper about some bridges I have for sale in Florida. Papa
  10. Obviously, this Simon Elfin character is even more daft than I had suspected. Studying hard to work our IQ up to the level of "fencepost", are we? Nevertheless, it did ask us for naming suggestions, so to do my part to help out I'll offer a few suggestions on what NOT to name them. Aussie and Jeff, already mentioned by that Lard creature, is of course a viable solution. That is, if you feel like reminding yourself of that insidious git AJ every time you call your dogs. Personally, I'd just shoot myself now and get it over with. On the same note, I'd avoid Go and Anna, for fear of reminding myself of yet another inbred, unkempt, ill-mannered Australian. Not to mention that it would sound like you were putting one dog out to do it's "business" and completely ignoring the other. Panter and Bleeder has possibilities, though I'm not sure you'd want to burden poor defenseless puppies with being the namesake of the one of the Pool's foremost idjits. My cousin (no, Lard, not your cousin, MY cousin) used to have a dog named Macey. I swear it's true. Fortunately the poor thing passed away before I became aware of the connotations involved due to Mace's fascination with sheep. Papa
  11. Boo, are you writing this on bus station walls too? Perhaps you'd like to stop some poor unsuspecting passerby and assail them with the details of your supermarket mirror image miscue? For those of you fortunate enough not to be embroiled in swapping turns with Boor_Adley, he's also sending this little snippet regarding his "plastic bag, tomato, and mirror" experience out over general email to anyone who will read it. Obviously, Boo-Boo, the sight of your own horrid visage has affected you deeply. No surprise there. But try to get a grip on yourself, man. And I'll bet you never did figure out how to get the bag open, now did you? Git. Papa
  12. SomeNachos, I just returned the file for our game to you not half an hour ago. And here I find you cavorting gaily about the MBT, spouting your protracted rantings once again. Get back down in your hole, lad. There be moves to make. Well, at least there would be, were you inclined to do anything but sit in your little wood, with your gin bottle and your 13 Veteran Forward Observers, raining unholy h*ll down upon the entire blessed map turn after turn. For the love of Pete, SomeNachos, if you've already plotted the artillery calls for all those infernal FOs, how long can it take you to click "GO"? Papa
  13. Boo-You-Idiot, (normally reserved for Mike-You-Idiot, I know, but somehow in this case it just seemed so appropriate), you know bloody well that AJ couldn't think his way out the front door of his own house. He's not the refugee from a remedial spelling class that labeled dalem Slag Heap, I am. Granted, we all know AJ is in desperate need of help, but the sad truth is he's no where near bright enough to attend a remedial spelling class. Why, if AJ showed up at a remedial spelling class, they'd slam the door in his face so fast his nose would be flattened. Not that that wouldn't likely be an improvement, mind you. So are you trying to imply that I'm supposed to make some kind of sense when I ridicule dalem? Papa
  14. Well I'm sure I would be outraged and disgusted by you, MrPing, if I ever took the time to read your little posts. Or think about you. Papa
  15. Hilltopper, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Unfortunately I know something about what you've gone through and are going through, so I feel for you. For what it's worth, I think that you should give yourself all the time you need, and if the day comes when it's not too painful to return to Combat Mission, you should try it again. I think maybe your friend would want you to. Hang in there, Hilltopper. Papa
  16. I realize now that that is what you think, Pantless. Then again, you're an idjit the like of which will never be equalled. Papa
  17. Oh I continue to offer up the occassional bit of mindless drivel, BurrLickerGuy. The others probably don't notice because it bores them to sleep (I'm working hard on boring them to death, but it ain't easy). You probably haven't noticed because you're such a doddering old git. Papa
  18. dalem, does this mean you've dropped the purple pimp decor? No more lava lamp? No more waterbed? No more flashing disco lights? Papa
  19. Finding the jumble of UBB Code a bit confusing these days, BeerGut? Perhaps you should try it with your trifocals on? Papa [ September 13, 2002, 02:13 AM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]
  20. LOL. Perhaps. Either that or (more likely) he's part of the "Technical Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesireables and the Subjugation of Humanity." Papa
  21. Funny, I've always thought of AJ as "that Auntie person". Papa [ September 11, 2002, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]
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