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Papa Khann

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Everything posted by Papa Khann

  1. I need a turn, ScumPile. Just one turn, mind you. (No need to send eleventy-two copies of each turn. A practice no doubt risen from your fascination with repeatedly clicking the "Send" button. And oh, by the way, you can stop asking why my Inbox always seems to be full anytime now.) Papa
  2. You know Papa there is a lot of truth in what you say. snip I can honestly say, I don't think there is one single member on this forum that I would wish were not here.</font>
  3. You know Papa there is a lot of truth in what you say. snip I can honestly say, I don't think there is one single member on this forum that I would wish were not here.</font>
  4. I wonder if this was ever a chart hit I have no idea of the tune, so try whistling Dixie or somefink.. Bile Them Cabbage Down .... jolly sing-song edited out for brevity.... Well Papa if that song doesn't have Gaylord running for cover back under his cabbage then nothing will.... </font>
  5. I wonder if this was ever a chart hit I have no idea of the tune, so try whistling Dixie or somefink.. Bile Them Cabbage Down .... jolly sing-song edited out for brevity.... Well Papa if that song doesn't have Gaylord running for cover back under his cabbage then nothing will.... </font>
  6. Boo, this confession inspires a collage of images too macabre to elucidate. Plus you made me bombard my own guys and for that we calls you a nasty, thieving, tricksy little hobbit. Papa
  7. Boo, this confession inspires a collage of images too macabre to elucidate. Plus you made me bombard my own guys and for that we calls you a nasty, thieving, tricksy little hobbit. Papa
  8. On the chance that OGSF isn't up to the task of shooting Joe, I volunteer to travel to Denver and stand in for him (actually in OGSF's case, I'm guessing it'd be more like slouching in for him, but I digress). All I'm asking of you lot is a plane ticket. Papa
  9. On the chance that OGSF isn't up to the task of shooting Joe, I volunteer to travel to Denver and stand in for him (actually in OGSF's case, I'm guessing it'd be more like slouching in for him, but I digress). All I'm asking of you lot is a plane ticket. Papa
  10. Thanks, YK2. It's nice to read "warm" thoughts, even as one's extremities turn numb from cold. In fact, the heat came back on late yesterday, and I'm choosing to believe that your jolly little sing-song may have had something to do with it. Good karma and all that. One more thing. Since you appear to hold considerable sway with the powers that be (The heat is back on, I tell you all, it actually came back on! And after only 3 days of outside temperatures that approached the freezing point...) how about a jolly sing-song that places Focker back under his cabbage? Papa
  11. Thanks, YK2. It's nice to read "warm" thoughts, even as one's extremities turn numb from cold. In fact, the heat came back on late yesterday, and I'm choosing to believe that your jolly little sing-song may have had something to do with it. Good karma and all that. One more thing. Since you appear to hold considerable sway with the powers that be (The heat is back on, I tell you all, it actually came back on! And after only 3 days of outside temperatures that approached the freezing point...) how about a jolly sing-song that places Focker back under his cabbage? Papa
  12. Boo, being a son of the midwest myself, I feel it is my obligation to point out that you, pillock, are a red-headed stepchild of the midwest. Hope this clears that up. Papa
  13. Boo, being a son of the midwest myself, I feel it is my obligation to point out that you, pillock, are a red-headed stepchild of the midwest. Hope this clears that up. Papa
  14. So you're saying PondScum is hogging all the women? Inconceivable! Papa PS {serious} Hortlund, sorry to hear you're having one of "those" sorts of bad days.{/serious}
  15. So you're saying PondScum is hogging all the women? Inconceivable! Papa PS {serious} Hortlund, sorry to hear you're having one of "those" sorts of bad days.{/serious}
  16. Hey everyone, for once in his miserable life, Boo has said something worth listening to! And so, Lard, send a fecking move. Leave the poetry to someone with more delicate sensibilities. Like that hippy dalem. At least it would give him something to do other than get all his armor [redneck filter] blowed up reel gud! [/redneck filter] Or better yet, Lard, send a fecking move then go tinker with the engine on your boat. I want it running smooth next time you chauffeur me about the lake. And fill up the cooler with beer too. Pillock. Papa
  17. Hey everyone, for once in his miserable life, Boo has said something worth listening to! And so, Lard, send a fecking move. Leave the poetry to someone with more delicate sensibilities. Like that hippy dalem. At least it would give him something to do other than get all his armor [redneck filter] blowed up reel gud! [/redneck filter] Or better yet, Lard, send a fecking move then go tinker with the engine on your boat. I want it running smooth next time you chauffeur me about the lake. And fill up the cooler with beer too. Pillock. Papa
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